DASH Venezuela

1er Meet Up Ocumare – martes, 25 sep 2018

La convocatoria se repartió a más 90 comerciantes y prestadores de servicio de la zona, haciendo un recorrido por el sector El Playón y El Pueblo de Ocumare explicando ¿Por qué DASH es una alternativa económica Aliada?



Fue un dia lluvioso y frio, más sin embargo, en el Restaurante Los Nonnos en el sector del Playón tuvimos 8 asistentes en la cual se descargaron 6 wallets DASH y se aliaron 3 comercios entre ellos: 2 posadas y 1 comercio de ropa playera los cuales recibieron el asesoramiento personalizado por la comunidad Dash Costas de Aragua para el uso responsable de DASH como método de pago.



De esta manera terminamos con nuestro 1er ciclo de talleres en Las Costas de Oro apostamos a que todas estas personas poco a poco se integren a Dash tomando confianza y responsabilidad de su uso. A pesar de no disponer de una señal telefónica y wifi estable hicimos mucho énfasis en que podemos pagar con Dash ya que cuando un pago es transmitido de una wallet a la otra es totalmente irreversible el pago y esto animo mucho a los presentes ya que en ocasiones venden a consignación esperando que las personas le transfieran al llegar a su casa obteniendo hasta perdidas en sus ventas.

Así que Dash Venezuela y Dash Costas de Aragua seguirán trabajando de la mano para masificar y expandir este método de pago con todos sus beneficios y Alternativas Aliadas que nos hacen confiar y seguir.

Dash Maracay is pleased to announce the results of the Basic Course for Merchants

Date: 09-18-2018
Duration: 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm (4 hours)

Number of shops: 27 legally established businesses in Venezuela
  • ORANGE BISTRO VENEZUELA, C.A. (5 establishments)
  • GRAN COMBO CHICKENS (5 establishments)
  • FOOD SARAO 10, C.A.

Number of Assistants: 40

Course topics:
Basic Aspects:
  • Dash: Attributes and Benefits
  • Legal, Accounting and Tax Aspects of Cryptocurrencies
  • Dash Venezuela / Dash Maracay Communities
Implementation strategies:
  • POS System Qr.Cr (Practical Exercise)
  • Marketing
  • Discover Dash
  • Criptolugares

67% of merchants will implement Dash as payment method

Activity funded by Dash Venezuela and organized by Dash Maracay

See more details here

Dash Maracay bets on the Future of cryptocurrency

Since the first quarter of this year, Dash Maracay has made notable efforts to promote the use of Dash as a payment method.

On September 26 Dash Maracay held the conference called "The Future of Digital Money", where about 200 people attended the event, who received all the information necessary to adopt Dash as a form of payment

The presentations were given by the leaders of the Dash Maracay community, Eugenia Alcalá from Dash Venezuela, Alexis Lugo Dash Venezuela and Ernesto Contreras from the Dash Core Group.

Read more details here



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El uso cotidiando de DASH en nuestro país, es una idea nacida desde el año 2017 por parte de DASH Caracas, hoy convertida en DASH Venezuela. Y su empeño no ha cesado de buscar masificar el uso de la mejor criptomoneda: DASH!

Por ello, hasta la fecha somos 26 comunidades aliadas en cada una de las regiones. Una de las últimas creadas es DASH Bolivar, ubicada en Ciudad Bolívar, Estado Bolívar. Sur del Territorio Venezolano.

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DASH Bolívar es un equipo entregado a llevar el uso de DASH a emprendedores y empresarios que quieran aprender del uso y manejo de este dinero digital. En los próximos posts presentaremos información de las actividades que se realicen.
Tengo el placer de comunicarles, que ayer se realizo el primer meetup de dash barlovento. En el Restaurante Salsa Y Perejil


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Visitamos Ibiza Extreme, C.A. en el Local 7, Primer Piso del Centro Comercial Shopping Center; unicado en el Paseo Meneses de Ciudad Bolívar, Estado Bolívar - Venezuela. En dónde comenzaron a aceptar DASH!

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Esta tienda se dedica a la venta de bisutería, prendas de acero inoxidable, así como ropa para damas y caballeros.

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Seguimos incorporando negocios y/o emprendedores en Venezuela, rumbo a la Dash Nation.
Hello everyone,

Here I present the report of the Activity carried out by the Comunidad Dash Valencia, on September 25, 2019

Taking advantage of the invitation that Dash Venezuela made to Dash Core's Bussiness Development Regional Manager of the Latin America Ernesto Contreras, we ask that you visit us and make a talk to the Valencian public.

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We met at the Ceate, Extension Center of the University of Carabobo, where Professor Jose Ferreira Academic Vice-Rector and Professor Santiago Guevara, of the Cryptocurrency Chair of the University also participated.

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I also participate as a speaker Eugenia Alcala Leader of Dash Venezuela and Edgar Caballero Leader of the Community Dash Valencia.

The meeting was a success, after the presentations, the participants could buy their breakfast with an entrepreneur who accepts Dash.

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Finally, the media interviewed the speakers

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Thanks to Ernesto Contreras and Eugenia Alcala and their Dash Venezuela team, for their visit and help to the Community of Valencia


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yesterday we developed our second interactive course.
16 people attended
12 new wallets
2 merchants will accept dash


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Hello everyone,

Here I present the report of the Activity carried out by the Comunidad Dash Monagas, on Septiembre 11, 2018 with the suport of DASH VENEZUELA!!!

23 people attended
13 new wallets
1 merchants will accept dash
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Hello everyone.

We present the summary of the second meetup of the comunity Dash Monagas thanks to the support of Dash Venezuela.

Countrywide massive adoption strategy
USD 54,288.00
for opening 4,350 new wallets monthly
that is 12 USD per person

Dash Caracas was the first Dash Community in Venezuela, and since its foundation the Dash phenomenon in our country has been huge and without precedents.

Dash Venezuela is an organization that works tirelessly to make Venezuela the first Nation of Dash, It helped us all Dash leaders in the formation of their communities, where we work in an environment of collaboration and mutual support making Dash the most popular . Cryptocurrency in Venezuela.

We are 29 active communities in Venezuela, and we are going to open 4350 new wallets Monthly in meetups and workshops, where we speak to Venezuelans about how dash is the most suitable way to overcome the economic crisis, when using it as common currency around the whole country.

In three months, more than 12,000 Venezuelans will meet and talk to their relatives, neighbors and friends about the advantage of using dash in their purchases.

Venezuela has a population estimated at 40 million citizens .The Allied Communities of Venezuela are concentrated in the most important populations of the country, instructing more people in the use of Dash as an alternative for the exchange of value

The meetings and Workshops, of the allied communities, strive to educate key people of different communities, to promote a "Waterfall effect” , where citizens encourage people and businesses to use Dash


  1. Cripto UCV

  2. RedProductiva Merida

  3. DASH Barquisimeto

  4. DASH Baruta

  5. DASH Barlovento

  6. DASH Barinas

  7. DASH Cabimas

  8. DASH Cagua

  9. DASH Carora

  10. DASH Costas de Aragua

  11. DASH Guarenas-Guatire

  12. DASH Higuerote

  13. DASH La Guaira

  14. DASH Libertador

  15. DASH Los Teques

  16. DASH Maracaibo

  17. DASH Maracay

  18. DASH Monagas

  19. DASH Puerto La Cruz

  20. DASH San Antonio

  21. DASH San Felipe

  22. DASH Turmero

  23. DASH Valencia

  24. DASH Valera-Trujillo

  25. DASH Valle de la Pascua

  26. DASH Bolívar

  27. DASH Táchira

  28. DASH Yaracuy

Here you can see our detailed budget:

Propuestas Comunidades Aliadas de Dash Venezuela _ 3 meses - Hojas de cálculo de Google (3).png

Propuestas Comunidades Aliadas de Dash Venezuela _ 3 meses - Hojas de cálculo de Google (5).png
Hello friends, today Dash San Antonio and Dash Los Teques, allied to present Dash and its benefits to merchants, entrepreneurs and users in the fourth fair of entrepreneurs of San Antonio de Los Altos, state Miranda, Venezuela, expects assistance of over 2000 people.

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Hello everyone, we're very excited with the proposal for the 29 communities of Venezuela. Since replicating the information achieved from Dash Venezuela requires effort, support and union of all the communities that grow in the country.
Proof of this is the combination of effort and work realized this weekend by Dash Los Teques and Dash San Antonio in the fourth event of Entrepreneurs of San Antonio de los Altos Mirandinos, city in the state Miranda, Venezuela, where more than 60 entrepreneurs participated and an influx of over 500 assistants was achieved.

There we accomplished alliance with some entrepreneurs that accept Dash and we offered products, courtesy by Dash Los Teques so people that downloaded the wallet would pass by Dash's stand to receive information.
We accomplished that over 1000 came over, 25 wallets downloaded and 60 transactions, a list of people interested was generated, among them several merchants, importers and exporters.

With all of this said, our proposal is very noble and attractive and it would fill us with huge enthusiasm if it can be approved.