Here we go friends!!!! DASH TO ADOPTION IS LIVE!!!!
Contact: John Bush -
[email protected] - 512-815-7388
Crypto-activists Aim to Grow Dash Economy by Bringing on 100 New Merchants in 100 Days
Austin, TX - A group of cryptocurrency enthusiasts has launched a campaign that hopes to grow the number of businesses accepting Dash by over 150%. The goal of the project, called Dash to Adoption, is to set up 100 businesses to accept Dash in 100 days or less.
Dash, also known as Digital Cash, is a digital currency with instant transactions and a decentralized governance and budgeting system. The Dash to Adoption campaign is funded by the Dash Protocol as part of the Masternode Budget System, a feature that allows Dash to fund it’s development and marketing.
Dash to Adoption project leader, John Bush, who operates
Brave New Books, the first brick and mortar in the United States to accept Dash, believes Dash is a great fit for merchants. Bush said, “the ability for businesses using Dash to receive payment instantly with no risk of chargebacks or double spending makes it an ideal currency for merchant adoption.”
The day the campaign launched the team had already on-boarded six businesses and organizations. They include
Free Talk Live, a nationally syndicated radio program that played a major role in furthering bitcoin adoption,
Liberty Radio Network, an online radio network,, an online health store,, a website and open bazaar hosting service, the
Center for Natural Living, a 501c3 non-profit based in Austin, TX, and, a viral homesteading website.
While 100 businesses in 100 days may seem like a tall task, Bush thinks his team will accomplish their goal. “With digital currency adoption on the rise and the numerous examples of bitcoin double spending recently, Dash is quickly becoming a favorite alternative”, said Bush.
The Dash to Adoption team is encouraging existing Dash users to show some love to the businesses brought on board through this campaign by spending some Dash with them. Dash users can follow the campaign’s progress at
Merchants interested in accepting Dash or learning more can visit and fill out the contact form. Someone from the Dash to Adoption team will be in contact.
To learn more about Dash visit
To check out existing Dash merchant visit the
Dash Merchant Map and