Guys, I made a mistake when I said "internal mechanics", that's not quite what I meant to say. Using µDash is almost the solution I was thinking... however, what I do suggest is that we rename the units, so that µDash becomes the default unit and we simply rename it to "Dash". Yes, this would make most of us millionaires but that's ok because, you never know, maybe one day dash will rocket in value (USD).
The thing is this; people deal with digits to the left of a decimal point a lot easier than they do to the right. This was brought home recently when Amanda from the The Daily Decrypt got all confused over a similar problem. People, for example, understand $1,000,000 a lot easier than they understand 0.000001 - yes, people don't see "0.000001" as a millionth, even though it is.
Or maybe we could simply choose a cool name for the denomination, and if people start using this 0.000001 DASH special denomination as the "basic currency", it would be natural to refer to it as the "currency", while DASH will always be the "official" name of the project, while still being one of the denominations for the currency (e.g. 1 DASH = 1,000,000 BASICs)...
...remember China with Renmimbi vs Yuan, Renmimbi being the name of the currency and Yuan being its basic unit.