Dash Wallet for Android - Maintenance and Support #1


Well-known member
This project was approved for funding in the last Treasury payout and more information can be found here about the proposal. https://www.dashcentral.org/p/dash-wallet-android-maintenance-support1

Here, we will post the monthly reports concerning the work being done.

April 2017
  1. Downloads and issues from users slowed down compared to March and February of this year. The significant surge was seen after v12.1 was released on Dash Core.
  2. On the Dash Java Library (dashj) - Unit testing was partially updated from bitcoin to dash. Some minor bugs were found, but those have no bearing on the Dash Wallet for Android.
  3. Work was done on updating Dash Wallet to Bitcoin Wallet 5.14. This required help from a Dash Core team member to fix a bug with the interface. This version will be released on TestNet first to make sure it is working correctly. A new feature will be added: recovery phrase support (BIP39). This version will be released in early May for testing.
  4. Talks began with Wall of Coins regarding integration of their service to buy/sell Dash and have it deposited in the Dash Wallet app's wallet. The work of programming will be done by Wall of Coins and funding is covered in a separate funded proposal (https://www.dashcentral.org/p/Buy-Sell-Dash-directly-within-the-WALLET).
  5. No bug fixes were made and submitted on Google Play. There were some reports of stuck transactions, which were resolved by a Blockchain reset. Other bugs were reported that have been with the Dash Wallet for a long time. On these no actions were taken, but some may be fixed in the 5.14 update.
May 2017 (Action Items)
  1. Release Dash Wallet 5.14 on TestNet and get feedback to fix bugs.
  2. Update Translations (for 5.14)
  3. Determine what happened with publishing on F-Droid
  4. Find a person to help with tech support (paid position - 1 dash per month), which will required a shared way of responding to emails with bug reports and questions.
Other information can be found here - http://www.hashengineeringsolutions.com/dash-android-wallet/dashwallet-maintenence/. More details about bug fixes and statistics for the past few months.
May 2017 Report
1. Dash Wallet 5.14 was released on TestNet - There was some feedback with connecting only to 0.12.3 nodes that were stuck on 186k. https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/dash-wallet-for-android-v5-testnet.14775/
2. Translations for 5.14 were pulled from Transifex, but the app hasn't been published yet.
3. F-Droid issues for publishing were determined and they are being addresses with the 5.14 release. Some changes will be made to the organization of the GitHub repo to be compatible with F-Droid.
4. No one was found to help with tech support, but tech support issues were not common. Most of the Crashing bugs were a result of OutOfMemory errors and a resolution has not been found.
5. Wall of Coins has made a mockup of some user interface changes and will be working on the code in the next few weeks for integration.

May Statistics:
Active Installs: Increased from 9038 to 9836 (+8.8%)
Bugs: Out of memory, Transactions stuck, auto focus, backup failures, background processing - many of these result in crashes. Google Play reports that about 0.23% of the time the app crashes. Most of these bugs are hard to trace. Issues for some have been added on GitHub.

June 2017 Action Items
1. Resolve Issue with TestNet connecting to 0.12.3 nodes stuck about block 188K.
2. Release Dash Wallet 5.14 for mainnet in a limited way (volunteer basis) for further testing.
3. Get the F-Droid system working after 5.14 is released.
4. Create small incentive program for reporting bugs and getting screen shots in other languages.
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June 2017 Report
1. Dash Wallet 5.14 was updated on TestNet and connectivity issues were resolved with the help of the Dash Core Team.
2. No one was found to help with tech support, but tech support issues were still not common. A promotion was started to pay users for screen shots and crash reports (that resulted in bug fixes). About 10 languages were provided. Several were added to Google Play. https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/...ogram-to-fix-bugs-and-get-screen-shots.15291/
3. Wall of Coins has hired a developer to add their service to this app for buying and selling Dash (https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/...hin-all-dash-wallets.13959/page-2#post-131563).
4. A user reported an issue about exchange rates missing due to an upgrade at BitcoinAverage.com (https://github.com/HashEngineering/dash-wallet/issues/38). An update was created (https://github.com/HashEngineering/dash-wallet/releases/tag/v4.65.12.1V), but not released on Google Play.
5. There are some delays with the 5.14 update being released. The new feature (backup and restore with a recovery phrase) needed further testing after adding PIN support. Additionally, the UI needs to be cleaned up for this feature. https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/dash-wallet-for-android-v5-testnet.14775/

June Statistics:
Active Installs: Increased from 9836 to 11,002 (+11.8%)
Bugs: Same as in May: Out of memory, Transactions stuck, auto focus, backup failures, background processing - many of these result in crashes. Google Play reports that about 0.23% of the time the app crashes. Most of these bugs are hard to trace. Issues for some have been added on GitHub.

July 2017 Action Items
1. Release Dash Wallet 5.14 for mainnet in a limited way (volunteer basis) for further testing.
2. Get the F-Droid system working after 5.14 is released.
3. Roll out Dash Wallet 5.14 on Google Play (starting with 1000 users).

More information will be added to this report in the next week.
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imo, F-Droid should be considered important

25 app crashes (0.23%) really needs to come down
imo, F-Droid should be considered important

25 app crashes (0.23%) really needs to come down

We are getting rather close to getting this app on F-Droid. The next version, which will be released soon, will have the necessary changes to allow for building on F-Droid and validating the build.

Yes, the app crashes should be reduced, but these crashes are very difficult to reproduce and the causes are difficult to determine (such as OutOfMemory). The next update should handle some of them.
July 2017 Report
1. Dash Wallet 5.14 for mainnet was released in a limited way after completing the recovery phrase feature. PIN support was added and a Dash Core developer submitted several pull requests to update the user interface.
2. No one was found to help with tech support, but tech support issues were still not common.
3. Wall of Coins has a developer working to add their service to this app for buying and selling Dash (https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/...hin-all-dash-wallets.13959/page-2#post-131563).
4. After a user reported an issue about exchange rates being missing due to an upgrade at BitcoinAverage.com (https://github.com/HashEngineering/dash-wallet/issues/38) an update was created (https://github.com/HashEngineering/dash-wallet/releases/tag/v4.65.12.1V) and was released on Google Play.
5. Work began on getting Dash Wallet listed on F-Droid. The current roadblock is that the APK file produced by the fdroid build server doesn't match the one that is published on github. There are many differences in the files contained in the APK including with images.
6. A request was made for more translations, but only a few were done of the 14 new strings.
7. A memory leak detector was added to the app, but only for debug versions which are only tested by Hash Engineering Solutions. No usable data has been generated yet towards solving OutOfMemory Errors.

July Statistics:
Active Installs: Increased from 11,002 to 11,796 (+7.8%)
Bugs: Same as in May and June: Out of memory, Transactions stuck, auto focus, backup failures, background processing - many of these result in crashes. Google Play reports that about 0.63% of the time the app crashes (up from 0.23% from the previous month). Most of these bugs are hard to trace. Issues for some are on GitHub. The most common is here: https://github.com/HashEngineering/dash-wallet/issues/29

August 2017 Action Items
1. Release Dash Wallet 5.14 for mainnet by rolling out on Google Play.
2. Continue working with the F-Droid system and their developers. The current issue with that is here: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/issues/725 (The main developer Boris has left the project and this will probably cause a big delay for us).
3. Work on the most common crash: https://github.com/HashEngineering/dash-wallet/issues/29

More information will be added to this report in the next week.

For the months of May to July, we were being paid by the Dash Treasury through a proposal. We didn't finish our goal of releasing the new version of Dash Wallet 5.14 completely, but we did issue updates to fix some major problems. The proposal said we wouldn't add any new features, but we decided to add the recovery phrase feature and that delayed the release.

In the future we have decided to join the Dash Core team instead of submitting proposals for future funding of this project.
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August 2017 Report
1. Released Dash Wallet 5.14 for mainnet by rolling out on Google Play. We have issued two updates since then with some important bug fixes for out of memory errors and other fixes.
2. Nothing happened with the F-Droid system and their developers. The current issue with that is here: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/issues/725. One message was added to this issue where a list of other users were given that might be able to help.

Total Installs:
13,777 (up 16% in August)

September 2017 Action Items:
1. Go on a two week vacation
2. Review bug reports for v5.14 and address major bugs.
3. Update translations for as many languages that have been updated to support recent feature additions.
4. Start adding BIP44 support to make the app 100% compatible with the iOS wallet (dashwallet) and somewhat compatible with other wallets.
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I am now a Dash Core consultant for up to 40 hours per month. No proposals will be submitted.

September 2017 Report:

1. Two week vacation acheived
2. Review bug reports for v5.14 and addressed one major bug (https://github.com/HashEngineering/dash-wallet/issues/49). Two other bugs remain to be fixed.
3. Updated 4 translations and fixed a minor bug with fees.
4. Total Hours worked: 17 (mostly spend on Issue 49, though luckily a Bitcoin Wallet user reported steps to repeat the crash and Andreas Schildbach fixed it. We then imported the fix).

Total Installs: 15,171 (+10.4% since August 31).
* An active proposal is tracking Installs in Malaysia. Up 25% in Malaysia for September. https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/...-adoption-foodtruck-bazaar.16682/#post-141210

October 2017 Action Items:
1. Start adding BIP44 support to make the app 100% compatible with the iOS wallet (dashwallet) and somewhat compatible with other wallets.
2. Address the other two major bugs that cause crashes.
3. Try to get a F-droid listing by getting help from F-droid developers.
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October 2017 Report
1. Dash Core 0.12.2.x is coming out soon, so we will ensure the app continues to work with this update. A testnet version was published.
2. Work has begun on adding BIP44 support. This will be finished after the 0.12.2.x update is finished.
3. Submitted issue to Dash Core to add InstantSend to Bloom Filters: https://github.com/dashpay/dash/issues/1677. This will reduce bandwidth usage. Current this app receives all txlvote messages.
4. Advice given for Mycelium Project

Hours Worked: 27

Total Installs: 16646 (+9.7% for October)

November 2017 Action Items
1. Finalize Dash Core 0.12.2.x update to this app. Include other bug fixes and language updates.
2. Continue with BIP44 upgrade
3. Review Wall-of-Coin pull request if available.
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November 2017 Report

  1. Finished Dash Core 0.12.2 update and released it (v5.17.1)
  2. Contributed to Mycelium Project
  3. Began updating dashj to pass unit tests.
Hours Worked: 26

Total Installs: 21,137 (+26.0% vs October)

December 2017 Action Items

  1. Finished updating dashj for
  2. Release Update with lower fees, translation updates.
  3. Continue working on BIP44 support
  4. Review Wall-of-Coin pull request if available
Hello @HashEngineering - I'm curious, how will your project (Android wallet) be affected by the release of the Dash Copay wallet?

I would imagine that some users will switch to the Copay app (the same could happen on iOS). It will probably reduce the number of downloads and users of my app. Though if Dash keeps growing, all apps could see growth in downloads, bugs and support requests for all apps.
December 2017 Report
  1. Finished updating dashj for
  2. Release Updated with lower fees, translation updates. v5.17.2
  3. Continued working on BIP44 support via updating to bitcoinj 0.15
  4. Some review of the Wall-of-Coin pull request was done. It needs a lot of work. Wall of Coins is looking for another developer to finish the project.
  5. Worked on the bitcoinj update for Mycelium (add HD Key support for account keys that can be spent). This project will spill over into dashj that another Dash Core developer will use for the Dash module for Mycelium.
Hours Worked: 32

Total Installs: near 28,000

January 2017 Action Items
  1. Complete hiring of Android Developer for Dash Core and assign tasks.
  2. Complete Mycelium Project and submit pull request to bitcoinj. Later dashj can be updated to include the HD Key features mentioned above.
January 2017
  1. Completed hiring of Android Developer for Dash Core and assigned tasks.
  2. Continued Mycelium Project and submitted one pull request to bitcoinj. One more request is required.
  3. Published Dash Wallet 5.17.4 with some fixes.
Hours Worked: 24

Total Installs: 29,500 (active)

February Action Items
  1. Release 5.17.5 with more fixes (user interface fixes, new interapp communication, removing free transactions)
  2. Add BIP44 support to dashj
  3. Start updating dashj with Dash Core 12.2 masternode messages.
  4. Mycelium (submit final pull request to bitcoinj). Later dashj can be updated to include the HD Key features mentioned above.
February 2017
  1. Released 5.17.5 with more fixes (user interface fixes, new interapp communication, removing free transactions). One of the fixes resulted in another bug and then a second bug was found when sweeping paper wallets with less than 0.00005000
  2. Added BIP44 support to dashj and Dash Wallet (Now in Beta Testing Phase).
  3. Started updating dashj with Dash Core 12.2 masternode messages.
  4. Mycelium (submitted final pull request to bitcoinj: https://github.com/bitcoinj/bitcoinj/commit/d92dfdfd14756b6837aa0065da7c5014e066e9ca). Later dashj will be updated to include these features.
Hours Worked: 26.5

Total Installs: 31,000 (active)