Dash Watch Renewal Pre-Proposal April 15 2018

Would you support this proposal?

  • Yes for the amount we believe is sufficient

    Votes: 14 93.3%
  • Yes for a slightly lower amount and slightly reduced scope

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes for a significantly lower amount and significantly lower scope

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • No not for any amount

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Pre-Proposal for Dash Watch Continuation with Several Additional Components and Improvements

What we’ve accomplished so far:

  • Website http://dashwatch.org built tracking all funded proposals since beginning of the DAO with over 20 metrics, multiple views, and advanced filtering

  • Calendar/Timeline of all funded proposals and their respective milestones and events (editable by proposers upon sign-up)

  • Globe showing location of all funded proposals

  • Monthly research, outreach, and communication with all active proposals

  • Reports issued monthly on all active proposals in PDF format
Website Tutorial:

For a detailed breakdown of our progress and budget please take a look at our last month's monthly report: https://dashwatch.org/files/1523840860223.pdf


With this proposal, we are seeking funding for continued development and improvement of the Dash Watch platform, as well as ongoing funding for the communication, reporting, research and verification team. Since we first submitted our proposal in November, we significantly expanded the scope to include monthly follow-up with proposal owners and reports on all ongoing proposals. In February this included over 40 monthly reports and in March this entailed 65 reports on those who responded to us and several of those who did not. In most cases, this required researching the proposal, posing customized questions, back-and-forth correspondence, and individualized report writing. We release our reports three days before each voting cycle closes to maximize their utility and relevance. With continued funding we plan on developing and deploying a more rigorous deliverable tracking method for all proposals, creating report summaries in video form in addition to our PDFs, as well as on-camera video interviews of select proposal owners that opt to give the community a more in-depth look at what they are doing, as well as implementing a new landing page with statistics, charts/graphs relating to approved proposals.

Our reporting team is composed of four and soon-to-be five highly-skilled college educated individuals, one full-time developer, and a few part-time research and data verification and entry personnel. The added scope of this proposal has required additional individuals to help collect, manage and organize all the data that is gathered. It will be our continued responsibility to actively seek the most accurate, relevant, and up-to-date information on all ongoing proposals.

About Team Dash Watch

@paragon on Discord - Project Manager

Core/Reporting Team

Reporting Team’s Shared Discord Account @DashWatchTeam (#5277) on Discord

Alex L/@dash-Al (#0877) on Discord
Gethen J /@GJacobs123 (#5867) on Discord
Peyton R/@PeytonDw (#0877) on Discord
Matthijs B @MattDash *#6481) on Discord
Research, Data Verification and Entry
Elizabeth G /@Serendipity#59022 on Discord
Jay J
Hajie H
Suneera M

Most members of Dash Watch are readily available on Discord for community members and proposal owners. Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected] or message us on the forum at DashWatchTeam.

What are we proposing to do?

Dash Watch will continue to collect and publish proposal performance metrics and proposal updates. In order to keep the community as fully up-to-date as possible while also keeping us as efficient as possible, we are making use of our brand-new pre-formatted logic-based survey questionnaire this month to make life easier for proposal owners. Going forward we will aim to more clearly ascertain and map out milestones and deliverables for proposals along with their respective dates and costs at the start to more effectively track proposal fulfillment over its lifetime. We would like this new system to be implemented into our website as well. We will implement our new improved landing page with proposal charts/graphs, and statistics. We also will release brief video summaries of select reports for those who prefer audiovisual content. Another goal is to begin carrying out regular on-camera interviews with some of the proposals that the community would like us to engage with to provide a more in-depth look at certain proposals’ progress and the people behind them.


We have significantly increased the scope of our project since the original proposal was created. Initially, Dash Watch promised a functioning website that tracked and displayed proposal metrics for proposals starting from February 2017 as well as a proposal calendar and milestone tracker. We have added coverage of all approved proposals since the treasury’s inception and added monthly proposal reports for all ongoing proposals along with an all-inclusive proposal map and an upcoming proposal statistics/graphs page. This month we plan to start implementing proposal summary videos, proposal owner interviews, more comprehensive reports for bigger-budget proposals, and potential integrations with other Dash projects that create synergy such as Dash Boost or Dash Nexus.

Proposal Reports

Dash Watch publishes monthly reports that outline fundamental aspects of a proposal’s progress.

Our reports include the following:

  • Financial Information - including proposal expenditures, remaining budget, budget changes

  • Milestones/Deliverables - a clear list of what milestones or deliverables have been accomplished since the last report or the beginning of the proposal

  • Challenges/Hurdles - outlines challenges that the proposal has faced currently as well as anticipated challenges

  • Future plans - outlines the proposal’s plans for the upcoming months

  • Any additional news or information the proposal would like to share with the community
  • We also include an executive summary for community members that are limited on time and want a summary of the report.

We are continuously iterating on our reporting system balancing both the time constraints proposal owners face while at the same time still acquiring and providing the necessary information to keep the community updated on all aspects of a proposal. We continue to work on our report format and information gathering model and welcome feedback from both the community and proposal owners on how this system can be improved to add additional value.

Proposal Map

We have created a worldwide map of where proposals have been or are currently being carried out, it can be found here: https://dashwatch.org/map

Proposal Calendar

We have created a calendar that outlines key proposal events or milestones, it can be found here: https://dashwatch.org/calendar

Proposal Statistics Graphs/Charts

We’re developing a new homepage page to illustrate general proposal statistics, categorizations, and trends. Beta site: http://dash-charts-11-apr.surge.sh/

Audiovisual Content

Starting in April, Dash Watch will begin creating short videos for selected large impact proposals (~10 proposals a month). These videos will be produced by the reporting team as an additional measure to engage the community by utilizing a different medium to convey content. We will create a YouTube playlist so that proposal report summary videos can be seamlessly streamed back-to-back.

We also have plans to schedule more in-depth interviews with proposal owners and publish these in a video format. We hope that this will increase proposal owner participation and buy-in. At the same time, the community will benefit from the interview being carried out by a reporting team member who has full knowledge of the happenings in that particular proposal.

Cooperation with Escrow Services

We’ve realized that Dash Watch has some overlap with some of the services that escrow agents provide. We are tracking and reporting on the same milestones and budget the escrow agents do. We believe it would significantly cut down on some of the escrow agent’s work if they let us help with the process. We are happy to work with any and all escrow agents in following up and keeping in contact with proposal owners. This will be a complementary added service of Dash Watch for any escrow provider that would like to offload the responsibility of milestone tracking.

Increased Reporting for Targeted Proposals

To ensure we return the most value to the network, Dash Watch’s monthly reports will go into even greater detail on proposals which compose the largest amount of the budget. We will more thoroughly cover deliverables, budget, and schedule. We’ve heard and seen the community feedback regarding several big projects lately - the community wants to see where and how their funding is being utilized.

Community Engagement and Support

Dash Watch maintains constant lines of communication with proposal owners to ensure we have the most up-to-date information. We are readily available to proposal owners and the community through email ([email protected]), discord (@DashWatchTeam @paragon or @dash-Al), and forum (DashWatchTeam).

Multi-Proposal Integration

The Dash Watch team has been in contact with several in-progress as well as anticipated proposals to work together to generate more value for the community. Currently these are the anticipated integrations:

  • Dash Intel - We have been discussing with Jeff (@jeffh #5914 on discord) metrics that Intel is collecting that would also be beneficial to Dash Watch. This data could then be used by us to help proposal owners and community members. An example of such data is the type/category of proposals that get approved with the highest success rate (ex: Marketing, Merchant, Conference, etc). A current beta of how we plan to organize the data can be found here: http://dash-charts-11-apr.surge.sh/

  • Dash Nexus - This is an anticipated proposal that Dash Watch has been in discussion about with the proposal owner. Nexus is an overhaul of the existing proposal creation process. This could align nicely with Dash Watch because there are many elements we believe should be implemented at the pre-proposal and proposal stage for better accountability. Some changes that we’ve been discussing include:

    • Clear milestones/deliverables at the onset - in our current system there are many proposals who do not give clear milestones and this makes it more difficult for us to gauge their progress and hold them accountable

    • Proposal categories - rather than having Dash Watch categorize proposals, it would make more sense for the proposal owners to categorize their proposal from the beginning. .

    • Budget accounting and tracking - if the budget is clearly laid out in the very beginning, then we can better evaluate the finances down the road
  • Dash Remix - We have been in discussion with this anticipated proposal so that we can create clear swimlanes for what constitutes Remix work and what constitutes Dash Watch work. We think it will be a better use of treasury funds if there are not multiple groups working on the same tasks. Instead, we can divide and conquer the tasks. In our current iteration, Dash Watch will handle reporting proposals that are already in-progress or completed and Remix will work on grading proposals that are currently in the voting phase.

  • Dash Boost - Dash Watch has plans to report on the larger Dash Boost proposals in addition to our current duties.
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  1. Database containing all approved proposals, their details, and performance metrics (continued)

  2. Web application to view proposal data and progress with advanced filtering and tagging ability (continued)

  3. Fully built database and web application displaying proposal status along with objective metrics (continued)

  4. Monthly published proposal reports (new)

  5. Monthly proposal update summary videos (new)

  6. Monthly audio/video interviews with proposal owners (new)

  7. Growing statistics page with various data surrounding the treasury system (new)


  • Reports - ~90% of active proposals’ reports will be posted at least three days before voting for the cycle closes. This gives time for MNOs to look through reports for any proposals they may be concerned about for continued funding. A select few reports may not be posted until after voting closes because their project has been completed and thus do not need continued voting.

  • Report Summaries on Video by end of May

  • On-Camera Video Interviews by our reporting team of community-selected proposers by end of May

  • Metrics, Map, Calendar - updated on a daily basis

  • Proposal Owner and Community engagement - we are in daily contact with proposal owners


  • Dash Watch Communication, Analysis, Reporting, and Video Creation Team: which includes a minimum of 4-5 full-time highly-skilled, college-educated team members ~ 34k/month

  • Dash Watch Development 10k/month (1 full-time developer 60$/hr)

  • Dash Watch Research, Verification, and Data Entry 5k/month

  • Video Editing 1.5k/month

  • Project Management 6k/month

  • Accounting, Legal, Tax Administrative Costs 3k/month

  • 20% Cushion as a depreciation hedge, or to cover unforeseen costs, and or onboarding additional team members as needed, or for expanded scope. If unused, this will be rolled over and used for future months as it was in previous proposal - 12k/month

  • Total: 71.5k/month - 188 Dash/month

(We are not bearing the risk of Dash depreciation or the benefit of appreciation. All appreciation and unused funds will be rolled over to future months and any shortfall will be requested with another proposal)

Our funding ask has increased since our initial proposal because we have vastly increased the scope. The individualized communication with proposals owners and reporting is a very labor-intensive task which is we have four highly-skilled and talented people solely dedicated to this task. Furthermore, we anticipate the amount of monthly reports will increase over time as there are more recurring proposals than completed proposals per month. This will likely require more team members to be added in the future.

Our web development needs have remained stable but we did have to pay slightly more than anticipated ($60/hr). We retain a small budget for our part-time data entry and verification team to keep all the metrics on the website up-to-date. I have asked for a humble project management salary despite the scope and time dedicated to this project being significantly higher than expected. This cycle we’ve also asked for funds to offset accounting and accountant’s cost that are associated with paying the entire team in a tax-compliant manner. Any and all excess funds will be rolled towards future months including any appreciation as it was with our last proposal - this includes the 20% cushion we’ve asked for. If the price of Dash increases, we will not ask for continued funding until we have exhausted all excess funds.


We are requesting a monthly payment of ~188 DASH for the next three months to accomplish our scope of work. Any excess funding will be rolled over and used to lessen the amount requested on future proposals. The increase in cost in proposal outreach and documentation costs was accurately predicted in our initial proposal. This increase in cost is due to our significantly increased scope and an increasing number of proposals in the treasury system. We will be continuously upgrading and improving our application’s featureset as well as the completeness, accuracy, uniformity, and presentation of the information we collect. We will request feedback from the community regarding additional features, more and/or greater-depth coverage, etc. The amount of work required on an ongoing basis may change over time and that will dictate the monthly cost which we will refrain from trying to predict now and will simply request at the appropriate time.


We believe that Dash Watch adds a much needed level of accountability and follow through to the governance system. In the past, many distressed proposals have slipped under the radar. Our efforts will help discover these distressed proposals. Our mere existence as the eyes and ears for masternode owners increases proposal owner communication, accountability, and follow through. We would like to continue to ensure that those receiving funding are followed up on regarding their deliverables and are held publicly accountable for their progress, or lack of thereof.

Our value proposition is to provide a clear and concise set of metrics and reports that will allow any person viewing a proposal on Dashwatch.org to easily gauge if that proposal is delivering the value it promised when successfully funded by the DAO. We have asked for ~3% of the total monthly treasury budget to help us achieve this increased accountability.

We hope that you see the value in this work and that you will allow us to continue to improve this service. Thank you for your time reading this through, and please feel free to leave any and all suggestions, modifications, and feedback. Thank you!
This started out small but is beginning to get very expensive.

Please dont try and benchmark your cost to treasury budget.
If the treasury budget becomes $10M you will then want $300k to be given to you.

Have you considered hiring labour internationally at more competitive prices?
This started out small but is beginning to get very expensive.

Please dont try and benchmark your cost to treasury budget.
If the treasury budget becomes $10M you will then want $300k to be given to you.

Have you considered hiring labour internationally at more competitive prices?

Hi Argon, thank you very much for taking the time to go over our pre-proposal. Happy to address some of the concerns you made

Yes, we did initially ask for a smaller budget in our first funding ask because we did not plan to do any monthly reporting whatsoever but rather only to track five metrics on proposals and only those going back to Feb 2017. We took advantage of the appreciation in Dash to try to deliver a lot more value to the community by issuing monthly reports. If the price of Dash had not appreciated as it did, we would have never been able to attempt this. We also didn't expect there would be upwards of 60 ongoing proposals needing to be tracked in a given month. Our team is still working on improving our systems and adding more automation so that we can handle more proposals without adding as much cost.

Our entire data entry team are international hires, with the exception of Elizabeth, who works only part time. In our first two months we had international hires for our reporting team as well. We learned that this was not the effective route to go. This was due to poor ability to adequately comprehend the full depth of proposals and to write appropriate custom questions in fluent English and also to write reports on proposals in as professional a manner as possible. Our current reporting team all hold Dash and are paid in Dash and have shown great motivation in increasing our scope and value added. Many of the increased deliverables we have laid out are ideas that have been implemented by our reporting team members. Half of our job is to maintain open lines of communication with proposal owners and staying up-to-date with their projects. We found that international hires were not competent enough to carry out this task. Finally, our current reporting team has shown skills beyond just basic report writing. This project is more than just writing reports, it's also managing data, displaying data, engaging with the community, engaging with proposal owners, and constantly improving the accountability measures for the Governance system. Could we hire cheaper? Yes. But it would be at the cost of severely reduced scope and quality. As the treasury system grows, we believe that a quality accountability system is worth the potentially higher cost.

There are some concessions we would be able to make to the budget to bring the cost down, but it would risk some of the deliverables we outlined. If you have not been convinced of the proposal budget for Dash Watch, we can further elaborate on the value that we believe we bring and our justifications for the current budget. Please note too that we will be an ongoing project so any and all excess funds will be used towards more operating months without additional funding ask as was done this current month.

Please let us know if this has addressed your concerns. Once again, thank you for your time and your feedback.
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Can you reveal the salaries of individuals being paid in Dash and the amount being spent with txns ?
Where are you hiring these people?

Second, international hires do not have the level of English comprehension that is necessary for communicating with proposal owners.
There are no competent English speakers outside the US? I find this really hard to believe.

I still maintain that $70,000/month after the initial round is expensive for this service. Feels padded for mostly simple work.
This should be in the region of $25000-$30000.
Can you reveal the salaries of individuals being paid in Dash and the amount being spent with txns ?
Where are you hiring these people?

Second, international hires do not have the level of English comprehension that is necessary for communicating with proposal owners.
There are no competent English speakers outside the US? I find this really hard to believe.

I still maintain that $70,000/month after the initial round is expensive for this service. Feels padded for mostly simple work.
This should be in the region of $25000-$30000.

Hey, I'm on the Dash Watch team, you can find me on discord too at @Dash-Al. I found out about Dash Watch because paragon posted on Discord and on the r/DashPay looking for individuals to help with the project.

Right now I am getting paid $30/hour. We use Time Doc to track our workable hours, attached is my total hours for the month of April. As you can see, I've logged almost 110 hours in the past 16 days which equates to 6.8 hours a day including weekends.

I've been paid out in Dash twice so far since starting this project, TXN hashes below:

As you can see my last payout date was March 21st.

If you would like for me to talk about what I do on the team I can do so.


  • work time.JPG
    work time.JPG
    105.9 KB · Views: 237
This is paragon We have 4 full-time people on the communication and reporting team being paid between 30-50 an hour. All of them are in the USA or Europe and will respond here. We tried doing this cheaper initially hiring very qualified people in India and Pakistan and the quality of the questions, communication, and reporting was not acceptable to us and caused us to waste time and money training several people that could never do things at the level we required. In our 34k ask, we are pricing in the addition of one more full-time communication and reporting team member so we aren't as thinly stretched to fulfill our proposal coverage as well as pricing in a modest raise for all of the staff as a reward for their incredible hard work in many cases putting in overtime to meet our deadlines. We would like to increase our current team's loyalty to the project as much as possible because If we don't keep our current staff, we would have an incredibly hard time replacing them
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@paragon Is there a dash-watch report for dash watch ?

If you go to our website and search "Dash Watch", we have our report posted on our website.

We also linked it in our pre-proposal above.

I've also attached the report for your convenience.


  • REP Dash-Watch March18n1.pdf
    135.6 KB · Views: 246
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Hello, :)
Thanks for wanting to help Dash.
As a financial manager and accountant, I'm having trouble finding useful information from your set-up. I was looking to find additional information that was not already posted at dashcentral.org and in an easier, quicker, more accurate and efficient format than what you posted. I'm not a master node, I was just curious and took a quick peek twice 2 weeks ago that ended up lasting for 2-5 hours on 5 projects I knew about. I learned nothing new and some things didn't match the proposal owners directly.

I didn't vote because I'm not an MN and the option I was looking for wasn't listed: Support with changes in scope and price.

I'm sorry I don't have time to study your proposal. Can you tell me if any of your people are accountants or finance people? Also, do you think you could save 80% of your time and expense if you worked with dash central and had 90% of the input automated so you could list other helpful things?

Feel free to contact me privately for assistance or more feedback.

Did I read correctly that you hold the release dates? I think 7-14 days is needed for review before final vote.

Just some caring input and my opinion. My apologies in advance for any errors. My brain's on overload from doing taxes.

Thanks. :)
More clarification, please....

You are paying people $30-$50 per hour to collate information and re-post it? What special skills are required for this? That sounds awfully high.

If it is because they have a college education, what were their degrees in?

If their degree or level-of-education is not needed for the job it doesn't warrant that kind of pay.

I wouldn't pay a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or physicist those rates to do things a smart high-school student or anyone could do for $10-$13/hr.

I don't charge people for my legal education when I'm doing accounting.

Did I misunderstand the posts from you and your team?

I also didn't see any work product worth more than $15/hr, if that; because it was duplicate information already posted at dashcentral.org.

Please show me what's worth that pay, I may want a job. Seriously.

Thank you.
Hello, :)
Thanks for wanting to help Dash.
As a financial manager and accountant, I'm having trouble finding useful information from your set-up. I was looking to find additional information that was not already posted at dashcentral.org and in an easier, quicker, more accurate and efficient format than what you posted. I'm not a master node, I was just curious and took a quick peek twice 2 weeks ago that ended up lasting for 2-5 hours on 5 projects I knew about. I learned nothing new and some things didn't match the proposal owners directly.

I didn't vote because I'm not an MN and the option I was looking for wasn't listed: Support with changes in scope and price.

I'm sorry I don't have time to study your proposal. Can you tell me if any of your people are accountants or finance people? Also, do you think you could save 80% of your time and expense if you worked with dash central and had 90% of the input automated so you could list other helpful things?

Feel free to contact me privately for assistance or more feedback.

Did I read correctly that you hold the release dates? I think 7-14 days is needed for review before final vote.

Just some caring input and my opinion. My apologies in advance for any errors. My brain's on overload from doing taxes.

Thanks. :)

Hi, could you be elaborate a bit more on "took a quick peek twice 2 weeks ago that ended up lasting for 2-5 hours on 5 projects I knew about" and "some things didn't match the proposal owners directly"?

In regards to support with changes in scope and price, our main job is to report on proposal progress. We will give some advice and feedback to proposal owners if asked, but we our main goal is not proposal consulting in that manner.

We do not have any accountants or finance people at this time.

We are always working on improved integration and automation.

We do not hold the release dates and work to get reports out as quickly as possible. However 7-14 days before final vote may be too long. Because if we do 7-14 days before the vote, and it takes us 7 days to write all the reports and then we give proposal owners 7 days to respond to our inquires that comes to 21-28 days is when we send out the reports so essentially by the time the MNO's see the reports it will be a month behind.

We always appreciate feedback and opinions, thanks!
More clarification, please....

You are paying people $30-$50 per hour to collate information and re-post it? What special skills are required for this? That sounds awfully high.

If it is because they have a college education, what were their degrees in?

If their degree or level-of-education is not needed for the job it doesn't warrant that kind of pay.

I wouldn't pay a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or physicist those rates to do things a smart high-school student or anyone could do for $10-$13/hr.

I don't charge people for my legal education when I'm doing accounting.

Did I misunderstand the posts from you and your team?

I also didn't see any work product worth more than $15/hr, if that; because it was duplicate information already posted at dashcentral.org.

Please show me what's worth that pay, I may want a job. Seriously.

Thank you.

I can only speak for myself but I have a degree in Statistics.

In the past Dash Watch has hired in the $10-15/hr range and the quality has not been sufficient. In our current stage, our work takes a lot of continuous efforts to improve the process and the system, similar to how a startup is formed. As a result, the work is not simply mindless work we can outsource. There is a lot of organization and management as well as community involvement. We will be releasing a video with our proposal that will briefly go over what each reporting team member has been working on.

It's unfortunate that you have not been able to see beyond a $15/hour value but I believe that this type of accountability work is invaluable to the Dash Governance system. I do not think we should be finding the lowest paid workers with high turnover for this type of work. Dash Watch is a long term project that can bring a lot of value if the resources are allocated correctly.
Dear Community Members,
I would like to kindly ask you to consider proposal as a product and not try to manage the internal team resources and salaries.

This is the proposal owner who is taking responsibility and risk of managing these people and paying them. You can write what you want on the forum taking zero responsibility for the results.. Trying to force your solutions, not being part of the project team is inappropriate in my opinion.
Every project owner and every company that submits proposal to the system should create their own setup that works effectively for them - this is their work and responsibility. The responsibility of the MN network is to decide whether project/product is valuable for Dash or not.
I can only speak for myself but I have a degree in Statistics.

In the past Dash Watch has hired in the $10-15/hr range and the quality has not been sufficient. In our current stage, our work takes a lot of continuous efforts to improve the process and the system, similar to how a startup is formed. As a result, the work is not simply mindless work we can outsource. There is a lot of organization and management as well as community involvement. We will be releasing a video with our proposal that will briefly go over what each reporting team member has been working on.

It's unfortunate that you have not been able to see beyond a $15/hour value but I believe that this type of accountability work is invaluable to the Dash Governance system. I do not think we should be finding the lowest paid workers with high turnover for this type of work. Dash Watch is a long term project that can bring a lot of value if the resources are allocated correctly.

Hi! Thanks for your replies. I'll provide more input privately. I'm trying to help not tear you down. I've been diligently trying for 2-4 weeks to come up with solutions for several issues and haven't found anything yet that completely works. Re: accountability, how do you plan to do that without any authority, power, control, or direct knowledge of the situations?

Until you can upgrade your process and website, maybe you can thumbnail the 'Dash Watch tutorial' above to the top of your homepage. I think it would be very helpful.

Thanks @kot

I appreciate the feedback @Helper Dash
I’d be happy to speak with you about the project, our processes, the salaries, and potentially adding you to the team if you can help us add to or improve our offerings. Our only goal is the best non-burdensome and non-invasive oversight and relay of information between proposal owners and the community. Thorough proposal financial auditing is something we have been in discussions about how to best tackle but was not within our initial scope.
It is surprising to see the attitude of dash watch with treasury money, overpaying for low skill work;
For this kind of work, the price is incredible.

Are Americans the only people who are good workers?

Your comments are ludicrous and borderline xenophobic.
You are pitching to an international network, please remember.
It is surprising to see the attitude of dash watch with treasury money, overpaying for low skill work;
For this kind of work, the price is incredible.

Are Americans the only people who are good workers?

Your comments are ludicrous and borderline xenophobic.
You are pitching to an international network, please remember.

Hi Argon,

Dash Watch has 3-4 international hires already on the Data entry team, with 1 being full-time. We have another full time reporting team member in the Netherlands.

I applied for this position through @paragon and my understanding was that the best candidates were chosen to move forward given their resume and their report samples. I do not believe nationality was at all a factor in choosing candidates but well spoken and written English was a prerequisite. Please also note that Dash Watch initially did employ lower paid candidates, but the quality of work and communication with proposal owners was poor. Furthermore, I know I would rather pay more for candidates who are invested in Dash and are motivated to see the system succeed. Everyone on the core reporting team are invested in Dash and have often worked extra hours, at night, and over the weekends to meet objectives and deadlines. As the Governance system grows, I think we should not be looking for the cheapest work. Good work is not cheap and cheap work is not good.

I think accusing me/us/Dash Watch of being xenophobic is an unfounded attack on our character. I would ask that we keep this conversation grounded in logic and reason and not resort to appeals to emotion. I am open to criticisms of the proposal and I will do my best to speak about how Dash Watch will address these criticisms. But I do not believe there is any place for attacks on character.
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@Argon31 ,
Please calm down. Accusing someone of borderline xenophobic behaviours is pretty serious. I would suggest to think twice before putting such statement in public space.