
Hi all:

For those who doesn´t know me, my name is Richard Jerez, and I´m the leader of Altos Mirandino´s Dash Community located in Venezuela.

I developed a small proposal and I would like the support of the community. The proposal consists in making Dash known to the community of Los Teques, using the school inscriptions season as a vehicle to attract people attention.

How the proposal would work? One of the requisites in VE asked for school inscriptions is the Photo ID of the student. Well, to all those persons insterested in knowing about Dash and using it as a payment means, we will give them a Photo ID with a discount of 50%.

In order to obtain the discount, the person must install a Dash Wallet, and pay the photo id with Dash. We will sell the required amount of Dash to the interested person with a 50% discount, and that person then will go to the photo finishing shop, pay the service with dash, and obtain the photo id. We expect to contact at least 2000 people over a month and half.

More details about the proposal can be found here:

https://www.dashboost.org/proposals/view/128/Dash supports education in Venezuela while creating 3000 new Dash transactions
Comments, questions and suggestions are very welcome.

Thanks in advance for your support.

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Hello Richard! Im loving these idea. The discount could work as a great vehicle for promotion given that our economy is messed up right now a 50% discount is very significant.

You count with full support of the DASH YOUTH team.

Hello Richard! Im loving these idea. The discount could work as a great vehicle for promotion given that our economy is messed up right now a 50% discount is very significant.

You count with full support of the DASH YOUTH team.


Thank You Santos.

Here I put some clarifications of the development of our proposal

1) @fotodigitalwest, the photo finishing shop we contacted to execute this proposal, has actually developed a campaign for the massive sales of photo id, also we plan to contact more people by publicity in radio and social media. We will use the IG accounts @dashlosteques and @fotodigitalwest. Please see attached pictures of the shop, and it´s clientele.


Also we will build a stand located in the busiest area shopping center where @fotodigitalwest is located. The stand is where we will contact people, create their wallets and sell them Dash.

2) The benefit for Dash is to make it known to 2000 people who are actually unaware of it´s existence. We want them to live the Dash experience, using a payment means which is secure and speedy. Plus, those people will receive their photo id with a huge discount. This will position Dash in people's minds, and will allow us to extend this promotion to other shops.
WhatsApp Image 2018-07-23 3.jpg
WhatsApp Image 2018-07-23 2.jpg
Hi everyone,

I take pleasure to inform or remind you of our proposal that's up for voting on dashboost.
Here is a video explaining the sequence of our proposal.
We think it serves to understand better.

The benefit for Dash is to make it known to 2000 people who are actually unaware of it´s existence. We want them to live the Dash experience, using a payment means which is secure and speedy. Plus, those people will receive their photo id with a huge discount.
The investment for Dash will be very low, per cost per person.

Vote yes please