Dash to two decimal places

Guys, I made a mistake when I said "internal mechanics", that's not quite what I meant to say. Using µDash is almost the solution I was thinking... however, what I do suggest is that we rename the units, so that µDash becomes the default unit and we simply rename it to "Dash". Yes, this would make most of us millionaires but that's ok because, you never know, maybe one day dash will rocket in value (USD).

The thing is this; people deal with digits to the left of a decimal point a lot easier than they do to the right. This was brought home recently when Amanda from the The Daily Decrypt got all confused over a similar problem. People, for example, understand $1,000,000 a lot easier than they understand 0.000001 - yes, people don't see "0.000001" as a millionth, even though it is.

Or maybe we could simply choose a cool name for the denomination, and if people start using this 0.000001 DASH special denomination as the "basic currency", it would be natural to refer to it as the "currency", while DASH will always be the "official" name of the project, while still being one of the denominations for the currency (e.g. 1 DASH = 1,000,000 BASICs)...

...remember China with Renmimbi vs Yuan, Renmimbi being the name of the currency and Yuan being its basic unit.
1 DASH = 1.00000000
and 1 DUFF = 0.00000001
Is all there is right now, if given general names.
[count'em, 8 right? - ugh - so hard]

You keep asking - can we get new names for denominations...???

WHY not....
Completely changes the subject but -

1 DASH ========== 1 DASH
0.1 DASH ======== 10th of a DASH ==== 1 DASH Byte = __________________
0.01 DASH ======= 100th DASH ======= 1 DASH cent = __________________
0.001 DASH ====== 1000th DASH ====== 1 DASH mil == __________________
0.0001 DASH ===== 10000th DASH ===== 1 DASH 5th == __________________
0.00001 DASH ==== 100000th DASH ==== 1 DASH 6th == __________________
0.000001 DASH === 1000000th DASH === 1 DASH nano = __________________
0.0000001 DASH == 10000000th DASH == 1 DASH bit === __________________
0.00000001 DASH = 100000000th DASH = 1 DUFF ===== DUFF

fill in your own blanks.....

Let the debate continue...
1 DASH = 1.00000000
and 1 DUFF = 0.00000001
Is all there is right now, if given general names.
[count'em, 8 right? - ugh - so hard]

You keep asking - can we get new names for denominations...???

WHY not....
Completely changes the subject but -

1 DASH ========== 1 DASH
0.1 DASH ======== 10th of a DASH ==== 1 DASH Byte = __________________
0.01 DASH ======= 100th DASH ======= 1 DASH cent = __________________
0.001 DASH ====== 1000th DASH ====== 1 DASH mil == __________________
0.0001 DASH ===== 10000th DASH ===== 1 DASH 5th == __________________
0.00001 DASH ==== 100000th DASH ==== 1 DASH 6th == __________________
0.000001 DASH === 1000000th DASH === 1 DASH nano = __________________
0.0000001 DASH == 10000000th DASH == 1 DASH bit === __________________
0.00000001 DASH = 100000000th DASH = 1 DUFF ===== DUFF

fill in your own blanks.....

Let the debate continue...


p.s. I'm naive enough to believe that IF dash intends to be the world electronic cash, it is necessary that it reaches the masses. I guess if the community tries to become a little less arrogant it would probably mean a huge step towards what I suppose are our objectives.

btw. let's try to be civil, at least among each other around here. We are not kids (I hope).

thank you... and sorry
Perhaps what you want is to have a better name than µDash (just like bitcoin have bits instead of ubtc)Right??

1000 Dash = 1 Flare
1 Dash = 1 Dash
1 mDash = 1 Udjin
1 µDash = 1 Crowning
1 Duffs = 1 Duff

Yeah, I'm all for better names
- One dash is currently worth US$2.36.
- One bitcoin is currently worth 136 times the value of a dash.

1. With exponential success, if dash increased in value by 1000 times, one Duff would be worth 0.00236 cents. I'm all for micro-transactions, but the only argument I can see for that kind of micro-micro-transaction is per-second-metering... which you wouldn't want to do on-chain anyway because it may well involve millions of transactions per second (water, electricity etc). So my first thought it is that we dump the last two digits.

2. I would then suggest, that the internal representation would remain the same but all visible client representations would move the decimal 3 places to the right. Thus, an mDash (a thousandth) would simply become one "Dash".
4. The next two digits (one hundred thousandth) would become a "cent" or "penny", take your pick, these unit names are quite common around the world.
5. The last digit (μDash) would be a tenth of a cent.

That would give us a system to three decimal places which I think the public would tolerate.

Before After
1 Dash = 1,000 (a Flare?)
0.001 mDash = 1 Dash
0.00001 = 1 Cent / Penny
0.000001 μDash = 0.1 Cent / Penny
So now you want to move the decimal place to cause a 1000X split?
...instead of 18 million DASH total max - you want there to be: 18 billion DASH?

so my 1000 DASH becomes 1 million DASH?

uh - no........
So now you want to move the decimal place to cause a 1000X split?
...instead of 18 million DASH total max - you want there to be: 18 billion DASH?

so my 1000 DASH becomes 1 million DASH?

uh - no........

What? - I didn't say anything about changing the supply. In point 2 I said the internal representation would remain the same.
So now you want to move the decimal place to cause a 1000X split?
...instead of 18 million DASH total max - you want there to be: 18 billion DASH?

so my 1000 DASH becomes 1 million DASH?

uh - no........

Actually, if you want to accelerate mass adoption, a 1000 for 1 split is not such a far fetched idea. Look at Doge, which has similar market cap and trading volume as Dash - and yet it has no features. All Doge has is over 100 billion coins outstanding, passed around by gazillions of people; and gazillions of coin holders would be a reason for merchants to consider accepting a coin (for tunes, games, etc.).
The decimal place is nothing but a convenience notion for human use. The finite unit is a single duff. The decimal point is irrelevant. Altering duff supply? GTFO! No one with a clue would ever suggest it.
Actually, if you want to accelerate mass adoption, a 1000 for 1 split is not such a far fetched idea. Look at Doge, which has similar market cap and trading volume as Dash - and yet it has no features. All Doge has is over 100 billion coins outstanding, passed around by gazillions of people; and gazillions of coin holders would be a reason for merchants to consider accepting a coin (for tunes, games, etc.).
DOGE only has that because there is no diff and all the kiddies can mine it on their video cards with free electricity that mommy and daddy pay for. Ultrainflatable socialist coin, it's entire existence is based on the secret displacement of grown-ups who pay a power bill and don't realize it's being converted into a covert allowance augmentation. Without that, there would be no DOGE. And people debate the ethics of stealing electricity to mine other coins? Stealing electricity from one's own family is the solitary underpinning of DOGE...
The decimal place is nothing but a convenience notion for human use. The finite unit is a single duff. The decimal point is irrelevant. Altering duff supply? GTFO! No one with a clue would ever suggest it.

"nothing but a convenience notion for human use" is exactly the point. You, me and others here may be bright enough to handle it, but back in reality, the world uses two decimal places and totally cringes at the thought of 8 decimal places. In psychology - not computer science - the average number of items people are comfortable handling is 5, less is obviously better, and with numbers it's more complicated because people tend to group into patterns they are familiar with. Making a presentation and want to get your point over? - make it no more than 5 key points. Yeah, maybe you would call them dumb-asses but that's because you're super intelligent and basking in your own glory. You're happy with 8 decimal places, great, then go back to bitcoin.

If you follow Amanda on The Daily Decrypt, you'd know that she recently had a spat over this very issue. Well, she's working in the crypto space and gets confused over decimal places... but yeah, go ahead and say how dumb that must be. I know, I know, you're bright, everyone else must be too, or they don't deserve to be here, right?

As for supply, it's totally overrated. The utility of these coins does not significantly hinge on supply. I know that comes as a shock to many people reading this but here goes....

One of the big attributes of crypto is that it's "frictionless", meaning costs are free or nearly free. With an active and efficient market you can, in theory, switch between cryptos at a cost of next to nothing. Thus, you can own dash and pay for something in bitcoin using a service like Shapeshift. Now shapeshift is far from efficient but add some volume and healthy competition and the market becomes more efficient... the costs comes close to zero. So, what does it matter that you're holding bitcoin with a supply of 21 million, and dash with 18 million, or dodge with god knows how many billions - what does it matter? - the total aggregate supply of all popular cryptos is the only thing that matters. Ha, you're holding and using bitcoin, praising the "limited supply" and along comes someone with dash and says, "hey, I can also spend in addition to your 21 million bitcoin".
DOGE only has that because there is no diff and all the kiddies can mine it on their video cards with free electricity that mommy and daddy pay for. Ultrainflatable socialist coin, it's entire existence is based on the secret displacement of grown-ups who pay a power bill and don't realize it's being converted into a covert allowance augmentation. Without that, there would be no DOGE. And people debate the ethics of stealing electricity to mine other coins? Stealing electricity from one's own family is the solitary underpinning of DOGE...

Yes, yes, absolutely camo! Those kiddies are deplorable and the coin is socialist... and as I said it has no features, but markets don't care, the coin trades regardless.
I mentioned DOGE because it demonstrates that significant mkt cap and trading volume can achieved based solely on having a large, widespread user base.
Don't misunderstand, I'm not advocating Dash be split, rather that the idea is not so far fetched... a larger user base would likely to be conducive to adoption.
Huddled around the crack pipe of an exchange is not the point of DASH.

Part of the argument for DASH having a retail-useful infrastructure is precisely because of the friction-less ability to then spend whatever coin you've got on it, and let that teach the user of the differences and failures of shitcoins...

DASH is still not doing the thing it's good for... It makes a terrible crack pipe which is why it has no place as an exchange endorphin. If DASH does not fulfill it's role it rots on the vine instead.

Worrying about decimal points because grandma might not use it? Really?

There was a project that tried to put Bitcoin into gas stations. It failed. Because confirmation waiting. DASH should grab that and run with it instead of dicking off with what people who will never use it might think about decimal points.

Let them wait for the shapeshift, then have instant TX. No matter what coin you fanboy for and baghold, you know the DASH logo. People will talk... Sign in the grass in front of the gas station...

We really can't have some 3rd party dev do this, all the time getting up to speed... This should be done be a dev already on the project, and not for free. QRs are lame. NFC.

Somebody needs to make a no-risk deal with NCR... Vote for it or something... In fact.... What if NCR could displace VISA/MC? If NCR handled the conversion/deposits, and DASH was the payment forum... Oh sexy... They're already there...
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I agree with this proposal. If Dash with worth 2 bucks, then .0001, the 4th decimal place is worth 2% of a penny. Need 50 of those to make one penny. I think the option to hide should be for real and not moving the decimal place.

Instead of showing 3.14159265 Dash it does make sense to be able to just display 3.14 Dash or 3.141 Dash.

The amounts listed after the 4th decimal place just can't matter in the real world. I believe the same with BItcoin. Should have coins split up into 100ths but then if the value goes up then you can split into 8th decimal place if you so wish.