Dash Town Hall 2022

At this point, I think it's just an improvement to have any kind of vote-ranked system to sort these kinds of projects and to give Proposal Owners some guidance as to how to improve their approach without having to submit a new proposal each time.

Any kind of voting? Do you dare to allow people to vote the numbers?

it is the daemons, voting through the naysayers, that do the talking....When "vote the numbers" was firstly introduced to the Dash community, very few, for example myself, @GrandMasterDash, @UdjinM6[ (who also wrote the code) or @Pietro Speroni agreed.

All the rest, the vast majority, fiercely denied the idea to vote the numbers, and the same happens today.
Daemons....Ancient powerfull Daemons, at least 2000 years old, are involved in this issue...
People cannot escape from them, and this seems to apply to you too...


The DTH is setup to evaluate draft proposals by using public votes. Public votes are currently associated with a unique email address, but later will be tied to those users who own dash, but not enough for a MN. In this way, you'd get more of a 'common user' determining the value of these projects. There are arguments to be made for the biases associated with that system, and later we might also be able to add MN's votes and Delegates votes (separate from the DAO) to help us evaluate these projects.

At this point, I think it's just an improvement to have any kind of vote-ranked system to sort these kinds of projects and to give Proposal Owners some guidance as to how to improve their approach without having to submit a new proposal each time. Each proposal also increases the workload for everyone involved in the voting process further adding to the voter fatigue.

If you think that there's merit in this project...there needs to be a space for you to build that argument without having to spend money every month to refine it.

Agreed, and I might suggest a pre-proposal filter by 'Top Voted'. Certainly allowing all DASH holders a vote is more equitable, allowing for the possibility the system could be gamed.

But respectfully, we don't see any current proposals that will raise Dash profile for adoption, if indeed that is still the project's goal.


DASH relative low price requires a proposal passing over consecutive months to create any meaningful impact. I'd propose a project that passes month 1 is automatically fully funded without further voting. Instead of the current quorum to pass a proposal, perhaps pre-proposal voting metrics might also be included.

To elevate DASH from its #66 ranking requires bold choices, but with everyone a marketing expert this will continue to be challenging absent a revised model.

Voter fatigue is certainly an issue. With Core Group compensation at 2296 DASH per month, the remaining allocation leaves little budget to participate on the global stage and, despite its evident technological merits, a slippery slope to altcoin obscurity.

I don't disagree with you, but maybe we can explore it a little further. Do you think the DTH might be an appropriate place to track these outcomes/objectives? why/why not? Who would write them? What's the mechanism for evaluating them? In the vision I have for the DTH the Delegates would each write a roadmap for the dash network as a whole, as well as set the KPI's (known performance indicators) for each project/proposal owner. The MNO's would then evaluate these as a whole and delegate their votes to the delegates who matched closest to their philosophy. What do you think of this solution?

I think we could really make some progress here by building a theoretical model that we can implement in the DTH.


'MNOs need to simply stop funding projects that don't provide objective and measurable outcomes.'
Agreed, and I might suggest a pre-proposal filter by 'Top Voted'. Certainly allowing all DASH holders a vote is more equitable, allowing for the possibility the system could be gamed.

But respectfully, we don't see any current proposals that will raise Dash profile for adoption, if indeed that is still the project's goal.


DASH relative low price requires a proposal passing over consecutive months to create any meaningful impact. I'd propose a project that passes month 1 is automatically fully funded without further voting. Instead of the current quorum to pass a proposal, perhaps pre-proposal voting metrics might also be included.

To elevate DASH from its #66 ranking requires bold choices, but with everyone a marketing expert this will continue to be challenging absent a revised model.

Voter fatigue is certainly an issue. With Core Group compensation at 2296 DASH per month, the remaining allocation leaves little budget to participate on the global stage and, despite its evident technological merits, a slippery slope to altcoin obscurity.


Log into the Dash Town Hall: www.dashtownhall.com Checkout the 'draft proposal' tool (you need an account to play with it). These can be voted on like anything else, and the ones with the most votes move to the top of the list. Let me know what you think of this functionality. It sounds like you might like it...


I'm not sure how fractional voting relates to the conversation. Can you help me understand how it's relevant? Thanks.

@GrandMasterDash asks smth.
Then I ask smth ,by clarifying the question of @GrandMasterDash.
Then @Household Name® also asks smth irrelevant to the above two questions.

For a strange reason, my question (a clarification/explanation of @GrandMasterDash's question) was completely ignored.
And the in question person still dont understand at all the question of @GrandMasterDash ...

Yet another person , @DashTownHallAdmin , blinded by the deamons.

In the flat field, I do get bored.....
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I'm not sure how fractional voting relates to the conversation. Can you help me understand how it's relevant? Thanks.

Earlier you had said, "later will be tied to those users who own dash, but not enough for a MN". In other words, you want voting based on fractions of a masternode. To which I pointed you to the very recent decision that clearly rejects fractional voting.