Dash Worldwide Translators

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Well-known member

This is a serious, community driven initiative focused on expanding Dash Nation in a more formal way.

It was suggested by UdjinM6 and it is something that could seriously expand our sphere of influence.

We are looking for volunteers (in teams of two if possible) to translate official announcements, guides, and other interesting things that the team produces into the language that they are most comfortable with.

Understand, this is a serious effort. You will be asked to translate each announcement that comes out, and people will depend on your work once it gets going.

I recommend starting a conversation with the other translator in your language, if possible.

Basic Expectations: Translate official announcements within a week of posting, and post to your language section of Dash Worldwide. (I will let everyone know when a post comes out.)
If you have time to translate guides or other things, this is highly encouraged, as more people could be exposed to Dash!

If you see your language blank, please do not volunteer unless you are willing to follow through. We would rather fewer languages with dedicated translators than many languages with sporadic translating, that would hinder growth.

With that being said, if you are a serious volunteer to Dash Worldwide, please indicate your interest in this thread.

I re-iterate: Serious volunteers only! :what:

Please note: The language list is under development: If your language is not here, feel free to post! Dash Worldwide doesn't want to leave anyone out! :grin:

Tao Of Satoshi
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FRENCH: Primary: ??????? --- Alternate: studioz

SPANISH: Primary: aleix --- Alternate: fernando

ITALIAN: Primary: Anlu --- Alternate: ??????


DANISH: Primary: cryptovaluta

DUTCH: Primary: elgringo --- Alternate: ???????

POLISH: Primary: splawik21 --- Alternate: maky --- Alternate: jpr --- Alternate: AnarchicCluster

CZECH: Primary: afterbush --- Alternate: ??????



SWEDISH: Primary: Bergstrom --- Alternate: ??????



RUSSIAN: Primary: ?????? --- Alternate: UdjinM6


MANDARIN: Primary: Alexy






TAGALOG: Primary: darkcoinph --- Alternate: ?????






TURKISH: Primary: Stradan --- Alternate: TurK-FX


PORTUGUESE: Primary: raganius --- Alternate: ??????



BOSNIAN: Primary: Rux --- Alternate: lajonel

SERBIAN: Primary: Rux --- Alternate: lajonel

CROATIAN: Primary: Rux --- Alternate: lajonel

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Great initiative! Please allow me to derail the thread a little :)

Aside of announcements, we need to translate the website. I have already prepared how we are gonna do it. If someone doesn't want to commit on a regular basis to translation, but has time now, we could also use their help for the initial push.

I can help with Spanish, but I would prefer someone else leading the content in Spanish so things are more distributed. In any case, count me in.
I can work on some french stuff tonight, send me exactly what needs translation and I'll get on it. Only thing with translation is, word for word? Or meaning… Thats always what slows me down, doing the balance between word for word and the best way I see to express the same meaning within context… Anyways, no answer to that one except work hard at it and do the best you can. Ideally all texts should be reread by a second and then a third party, spelling mistakes and grammatical erreurs are painfully embarrassing lol All that aside I'm up for a few hours of it tonight and for the future I can do the french translations as long as I have enough notice and a backup (that can wait for now…) in case I'm swamped and no one hates me if I'm a little late sometimes with a translation :) , we can start a notification system or something maybe relate that to the confidentiality-non competitiveness clause with the foundation so no sensitive information comes out prematurely before press releases, add a confirmation of receipt… That would be good for transparency too.. :)
Great idea r-ando! I will ask for an alternate for each language. And as far as translating goes, it would be the meaning, as word for word translation is not always possible.

I would like to have a beginning system in place for the next announcement.

Propulsion fernando Is it possible to rename the international language section Darkcoin Worldwide and can it be expanded to other possible languages in the future? All future announcements will be posted in their respective sections by the translators.

Thanks for your responses!
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I am native in spanish language, so I can do the task or help Fernando if necessary. I am involved in DarkCoin since last february, and I would love to help this great community to grow.

Count me in!
OK, I'm counting on you for Spanish translation. fernando will help you, as an alternate. Thanks!
elgringo Sure! I don't have time now to add to the post, but we would ask you to translate official announcements for sure, and other things if you have the time. A few days to a week after each announcement would be fine. I will put you down as an alternate for now, but I would love if you could become primary!

Let me know, and thanks!
elgringo Sure! I don't have time now to add to the post, but we would ask you to translate official announcements for sure, and other things if you have the time. A few days to a week after each announcement would be fine. I will put you down as an alternate for now, but I would love if you could become primary!

Let me know, and thanks!

It would be great if we could eventually coordinate so releases are simultaneous… if not… releases might have a more diluted effect, it would be better to have a coordinated bang for each release, higher level of bang creates a higher level of attention, that leads to increased user base and investement. Its already hard enough to stand out in the world we probably shouldn't dilute our moments when we try to announce the fact that we stand out… hahaha, I know its going to be hard to coordinate but I'm sure we can do that no problem, after all it seems a little thing is comparison to everything that has already been accomplished by Evan and the Team….
It would be great if we could eventually coordinate so releases are simultaneous… if not… releases might have a more diluted effect, it would be better to have a coordinated bang for each release, higher level of bang creates a higher level of attention, that leads to increased user base and investement. Its already hard enough to stand out in the world we probably shouldn't dilute our moments when we try to announce the fact that we stand out… hahaha, I know its going to be hard to coordinate but I'm sure we can do that no problem, after all it seems a little thing is comparison to everything that has already been accomplished by Evan and the Team….

So you're saying that Evan could send out the announcement to the translation team before posting? eduffield would that be possible?
I'm fluent in polish. But do I have enough time? This is a question... ;)

P.S. I'm working on automatic english-polish translator so why not. I will translate it anyway. ;)
"But do I have enough time?" If the answer to this question is definitely YES, I will put you down. If it is NO, or maybe not, then thanks for your time.

EDIT: I put you down as alternate, if the answer is YES, let me know and I will make you Primary.
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Yes... but whoever gets news beforehand for translation should agree to not trade in large amounts except within measure of regular daily living expenses until the main release comes out. We can take it on their word but we don't want to find out later that they did so because if would just be a shame...If that becomes a problem for that person he or she can resign with all love its understandable. :) It could be a good practice to establish early, personal integrity with regards to Darkcoin, Oneself and the World. And it would be a good thing to mention, that we care about that… basically creating a framework of trust and integrity to replace the old financial system, or at least make it more efficient and right through Darkcoin.
Great effort !
I tried this before (to get translations) but Tao is really onto something here !
Very cool, and really appreciated as we need this !!
Lets take DRK international
Tao can you add Bosnian language?

i can take that and translate... but if nobody from other balkan countries can finish Croatian and Serbian language, i can do it to... no problems almost the same language ;)

or you can kill 3 birds with one stone

Language: Former Yugoslavia (Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia)
- Primary Rux
-Secondary ?
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Thank you to all the volunteers so far! I know you will do a great job to grow Darkcoin on an international stage....

List updated!
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