1) Regarding the charity, very very few children in Venezuela have phones, how do they make purchases?
2) Based on the following figures, it seems there is very little use of Dash Text outside of the charity program:
The charity website says you have received $3725
The total count of DashText transactions in Venezuela is 5405
The total count of DashText wallets is 3401
Do you have a plan to grow Dash Texts organic usage outside of charity that you can share with the DAO?
3) In Venezuela, an Empanada costs $0.2, you are giving each child $1 per day. For context, a low cost employee in Venezuela earns just $10-$20 a month! Please could you explain how the children typically spend the money they receive?
4) Your website cost $3150, when queried you said it was made by a professional company in the USA. However the text is all written in Spanish style English and looking at we can see this is an amateur at best. We have talented developers in Venezuela that you could have hired at a lower cost for a better result - and paid in Dash! Please could you justify this cost (evidence to Dash Watch would also be appreciated)?
5) As one of the strongest supporters of Dash Text I am constantly let down by how unreliable it is and the lack of reception to the feedback I have been providing. For example, I tried to use Dash Text yesterday (over 24 hours ago) and it didn't work. I reported this issue to both Dash Help and Dash Text but there has been no progress in over a day other than a different error message leaving me unable to move my funds. During the past several months whilst I have been actively using this service I have received the following errors (and this includes testing with multiple phone service providers and many different phones as I was onboarding lots of varied merchants and users during that time):
- The service number 2030 was down for several weeks until it was eventually replaced by 9910 and 3457. This measn no one was able to use DashText for several weeks. Further to this, it took a few weeks for this new number to be updated on which was still promoting 2030.
- The service number starting 0424 for Movilnet phones has been down several times, each time leaving users without service for a few days.
- The service numbers 9910 and 3457 were down for a day.
- The service returned a strange error message 'could not fetch content' for half a day.
- The exchange rate of VES to DASH was not updated for 1 or 2 weeks which meant users would overspend a lot on every transaction.
Please explain these constant issues and the lack of communication around them as well as your plans to getting this service to a stage where it is fully usable without constant issues.
Just to clarify where I have the numbers from:
On it says 3401 wallets.
On it says there have been 5405 transactions since 01.05.19 until now. (The stats page does not allow any date earlier)
On it says that each kid gets distributed $1
On it says how many donations have been received in total: $3725
On the report of DashWatch it mentions the website cost.
I also have text message histories and screenshots to prove all the outages as I reported them directly to Lorenzo via text message, it was the first time that I was reporting an outage via Dash Help yesterday. Dash Help was really helpful and they did a great customer support, very polite and very professional.
2) Based on the following figures, it seems there is very little use of Dash Text outside of the charity program:
The charity website says you have received $3725
The total count of DashText transactions in Venezuela is 5405
The total count of DashText wallets is 3401
Do you have a plan to grow Dash Texts organic usage outside of charity that you can share with the DAO?
3) In Venezuela, an Empanada costs $0.2, you are giving each child $1 per day. For context, a low cost employee in Venezuela earns just $10-$20 a month! Please could you explain how the children typically spend the money they receive?
4) Your website cost $3150, when queried you said it was made by a professional company in the USA. However the text is all written in Spanish style English and looking at we can see this is an amateur at best. We have talented developers in Venezuela that you could have hired at a lower cost for a better result - and paid in Dash! Please could you justify this cost (evidence to Dash Watch would also be appreciated)?
5) As one of the strongest supporters of Dash Text I am constantly let down by how unreliable it is and the lack of reception to the feedback I have been providing. For example, I tried to use Dash Text yesterday (over 24 hours ago) and it didn't work. I reported this issue to both Dash Help and Dash Text but there has been no progress in over a day other than a different error message leaving me unable to move my funds. During the past several months whilst I have been actively using this service I have received the following errors (and this includes testing with multiple phone service providers and many different phones as I was onboarding lots of varied merchants and users during that time):
- The service number 2030 was down for several weeks until it was eventually replaced by 9910 and 3457. This measn no one was able to use DashText for several weeks. Further to this, it took a few weeks for this new number to be updated on which was still promoting 2030.
- The service number starting 0424 for Movilnet phones has been down several times, each time leaving users without service for a few days.
- The service numbers 9910 and 3457 were down for a day.
- The service returned a strange error message 'could not fetch content' for half a day.
- The exchange rate of VES to DASH was not updated for 1 or 2 weeks which meant users would overspend a lot on every transaction.
Please explain these constant issues and the lack of communication around them as well as your plans to getting this service to a stage where it is fully usable without constant issues.
Just to clarify where I have the numbers from:
On it says 3401 wallets.
On it says there have been 5405 transactions since 01.05.19 until now. (The stats page does not allow any date earlier)
On it says that each kid gets distributed $1
On it says how many donations have been received in total: $3725
On the report of DashWatch it mentions the website cost.
I also have text message histories and screenshots to prove all the outages as I reported them directly to Lorenzo via text message, it was the first time that I was reporting an outage via Dash Help yesterday. Dash Help was really helpful and they did a great customer support, very polite and very professional.