DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

You may also want to teach them this: http://en.trm.creationmonetaire.info/ .This is one of the first theoretical models which suggest a rather fair distribution of money among generations. The young generations should definetely be aware of it. And you should teach them about it. Then let them decide whether they want to remain the slaves of the older generations, or maybe they will try to become free citizens. Unfortunately the greedy dash generation of 2104-2016 dont want the new generations to realize the truth. Expect them not to finance you with dash money in case you decide to teach the TRM. So if you decide to teach the TRM to your students, dont let the greedy mastenode owners to know about it.

The greedy dash generation of 2014-2016 bribes key persons, well known journalists (like amanda) in order for them to advertise Dash and tell to the people the half truth. In short this is the history of Dash. They initially created the so called darkcoin, as a honeypot in order to attract hackers and cryptocoin activists. When the hackers and the activists arrived here, they turned dash to a fully aml/kyc compliant cryptocurrency, which means they started to fully cooperate with state agents. So whoever was a hacker or activist, is known now. When dash became fully aml/kyc compliant, dash's price risen from 5$ to 200$. The spies and the agents, knowing that dash is not a threat for the state anymore, they started buying dash (by using state's money) in order to turn dash viral to the ignorants. When dash became viral, more ignorants and stupids arrived here, and the price of dash risen even more. At the same time, the masternodes were forced to have static IPs and the dash TOR network was tottaly banished, in order for the state agents to have full control of the dash network. You can still find a fork of dash that supports TOR, which is named PIVX. But of course as long as PIVX is not fully aml/kyc compliant and it has not the support of the spies, it is not financed by them and its price remain only 3$ (although techically is almost identical to Dash). The plan of the agents and spies is simple:

Now the greedy dash generation of 2014-2016 also tries to contact key persons in politics, by giving money to politicians who are lobbying in favor of the Dash cryptocurrency, instead of fighting for the rights of all their citizens.

You are also a key person. You are a teacher. Will you accept Dash's bribery in order to remain silent? Will you open the doors in order for the Dash trojan horse to enter into your country and destroy your country's monetary system and your country's economy, in favor of the economy of the country which controls Dash? Dont you think you ought to teach your students the alternative truth, the alternative technology that is already known and awaits to be used by free persons rather than slaves?
Ok, you almost got it anyway, so I'm going to tell you the last bit of the picture that is missing - Evan is a reptiloid and he controls state agents via telepathy, so they don't even realize.
Now you can go write a book and make millions selling it. Don't thank me :D
Ok, you almost got it anyway, so I'm going to tell you the last bit of the picture that is missing - Evan is a reptiloid and he controls state agents via telepathy, so they don't even realize.
Now you can go write a book and make millions selling it. Don't thank me :D
Everyone of us, has reptiloid parts.
But that's not my concern, neither my efforts are towards writing a book and prove this.
My whole efforts are towards finding a remedy in this situation.
Of course there is a remedy for all this situation.
Basic income against the greedy.
Proof of individuality against the spies and the state's agents.
And education against the stupid.
Dasthecas Meetup at CBTIS #111 in Cancún

The group has 42 students but only 30 had a smarthpone that could download a Dash Wallet. I was going to giveaway $5USD x 15 students = $75 USD, but the students voted and decided instead of doing a raffle of 15 students, they decided to split the $5USD and give $2.5 USD to all 30 students.

They did 7 groups of 4 students and 1 group of 2 students. I send $10USD in DASH to 1 student of each group, so he could send Dash to another student and keep DASH in their wallet, that student will do the same, so every student received DASH, Sent DASH and kept Dash in their DASH Wallets. It was faster this way.

Wild card meetup

Transactions photos
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Meetup pictures

The september meetup and presentation program cycle has now ended. Thank you to everyone who participated! :D

I am still waiting on a suite of easy to use instantsend enabled POS app's that we can recommend. Once those solutions are ready we will make easy to follow guides and short video tutorials for merchants. DFN reviewer joe moraca has recently found a new promising solution and others are on the way. Once solid POS solutions are widely ready (and tutorials are finished) I will restart the Advanced Merchant Adoption Meetup, as well as start a new non-meetup merchant adoption program I have been working on.
We could make it work now but there will be some real nice app based solutions coming very soon that will help to avoid giving most users and merchants a bad first experience.

Albert has requested that everyone look over the rules and make sure you provided all necessary information. He will be out the next few days so please make sure you get it all to him and posted here before he gets back and starts helping me finish up the meetup winners article.
As we scale these contest/programs I will be working with albert in more of a supervisory role as he continues to transition in and takes over more and more of the day to day operations and decision making. If there is ever a major issue or question about something he will raise it with me and we will figure out a solution.

Alright, I will need to know the following.

How many people were at the meet up, including yourself?
When was your meet up?
How much Dash did you give away to each person, in USD?
Pictures of the meet up.
Where the meet up was held?
Screenshot of your wallet of the addresses you sent dash too.
All the addresses that received dash.
Did you post your meet up to meetup.com and discoverdash.com?

aarellanes [1:47 PM]
For those who have participated in this months Meet Up Program, so far I will need the following DM to me and posted to the forum (https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/dashforce-meetup-presentation-program.12802). If you are unable to provide the following. I encourage you to participate in next month's contest If you have any questions please let me know!

How many people were at the meet up, including yourself?
When was your meet up?
How much Dash did you give away to each person, in USD?
Pictures of the meet up.
Where the meet up was held?
Screenshot of your wallet of the addresses you sent dash too.
All the addresses that received dash.
Did you post your meet up to meetup.com and discoverdash.com?
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Hello, thanks for your work on this @aarellanes and sorry for the delay replying. Because the meetup was so small this time I didn't think it would be eligible but I'll send you the details just in case.

How many people were at the meet up, including yourself?
Just 4 this time.

When was your meet up?
Bristol, UK

How much Dash did you give away to each person, in USD?
6.7 USD (5 GBP)

Pictures of the meet up.

Screenshot of your wallet of the addresses you sent dash too.

All the addresses that received dash.

Did you post your meet up to meetup.com and discoverdash.com?
I posted it on discoverdash.com and facebook where i ran an advert for £10, meetup.com seems unreasonably expensive at $14.99 a month just to create a meetup but if it is necessary then I will sign up there too for the next event.
Dasthecas Meetup at CBTIS #111 in Cancún

The group has 42 students but only 30 had a smarthpone that could download a Dash Wallet. I was going to giveaway $5USD x 15 students = $75 USD, but the students voted and decided instead of doing a raffle of 15 students, they decided to split the $5USD and give $2.5 USD to all 30 students.

They did 7 groups of 4 students and 1 group of 2 students. I send $10USD in DASH to 1 student of each group, so he could send Dash to another student and keep DASH in their wallet, that student will do the same, so every student received DASH, Sent DASH and kept Dash in their DASH Wallets. It was faster this way.

Wild card meetup

Transactions photos
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Meetup pictures
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AWESOME Coachdigi! Thank you so much for sharing this here and for talking with me throughout your journey in the Slack!
Hello, thanks for your work on this @aarellanes and sorry for the delay replying. Because the meetup was so small this time I didn't think it would be eligible but I'll send you the details just in case.

How many people were at the meet up, including yourself?
Just 4 this time.

When was your meet up?
Bristol, UK

How much Dash did you give away to each person, in USD?
6.7 USD (5 GBP)

Pictures of the meet up.
View attachment 4911

Screenshot of your wallet of the addresses you sent dash too.
View attachment 4912

All the addresses that received dash.

Did you post your meet up to meetup.com and discoverdash.com?
I posted it on discoverdash.com and facebook where i ran an advert for £10, meetup.com seems unreasonably expensive at $14.99 a month just to create a meetup but if it is necessary then I will sign up there too for the next event.

Do you have a link to the discover dash post and the event for facebook. Providing it ASAP would be ideal.
Thank you everyone that participated in the October Dash Meet up program. You have about 36 hours (at time of this post) to host a meet up if you already had one planned.

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ THE RULES!!! Contact me on discord at @AlbertArellanesiii if you have any questions.

If you have already hosted a meet up please submit the following:

How many people were at the meet up, including yourself?
When was your meet up?
How much Dash did you give away to each person, in USD?
Pictures of the meet up.
Where the meet up was held?
Screenshot of your wallet of the addresses you sent dash too. (A list of the addresses would also be greatly appreciated.)
All the addresses that received dash.
Did you post your meet up to meetup.com and discoverdash.com please provide the appropriate links?
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Thank you everyone that participated in the October Dash Meet up program. You have about 36 hours (at time of this post) to host a meet up if you already had one planned.

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ THE RULES!!! Contact me on discord at @AlbertArellanesiii if you have any questions.

If you have already hosted a meet up please submit the following:

How many people were at the meet up, including yourself?
When was your meet up?
How much Dash did you give away to each person, in USD?
Pictures of the meet up.
Where the meet up was held?
Screenshot of your wallet of the addresses you sent dash too. (A list of the addresses would also be greatly appreciated.)
All the addresses that received dash.
Did you post your meet up to meetup.com and discoverdash.com please provide the appropriate links?
Link to my meetup Report: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/my-dash-nigeria-meetup.17704/

Hello, DASH community

We finished our Nigeria Meetup!

I am glad that we were able to collect a good audience.

1. We had 38 guests. 21 people knew nothing about cryptocurrency. no one knew about Dash. 9 people have come on the recommendation of friends. 7-8 people left for various reasons. Time of the event for 2 hours.

2. Structure of the presentation: What is cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency advantages, Bitcoin and its brief history, some facts, statistics, examples of personal use.
Next on the TOP 10 cryptocurrency and the transition to the benefits of the Dash (Dash why I choose !?). Completing the fantastic performance forecasts Bitcoin
exchange rate and the prospect of growth in the Dash. Questions - Answers.

3. I spoke on my personal experience on Dash and the benefits to Nigeria economy if fully adopted. I encouraged them to try and keep more dash and totally dump the
Niara with the banking system. If they should keep their money in the bank they do not own their money the bankers do.
We spoke on different investment opportunity using dash from masternodes to shares etc.

4. I introduced them to my personal exchanger gidicoin.com where i sell and buy dash for Nigeria and other west africa countries(Presently Nigeria).

5. I sent dash to the first ten persons but unfortunately five of the guests do not have computers, smartphones such as Android and for that reason i had to send it
to them two days after the meetup.

6. Recommendation to guest. Told the first ten people to either keep their dash or use it to buy foods and drinks in the hall we used. I did not want to enforce anyone
to keep dash or sell it. I feel giving them the right to use the gift for whatever they want is the soul purpose of giving them also: This is the only way at the
moment to enable a person in the process of using cryptocurrency to experiennce the real use of digital cash.
Even if a person sells a coin, he will remain with his use of the experience, and this experience of his new life.

Am so grateful!

Discover: https://discoverdash.com/event-pro/dash-finiancial-revolution/

7. List of the addresses that received sent Dash

a. Xyvskw36Yen7RJvfAmbKVuisxgNGFSN9sk

b. Xtx74CMMkLdX8NB2vBxfANebYvrtoXgZXy

c. XxwK88GdisGiWtEQYnbGmm6n5CGDQ34tYZ

d. Xc9pxLzXyS9VvJRVCf94MungtfLqwK6XS2









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Please ignore the resident troll :p - I think this is a great idea and shows them how to use the wallet features instead of just receiving the Dash.

Well done!

Tomorrow Monday, I´ll be doing a Dash Talk to my students of a public highschool in Cancun, México. They study the speciality of Accounting and they are more than 40 students, but I don´t know how many will have a Smartphone capable of downloading a Wallet.
They already have a Steemit acount and I´m using Steemit for some homework, but they don´t know how cryptocurrencies work, so this is a great oportunity to spread the DASH word to the young generations.

New activity:
Instead of giving 20 students $5USD, I,will have 5 groups of 4 students and I will give $20USD in Dash to 1 student of each group, that student will keep Dash and send Dash to another student, and that sutdent will do the same, so the 20 students receieves DASH, sends DASH and keep $5USD in their Wallet. It's going to be a faster process and I´ll be able to shoot photos and video of the students sending and receiveng Dash.

Receiving and sending process:

Student 1 Receives: $20USD Sends: $17.5USD Keeps: $2.5 USD
Student 2 Receives: $17.5USD Sends: $12.5USD Keeps: $5.0 USD
Student 3 Receives: $12.5USD Sends: $ 7.5USD Keeps: $5.0 USD
Student 4 Receives: $ 7.5USD Sends: $ 2.5USD Keeps: $5.0 USD
Student 1 Receives: $ 2.5USD Sends: Keeps: $5.0 USD

This will be the first but not the last Highschool Meetup

Wildcard Meetup

5A Acounting
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I´ll post the photos as soon as I finish the meetup (24 hrs before end of proposal cycle)
Thank you, @aarellanes
when i begin to speak with dash ,i take all my time for learning dash .i am a teacher in my country haiti i say he must ,i take a time for speaking in the class of dash.Without i haven't money and singup .Now i don't teach i want to make marketing for Dash in the School and university.I ask the director this in a way universal developpement.For ONG all , i can be a devellopper.
i want to have contact a masternode who can help me.
Tomorrow Monday, I´ll be doing a Dash Talk to my students of a public highschool in Cancun, México. They study the speciality of Accounting and they are more than 40 students, but I don´t know how many will have a Smartphone capable of downloading a Wallet.
They already have a Steemit acount and I´m using Steemit for some homework, but they don´t know how cryptocurrencies work, so this is a great oportunity to spread the DASH word to the young generations.

New activity:
Instead of giving 20 students $5USD, I,will have 5 groups of 4 students and I will give $20USD in Dash to 1 student of each group, that student will keep Dash and send Dash to another student, and that sutdent will do the same, so the 20 students receieves DASH, sends DASH and keep $5USD in their Wallet. It's going to be a faster process and I´ll be able to shoot photos and video of the students sending and receiveng Dash.

Receiving and sending process:

Student 1 Receives: $20USD Sends: $17.5USD Keeps: $2.5 USD
Student 2 Receives: $17.5USD Sends: $12.5USD Keeps: $5.0 USD
Student 3 Receives: $12.5USD Sends: $ 7.5USD Keeps: $5.0 USD
Student 4 Receives: $ 7.5USD Sends: $ 2.5USD Keeps: $5.0 USD
Student 1 Receives: $ 2.5USD Sends: Keeps: $5.0 USD

This will be the first but not the last Highschool Meetup

Wildcard Meetup

5A Acounting
View attachment 4894

I´ll post the photos as soon as I finish the meetup (24 hrs before end of proposal cycle)
Thank you, @aarellanes

@Coachdigi I like your approach! I spent hours during my meet-ups, working with people one-by-one. This is a good idea!
I had my meetup on 4th november. There were 20 persons in attendance. I installed wallets for the persons who owned android phones. I sent $25 worth of dash to one address and made paper wallets of $5 worth of dash each which i in turn gave five persons to swipe to their wallets after giving correct answers to questions i asked about dash, Below are the addresses

XbgxbpkKkGU5n8wB4JVewTZGv2JM3iSfLx (i sent 25$ into this account to create paper wallet at the event so the people will be able to learn how paper wallet are being creted)





XmcVLqZXvmtKM6UQ642t7AndyuzLfFejZm Here are the links https://www.meetup.com/Kaduna-Digital-Currency-Meetup/photos/28327072/?success=uploaded https://discoverdash.com/event-pro/a-meeting-with-aboi-blessing-dash-advocate/#comment-1093


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I had a meetup at Madam. T. Beer Palour Sabon, Gari on the 12th of November.
It was a blast, the people in attendance were more than Happy to realize that something as good as Dash exist. Only about two people knew about bitcoin, with none knowing about dash or its potentials. The meet up took about 2 hours and the half.
We had live practical on how to create a dash wallet, password your wallet and how to swip Dash.
Below is the summary of my meetup;

1. I had 17 people in attendance which were more than happy to learn about DASH and be part of its community.

2. The meetup was held on the 12th of November 2017.

3. I gave out $5 each to the first 5 people in attendance and the first 5 people that setup their Dash wallets themselves. Making it a total of ten people.

4. Link to pictures taken at the meetup (We were 17 in number but 5 refused their pictures taken): https://imgur.com/a/kN9kV

5. The meetup was held at Madam T. Beer Parlour Sabon Gari, Kano.

6. Screenshot of the wallet i used in sending Dash to the meetup attendees: https://imgur.com/a/JHP81

7. All the addresses that recieved Dash:


8. Links of my meetup on meetup.com and discoverdash.com: https://discoverdash.com/?post_type=ait-event-pro&p=9602&preview=true and https://www.meetup.com/Kano-Dash-For-Bear-Meetup



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I had a meetup at Madam. T. Beer Palour Sabon, Gari on the 12th of November.
It was a blast, the people in attendance were more than Happy to realize that something as good as Dash exist. Only about two people knew about bitcoin, with none knowing about dash or its potentials. The meet up took about 2 hours and the half.
We had live practical on how to create a dash wallet, password your wallet and how to swip Dash.
Below is the summary of my meetup;

1. I had 17 people in attendance which were more than happy to learn about DASH and be part of its community.

2. The meetup was held on the 12th of November 2017.

3. I gave out $5 each to the first 5 people in attendance and the first 5 people that setup their Dash wallets themselves. Making it a total of ten people.

4. Link to pictures taken at the meetup (We were 17 in number but 5 refused their pictures taken): https://imgur.com/a/kN9kV

5. The meetup was held at Madam T. Beer Parlour Sabon Gari, Kano.

6. Screenshot of the wallet i used in sending Dash to the meetup attendees: https://imgur.com/a/JHP81

7. All the addresses that recieved Dash:


8. Links of my meetup on meetup.com and discoverdash.com: https://discoverdash.com/?post_type=ait-event-pro&p=9602&preview=true and https://www.meetup.com/Kano-Dash-For-Bear-Meetup


Thank you for getting this on the meet up forum @David Mogaji :D