Dashad.io Dash Advertising

Hi all! Jerry approached me on this but as I could not get any information on the ad networks or sites that they would be using (they mentioned it was cause of confidentiality agreements but being a lawyer and having some experience with advertising with digital ad agencies, I'm a bit suspicious on this), it is a bit hard for me to commit to advertisements that I don't know how where they're being displayed or how to track conversions.

I'm still on the fence on this and hope for some better clarification as I do like the idea.
Hello BolehVPN,

If I have your permission I can paste the email communication between us. I cited privacy laws which are in multiple countries. I respect your view and would never force you to take a free service for your company. We are an advertising network. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough in that fact, if so I apologize.

I however have a little suspicion how being a lawyer in your country gives you inside knowledge on privacy laws on so many countries. I can tell you that the country which I currently reside and my home country, they are rather strict.

I'm not sure what services you're familiar with but even google will not tell you where they are publishing or information above basic demographics about the scope of their users. Facebook has come under fire in privacy laws for tracking user information for embedded logins, likes etc on sites which have their plugins installed. Privacy is a very real and legal issue.

This wasn't really the place to do this and I made clear that you were more than welcome to contact me for more information but you ignored me and come here two days later. I'm happy again if I have your permission to publish these emails from our communication.

I offered you a commitment free service, because the Dash community values you. You don't have to accept nor would I hold it against you if you so choose.

Have a great day.

Written from my HTC forgive any errors.
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Ok.. well this is embarassing, but I Should have planned this quite a bit sooner (the promotional accounts that is.) As a result, there are less than expected people to draw from in giving accounts away to. So I've picked through the interested parties and will be supplying them with accounts and have creates a few more to give away over time. Unfortunately on such a short time frame currently it's the best I can do. I will give away probably another 4 minimum over the next month. I will forward information to the people/companies involved shortly.


Hey Jerry, Thank you! I wish the DashAD success!

I have already moved and I am trying now to create the ad directing to "DASHpag.com - Serviços de Consultoria", but I keep getting the error "Failed to move uploaded file.". I guess the image file I am trying to send is not being uploaded.

I've uploaded here the image.

Please check this issue for me. I might be doing something wrong here.

Thank you again.


  • Banner-728_90.png
    19.1 KB · Views: 193
Hey, if you want we can move this to a conversation to keep the thread here cleanish? I uploaded it here on my account and haven't come across an issue. It's pending now on my personal account.
Hi there,

I received the promotional account info, thank you.

Before I sign in to your service I will need a bit more information on the types of ads, where they are coming from and control as to what categories are being displayed. I see woefully little information on your site regarding anything.
I have noticed that, for example, it happens DASHpag ads are showing on the DASHpag site. Can you prevent showing your own ads?
pille thanks for pointing that out. Should be fixed shortly.

Jeztah I'm sorry, are you asking as a publisher or an advertiser? Sorry I don't quite understand. Those sound like questions of a publisher but you received a balance for advertising. I will be finishing more information on the front pages this weekend.
pille thanks for pointing that out. Should be fixed shortly.

Jeztah I'm sorry, are you asking as a publisher or an advertiser? Sorry I don't quite understand. Those sound like questions of a publisher but you received a balance for advertising. I will be finishing more information on the front pages this weekend.

I'm a publisher. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Please disregard the account or give it to someone else, I have not logged into it.

Thank you for everything, I will wait until the service matures to see if I wish to participate.
Hello BolehVPN,

If I have your permission I can paste the email communication between us. I cited privacy laws which are in multiple countries. I respect your view and would never force you to take a free service for your company. We are an advertising network. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough in that fact, if so I apologize.

I however have a little suspicion how being a lawyer in your country gives you inside knowledge on privacy laws on so many countries. I can tell you that the country which I currently reside and my home country, they are rather strict.

I'm not sure what services you're familiar with but even google will not tell you where they are publishing or information above basic demographics about the scope of their users. Facebook has come under fire in privacy laws for tracking user information for embedded logins, likes etc on sites which have their plugins installed. Privacy is a very real and legal issue.

This wasn't really the place to do this and I made clear that you were more than welcome to contact me for more information but you ignored me and come here two days later. I'm happy again if I have your permission to publish these emails from our communication.

I offered you a commitment free service, because the Dash community values you. You don't have to accept nor would I hold it against you if you so choose.

Have a great day.

Written from my HTC forgive any errors.

Fair enough and I apologize. I have to admit I jumped the gun a bit as it just seemed peculiar to pay for advertising (if I take up an account I intend to pay for it after the trial) and yet not know what kind of publishers you're appearing on.

I understand privacy laws however your publishers can easily agree as part of the terms of your agreement with them that you can quote them as a publisher which will resolve any privacy law issues. Google (correct me if I'm wrong) when you advertise through them, is publishing your ads through Google's search results so you know where they are appearing and also alongside AdSense. At least with AdSense there is contextual targeting and you can even choose specific ad placements. Google also similarly has a clause in their privacy policy that they can request for disclosure. Shutting a very fundamental question down immediately made me suspicious but I agree that it was wrong for me to come here first.

I guess the fundamental issue is that it's hard to buy advertising when you don't know where exactly you are buying advertising. I understand it's a free account but when I try a free account, I generally want it as a taster to the real product and if there's little chance of trying the real product, then it would be wasting everyone's time and your resources. The digital ad agencies that I have used generally disclose the major sites they'll be publishing on as a key element of their product.

I hope you consider obtaining consent from your main publishers and disclosing a bit more on the size of your ad network which I think are key metrics in any digital ad advertising agency.

I also would like to apologize again.
Sorry I took so long to reply to this post. I've been extremely ill over the last while. I have talked with the other memers of the team and agree it is a great option to include an option to opt into a site display of some kind. It works as free advertising for the publishers as well as gives advertisers an idea of the quality of site their ads will be displayed on.

Google is a yes and no. I've been on both sides of that. Contextual advertising is a great theory but, I could embed certain words by the frames and have higher paying content show up based on said words. They still won't give you their clients on either side, understandably so, they're in so many countries and it creates a legal nightmare i'd imagine.

We're working on more statistical information as well for people who utilize the site. It's nothing glorious at the moment as we're slowly building our client base on both sides.

Also, no need to apologize. These things happen, I'm happier when they don't turn into a large event.

I will keep the thread updated with progess as it is made in these regards.
Great site! Very low min. withdrawals! Good Job! Hope you will soon enable viewing list of referals (and maybe some exact stats of their income) and way to send them pm or email :?
Hi geralth. Thanks for the post. :) That's actually an idea that gets tossed around a lot. Maybe now that it's requested we could put a little more effort into this for users. :)