Since the bull run of 2017, most coins have failed to reach those daily transaction values again.
BTC is now trading around 3-4 Billion per 24hrs as it has done for a while, since July.
Dash by comparison has increased it's daily volume since then and is regularly seeing volume around 50%+
that of the peak bull run.
Is this a good thing? No other established coin in the top twenty coinmrktcap seems to be doing this.
Is there a specific explanation or event that has caused Dash to retain and increase it's transaction volume since July when market volume has tapered off considerably?
BTC is now trading around 3-4 Billion per 24hrs as it has done for a while, since July.
Dash by comparison has increased it's daily volume since then and is regularly seeing volume around 50%+
that of the peak bull run.
Is this a good thing? No other established coin in the top twenty coinmrktcap seems to be doing this.
Is there a specific explanation or event that has caused Dash to retain and increase it's transaction volume since July when market volume has tapered off considerably?