DASH Venezuela

Hello everyone,

We are I&W Consultores, an independent consulting team that has been working together with Dash Venezuela as an strategic ally since september 2017, providing the advisory around the areas of Strategic Planning and Innovation Processes.

Since the beginning of the Dash Conferences in Venezuela, we have been co-responsible for the design and organization of the innovation activities implemented during the all the Dash Caracas Conferences, such as Creativity Workshops for generating new ideas around DASH, Networking sessions, and the dynamics implemented in Ciudad Dash (Dash City).

As part of our support we created a team of volunteers conformed with young people, who work with us helping during the execution of the conferences and providing important information about DASH Digital Cash, such as how to pay for products using the mobile wallets.

Our purpose from the beginning is to build a team with people who believe and show enthusiasm with the DASH project in Venezuela. People who promote the advantages about this new way of making transactions. But above all, our purpose is to provide these young people with good opportunities from the economic point of view, offering them a more than fair retribution for their support.

I&W Consultores, same as DASH Venezuela, wants to “Generate New Opportunities for the Evolution of Venezuelan people”. We recognise and value very much the support we receive from all the volunteers (or as we call them “Juniors”) who help us during the Dash Caracas conferences.

We are always in a continuous improvement process, so ideas are always welcome. We invite anyone related to us who may have any feedback in order to enhance the current processes and activities during the DASH Caracas Conferences, or any concerns, to freely contact us through our email address: [email protected]. We want to listen to you and work together to implement new ideas and improvements.

We look forward to keep working with all the people who believe in Venezuela and all the development opportunities it has, with a strong commitment to improve individually and as a society.

Best regards,

I&W Consultores team
Our team DASH Venezuela present at the first DASH Maracay conference. Working together with our allied communities, advising on proposals that spread the message and massify their adoption

Hello everyone,
It was wonderful to receive @algodon.franelas and all her team in Maracay.
Our first conference was a success, with more than 450 attendees and more than 40 entrepreneurs accepting Dash as a form of payment, we move with force to turn Venezuela into the first Dash Nation.

Sincerely, in Dash Maracay we are very grateful for all the support in the preparation and execution of our proposal.

We are ready and aligned to make Venezuela the first dash nation.

Hello, everyone!
TODAY, at 9:30 a.m. (Caracas Time), we are having our 7th DASH Caracas' Conference and the 5th DASH City.

You can watch our streaming here on "Dash Venezuela" channel on Youtube channel

Hello everyone,

Yesterday's conference was spectacular, Edwin Orrico explained in a very simple way, details of security that for the majority is somewhat complex.

His conference was extraordinary.

See you soon!
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We with local communities and allies work together to achieve it

Captura de pantalla 2018-04-23 a la(s) 8.51.30 p. m..png
Hello Dear Dash Community

It is a great honor to have been sharing with all those present from the platform of #DashVenezuela communities, after having been preparing for each conference and participating as entrepreneurs, we started our meetings to expose the benefits of our Digital currency #Dash in Trujillo State - Venezuela this coming May 5, 2018. We will be showing all of you our advances

A big hug to all!
It is a great job that Dash Caracas team has been developing, contributing to the growth of the Dash community and serving as a link for other projects and entrepreneurs.

Everyday more and more people are involved with the cryptocurrencies world, and Dash takes important positions in the daily development of Venezuelan´s life.

I know that greater achievements will come if you continues with the support.

Thank you, from Los Teques, Venezuela, where the Dash Nation is built.

Hello everyone,

We are pleased to share the results of Dash Maracay First Conference / Dash City Expo-Fair in Venezuela. click here

We want to thanks the MNOs for the trust and confidence given to our team and the city of Maracay. Our main goal will always be to further develop the use of Dash in the center of the country.

Proud to be part of the Dash Maracay team @wgollini @Hgomez @pastordash and grateful to @algodon.franelas and all her team for all their support.

Together, we will continue working on turning Venezuela into the first Dash Nation!

Thank you!
Todos los que han participado en nuestras conferencias mensuales sobre Dash - dinero digital son testigos de la solución real que desde nuestro trabajo diario estamos ofreciendo a nuestro país. Somos más de 100 personas que directamente creamos la mejor experiencia en conocimiento para los venezolanos. Cada mes hacemos posible una oportunidad de progreso, es por eso que aquí presentamos a quienes protagonizan el equipo central de Dash Venezuela.

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All those who have participated in our monthly conferences on Dash - digital cash are witnesses of the real solution we are offering to our country. We are more than 100 people who directly create and keep bringing the best knowledge experience for Venezuelans. Each month, since last year, we have an opportunity to make progress a possibility now. that's why we're glad to introduce you our central team of Dash Venezuela.


ComputerWorld Venezuela specialized news of local IT Technology shares a summary of our 7th. Conference. Interview with Lorenzo Rey @ Dash Help Venezuela and our guest speaker Edwin Orrico Cybersecurity from PwC
In our first conference, we invited Jaime Sandoval to present: "Money in Public Banking vs. Digital Money" to understand the differences between both concepts.

Subtitles in English available.

"Basics of security when using Dash - Digital Cash and other cryptocurrencies in Venezuela"

Like every month, on the Friday before our Conference day, the entire Dash Venezuela team is already working at the Hotel to initiate the technical installation activities, location of resources for the entrepreneurs of Dash City. Also, as we have been doing for 5 months, it has been a success to call the media and press to guarantee the correct diffusion of our main purpose as an organization, which is the massive adoption of Dash - Digital Cash as a payment solution in Venezuela.



We are pleased to announce that innovation in our processes is always present and we are able to optimize the resources used in the bonus granted to each of our assistants, that is why we implemented a new cycle of training for our team of Juniors and entrepreneurs.


And the great day has come, April 21! We celebrate 7th Dash Venezuela conference in Caracas.


On this occasion, the event took place at the Hotel Pestana Caracas and our speaker was Edwin Orrico @3d0rr, Blockchain expert and cybersecurity manager for PwC, who addressed an audience of over 700 attendees interested in the conference entitled " Basic security aspects when using Dash and other cryptocurrencies in Venezuela ".


The event began with a little space for me as leader of Dash Venezuela, and I presented the different allies and Dash communities in the country.


After these activities to capitalize the relationships of Dash Venezuela with each of their communities, we present the good news of our Dash Help allies that successfully completes the customer service suggested by this proposal.


Then the speaker Edwin Orrico spoke, who introduced the public to the methods and ways to protect their investments in Dash and other cryptocurrencies, as well as the most effective ways of digital protection.


During his speech, the expert in cybersecurity presented a historical account of the different mechanisms, financial mechanisms have used secret codes, or cryptography, as a method to protect information or capital, being cryptocurrencies a "technological leap" in this form of security. "The cryptocurrencies are just the evolution of money thanks to the Blockchain technology," says Orrico.

When comparing cryptocurrencies with the traditional banking system, Orrico explained that digital currencies offer a public key, which works like the number of a bank account, but that, unlike banking, these currencies incorporate the novelty of a private key that it is only known by the user and with which he can protect his capital. With this, the lecturer stressed that cryptocurrencies offer the user the possibility of "becoming their own bank".

Among the recommendations given by Orrico for the security of the cryptocurrencies, they highlighted: distributing the funds in different wallets, the use of cold wallets or paper wallets, which are physical, and can not be hacked, the configuration of security passwords of the wallets and smartphones, as well as avoiding entry to suspicious websites.

"An attacker will always go for the weakest link, which is the person," said the speaker. "As computers are stronger, then we protect the Blockchain, which in doing so we become stronger."

The end of the meeting was marked by a dynamic that sought to foster cooperation among the attendees, remembering that Dash's message is not about competition but the collaboration of all Venezuelans to "generate more opportunities" in the country.

I am happy to announce that we repeat again being in the top 10 of the trending topics of Venezuela with the hashtag #DashVenezuela thanks to these indicators we are able to further spread our objectives and good news for the country.


In this spirit, the 7th conference led to the opening of the 5th edition of Dash City: a space where attendees could experience for the first time the experience of trading with cryptocurrencies.


This new edition of the City incorporated more than 70 ventures, and stood out for opening the doors to new businesses that found in the cryptocurrency a way to "safeguard the investment", according to Teddy Mijares, from Oasil Center Sport.



In addition to the well-known gastronomic fair, the event included a wide range of appliances, clothing, jewelry, tour packages, vehicles and more. In this edition, two new NGOs were added, amounting to 9 the number of foundations with social programs that have turned to Dash as a financial alternative.


In this opportunity, Dash City distinguished itself by the new alliances between the small businesses in it. An example of this is the "Burguer Manía" ventures, which acquires part of its raw material from “Azúcar, canela y clavito” through Dash, or Steelus, purveyors of belts, which maintains commercial relations with Oasil Center Sport, clothing store varied, by cryptocurrency.

"We made the alliance not only because the product is good, but because it is more convenient and practical to have a supplier that accepts Dash," said Bismar Escobar, founder of Burguer Manía.

In an improved version, the interactive tables by the Dash Merchant team efficiently fulfilled its main objective, which is to invite participants to develop their business strategies and ventures based on Dash Dinero Digital, clarify their doubts, listen to their proposals and we take your data to follow up later.

As the city developed, the first meeting of Dash communities in Venezuela took place in the conference room. This meeting was attended by more than ten representatives from all over the country, including Maracay, Trujillo, Mérida and San Antonio, with the idea of drawing up a national alliance whose objective was to "generate opportunities for the evolution of Venezuelans".


Finally, all the team of entrepreneurs and all those who work directly with Dash Venezuela met to celebrate together, another great day of success, good ideas and progress.
los invito a todos a que comenten y participen en la nueva pre-propuesta de Dash PLC, gracias al apoyo de toda nuestra comunidad Dash Venezuela.

para que los vinculos y el trabajo en equipo siga creciendo y desarrollandose.

los invito a todos a que lean y se enteren como todas las comunidades estaran participando en esta gran propuesta que nos involucra y beneficia a todos.

I invite you all to comment and participate in the new Dash PLC pre-proposal, thanks to the support of our entire Dash Venezuela community.

so that the links and teamwork continue to grow and developing.

I invite you all to read and learn how all the communities will be participating in this great proposal that involves us and benefits everyone.


We return to the University, we speak with the students of the Simón Bolivar University, Vargas headquarters on blockchain, cryptocurrencies, together with our community allied with Dash La Guaira and accompanied by CriptolifexThanks to the Student Center of the University for opening the doors of their classrooms, learn more about Dash - Digital Cash and everything we do in Venezuela