Dash Wallet | dash-wallet-backup file restore android

Hi, can't find this topic elsewhere and don't know if this is the correct place to post.

I have a Dash Wallet that crashed, can't open. So I uninstalled to reinstall backup, but then realised no obvious way to restore a backup from the app.

I have these been backup saved in a Dash-wallet-backup-[date] file, what should do?

Hello, the best answer you`ll receive from two people :)
@HashEngineering and @tomasz.ludek

Just checked as I had a bit of time. Try these steps:
1. open the android dash wallet.
2. Top left press to explore more options and in the configuration section in the bottom you have: Safety - press it.
3. Import private keys
4. Show, choose the file you backuped before and give the password for the file.
5 - OK :)

Let me know if worked.
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Man, I had the same question. I guess I'm an idiot for not clicking on SAFTY to restore a wallet. In the iOS they tried another way and called it "Recover another wallet" which maybe was a better way to go ;)