#DASH vs #DASHDC hashtag

i still think #dashpay is the ideal hashtag. #dashdc is shared with a group of people bringing awareness to Domestic Violence and #dash is filled up with all types of crap not associated with cryptos. The official twitter is dashpay, the website is dashpay.io, so why not keep it consistent and make the official hashtag #dashpay ?
I'm on the hashtag #dashdc every day :) - In fact I just went there and these are the two top tweets.

Scroll down a little and you see all this:



It's not really 'dominated' by dash tweets. The ratio I see is about 75% Dash and 25% Domestic Violence, Divorce, Etc. Compared to #dashpay, which is basically 99% Dash related postings. Not even sure where the dashdc tag came from. In fact what does the 'C' stand for? Coin? To add to all this, when I search *#dashdc in the twitter search field, it corrects me and says, "are you sure you didn't want to search for washdc" as in washington dc? Yes, I'm positive twitter...

*edit typo
I have a lot to say about this subject but I'm in the middle of packing and moving for the next 2 days.

Moving's a bitch!
Same old problem
Not only on Twitter but general SEO mess

I honestly stick to Darkcoin (in # and in stories ) as much as I can until we have a plan in motion (+funding) to get our SEO in order