Dash Support for Victims in Barcelona Attack


New member

My name is Aaron Singer, and I am an American inventor, crypto currency investor, and entrepreneur living in Barcelona. Yesterday there were 2 terror attacks that killed at least 13 people and injured over 100.

The reason that I am posting this thread is because I would like to make a Dash Central budget proposal to send Dash to the victims of the terror attack.

I understand that this is a bold request. And even to give small amounts of Dash to that many people represents a larger than average divestment from the treasury, along with a difficult logistical problem of finding the victims families, probably having to teach them about cryptocurrency, and instructing them to download a wallet. But I wish to make some good happen after the horror that happened yesterday. The people that died and were injured yesterday, were killed and injured sin razón (without reason). They were just living their lives, as local Catalonians or tourists on vacation in Barcelona, and without warning a speeding van changed that. It is not right, and it is a sad fact that that is the current world that we live in.

Nevertheless, I think that after such evil, we have an opportunity to do some good. What I am proposing is subject to change after I get the Dash communities input. It is all of our money that is held within the treasury, because it represents a portion of our investment hoping for the future.

Proposal outline:

Single disbursement of 1000 Dash

Proposed recipients:

  • For every deceased person I suggest 20 Dash Allocation to the bereaved children / family ( Budget of 25 people deceased)
  • For every injured person I suggest 5 Dash allocation directly to the person or significant other. (Budget of 100 people injured)

Proposed Logistical system for disbursement (This is where I would really like the communities suggestions, I will be brutally honest with what problems I think will be difficult to solve.)

  • Before this proposal is fully proposed, I will make a few calls and trips around Barcelona. Specifically to the local police stations and city council building, but also to the local news papers to try to find an official list of the dead and injured with hopefully their listed next of kin/ family.
  • There has to be a list of deceased and injured somewhere, and even if there isn't a list of next of kin / family, Facebook and other social media sites can be used to find their social networks. I have reasonable confidence that the police or the local Catalonian government will have a list of the deceased with contact information.
  • Once the list is obtained, and I have the disbursement. (This is up to the master nodes)
  • I will move to making direct phone calls. I will need the help of translators, I am sure. Barcelona is a multicultural place, I only know English and am in the process of learning Spanish, but I am sure that I will come across French, Russian, German, and peoples from all over the world. When I attempt to track down these families and people.
  • In the initial call I will explain what I am trying to do. I am trying to spread a little love after some true horror happened. I will explain what Dash is, and if I need to I will explain what cryptocurrency is.
  • I will then request their email. If they desire the Dash disbursement, I will send them an email with a link to the dash wallet page, information on exchanges and how to cash out, and information on what Dash is.
  • All they will have to do is download the wallet, and send me their Dash address. And I will send them the appropriate amount of Dash, direct from the treasury.

Why is this appropriate for Dash?
  • First of all, this type of situation is perfect for cryptocurrency in general, and Dash specifically. Cryptocurrency crosses borders significantly better than conventional money, and Dash is the easiest cryptocurrency to use. If a victim's family is in Uganda, as long as they have access to a cell phone I can send them dash.
  • The Dash treasury system is an amazing tool. It provides capital for use on international projects. Nothing like it has ever been made before, and with the recent hikes in the price of dash it is starting to command a large stack of capital. Historically the Dash treasury system has been used for small marketing marketing moves and payroll, but I believe that soon it will be used for deeper worldwide projects. The treasury is only using 767.48 of a 6651.85 Dash in its budget this month. It is beginning to be time to start asking more from the treasury, it can do so much now.
  • While what happened yesterday was horrible. It provides us the opportunity to do some good. It also provides us the opportunity to show what Dash can do on a global stage. Within this proposal is the opportunity to truly demonstrate to the world the power that Dash has as a global currency. It is a positive response to a negative situation, and it demonstrates to victims that they are not alone in their troubles.
  • In a marketing sense this terrible situation gives Dash the opportunity to be a force for good. Similar to the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989 where Dawn soap was sent to the spill to aid in the cleaning of wildlife, Dash can send aid specifically to places that have been affected by this horrible act in a way that few if any other organizations could do.
  • Obviously any remaining Dash that doesn't go disbursed will happily be returned to the treasury.

In conclusion
  • I need feedback from you the community. What do you all think of this plan?
  • I need to know what you would like to see implemented or changed. How can I make this better?
  • What more you would need from me to trust me with such a large disbursement?
  • I would like your suggestions on how to go about with disbursement (should it be QT wallet or Jaxx, etc)
  • Are the disbursements of a proper size?
  • Please let me know if you all have any additional ideas that could help the victims of this crime.

Personal Bio:

My name is Aaron Singer, I am an American living abroad in Barcelona, Spain. I am a longtime crypto investor and trader (I remember when BTC was $75); crypto has given me wonderful and exciting possibilities in my life. I am also an inventor and entrepreneur. My current entrepreneurial venture is the reason that I relocated to Spain from the US, I want to bring American craft beer to Spain and Spanish wine to American. This is my first proposal, but I have been wanting to craft a proposal for the Dash community for a while, but nothing seemed important enough. Until the events of August 17, yesterday as of the creation of this pre-proposal.
I am unable to post a link, but CNN has live updates of the attack and aftereffects on their website. Just type "cnn barcelona live update" into google.
this is good idea to being with , there are two issues here

first we need to absolutely make sure we give it to the correct victims
second we need to make sure we get some PR out of it
Thank you for the responses,
this is good idea to being with , there are two issues here

first we need to absolutely make sure we give it to the correct victims
second we need to make sure we get some PR out of it
1) I had an idea that I could hire a private investigator to make contact with the police and produce a list of names and contacts. For injured (not super severely) we could give it to them directly, and as long as they have a phone coin could be delivered do them. For the deceased, finding out who their beneficiary is within their family could possibly be difficult, spouses would be #1, children would be #2, we could also offer to donate the coin to the estate of the deceased in which case it would be given executor.

2) On a "promotional side", I would attempt to make positive action happen and see the response, rather than claim some sort of promotional angle. With this disbursement it would give a large amount of people €4000 and €1000, that is a reasonable amount of money for most people. It might cover a large part of the cost of a funeral or some medical bills, or they can use it to pay rent or fix their car, it just seems to me that it would be better served in those peoples hands. I would not like to see a promotional side. I would like to see the excess funds of the treasury used to help people that were hurt. The funds are just sitting there not doing anything, and they will just reset next month.

I am not in anyway trying to make this undertaking sound easy and simple, it is large and it involves a lot of money. I hope to use this forum as a method of finding an acceptable way to help these people in some way.

disgusting. trying to promote dash off the dead. solid no.

Vedran, I have no intention of promoting Dash off of victims of international crime. I hope to use my skills to do a small service to people that were hurt in an act of terror. If you are in fact correct in your assessment of my idea that somehow it would be used as cheap promotion then I hope that the community will see that and strike my pre-proposal down, but I have no desire to profit off of what happened yesterday. I will pay the 5 dash cost for the proposal out of my own pocket, without request for reimbursement, and I will return all the non disbursed Dash back to the treasury account. My apartment is less than a km from where this occurred. I had friends that had to be escorted from the area under armed guard. People died from this. People were hurt from this. I want to help in someway, but I have no trust in conventional non profit corporations, but I do know that there is a cryptocurrency that I am invested in that has available funds, and a method of direct transmission of funds person to person that no standard non-profit can match.
I think your heart is in the right place. I am not sure how practical this is - assuming 90+ % of the people you will try to contact have no knowledge of crypto currency - it seems like a lot for someone with that trauma so close behind them to even try to learn something new and relatively complicated. Not to mention the logistics of getting them setup and the Dash to them - and new exchange accounts so they could spend some of the "money." --- Just my opinion...
I think your heart is in the right place. I am not sure how practical this is - assuming 90+ % of the people you will try to contact have no knowledge of crypto currency - it seems like a lot for someone with that trauma so close behind them to even try to learn something new and relatively complicated. Not to mention the logistics of getting them setup and the Dash to them - and new exchange accounts so they could spend some of the "money." --- Just my opinion...


That is a good point. I would wager that I am the largest holder of Dash for many miles around (don't get me wrong I'm not master node level by any means), but we are at the beginning of something amazing with Dash. I am writing this proposal right after this happened because I feel I have an obligation to try to help. I am not a fireman or police officer, but I do have skills that can help and I feel that I must exercise them to the best of my ability. With evolution coming out later this year (fingers crossed) It should be easier than ever to cash in and out of Dash. I believe Amanda B. said that it will be so easy my mother could do it. I don't expect that we will be ready to disburse within 16 days during this budget month, but I am trying to stimulate a conversation within the community about how we could help people with our system.

Perhaps we could set up a trust with some of the excess budget so that when evolution comes out and cashing in and out is the equivalent of downloading the wallet and taking a picture of your debit card, we could disperse then.

Or we could set up a trust master node account for the victims until it is simple enough to send dash out and cash in and out, all the while the trust accrues interest.

Evolution is supposed to be what makes this technical niche thing into a simple easy to use aspect of modern life. At this stage of Dash development we have a treasury that is full to bursting and we barely use 10% of it.

You are correct if I picked up the phone today and called family members even to offer money it would be uncouth and insensitive, but what about in a year when Evolution is out and dash has 4x'd from where it is now?
Agreed, if it could be done as an anonymous donation then 100% for it but 100% against anything that could even hint at exploiting suffering, imho this could be taken that way.

Agreed, I don't think truly anonymous donation could be accomplished with any other means than with Dash or some type of cryptocurrency. The best thing about this is that we could do this right once we have the right tools! Dash is person to person, all that we will need to make this happen is a contact list and a dash address. Which, I believe, is the system we all want to have and what we've been building for. I do believe that we should set up some kind of trust now while we have the 85% full budget. Literally it will hurt absolutely no-one, and we will be able to do a lot of good with it later.

These terrorists plan their attacks over years, why can't we as a community plan to do something good for people just as well? Again I do not think this will be an easy undertaking and it is a brand new idea that hasn't be done before, but we CAN do it.
I don't think this is a decision that the community should make as a whole. If somebody wanted to arrange a crowdfunding campaign for it then I would be more receptive to the idea I think
I think the most humanitarian thing we can do to help people everywhere, is to continue to make an honest currency available to everybody.

I agree that charitable acts are best left to individuals rather than through the Dash DAO. There are a dozen ways this could turn out bad, and one way maybe, that it could turn out good.

I am also concerned that if we start funding specific charitable acts, we will soon be flooded with hundreds of requests for free money.
I don't think this is a decision that the community should make as a whole. If somebody wanted to arrange a crowdfunding campaign for it then I would be more receptive to the idea I think


May I ask why crowdfunding would be a better method to achieve the aim of helping people?

I think the most humanitarian thing we can do to help people everywhere, is to continue to make an honest currency available to everybody.

I agree that charitable acts are best left to individuals rather than through the Dash DAO. There are a dozen ways this could turn out bad, and one way maybe, that it could turn out good.

I am also concerned that if we start funding specific charitable acts, we will soon be flooded with hundreds of requests for free money.


I ask the same question, why is charitable act better from the hands of individuals?

My reasoning is this, business and organizations have significantly more power than individuals to exact true and effective change. If there was a crowd funding program, maybe we would hit a reasonable goal, maybe we wouldn't. If a crowdfunding campaign only reaches €50,000 how could that be separated evenly and correctly among (the budgeted for) 25 deceased and 100 injured?

Effective plans and as such, effective actions, needs a minimization of variables. In my experience crowdfunding is only effective on the massive non-profit corporation scale such as the Red Cross and various awareness campaigns, which in most cases are ineffectual and many times corrupt institutions:


On top of that argument, crowdfunding takes money from everyday people. People that many times need their money for themselves, but give to organizations like that out of the goodness of their heart only to see it turn into pink ribbon jets "raising awareness". Any hospital or museum director would tell you the majority of funds for these institutions come from corporations and large money holders, not the average user of their services or the "crowd" per say .

Dash has a large stack of money, that is not being used nearly to capacity right now. The Dash that is created for the treasury wouldn't otherwise be going to feed a family's children, it wouldn't be going to pay for a new student's college fund, or a trying to start a new revolutionary entrepreneurial business.

I believe Dash is more powerful and capable to make true beneficial changes in our world than many community members believe.

About the possible inundation of charitable requests, I believe the 5 Dash tax on proposals is more than enough to staunch many would be beggars. On top of that they have to get through a discerning community, and then finally get approved by enough shrewd master node operators... Honestly that seems like enough hoops to deter most flippant requests to me.
No, big corporations and organizations don't have more power than the individuals acting collectively. I could cite a dozen examples where big corporations and organizations did a craptastic job. Very few actually help people in the long term. You cited one yourself, the Red Cross does not have a great record at actually helping people in Haiti. Motivated individuals and communities have done most of the good things in this world by helping people.

Plus, what you think is a great charity may be very different from what I, or other Masternodes think is a great charity. And then the whole "fairness" issue. "Why did you help them, but not my favorite charity XYZ?"

Certainly, your cause seems just and deserving, and I'm all about charitable giving that actually helps people, by individuals.

If you cannot find 10 or 20 Masternodes who would be willing to get behind your cause, I doubt that you will get a necessary majority to get funded by the DAO. That's just my read on it, you could certainly submit the proposal. I've been wrong before.

Our job, our mission, is to make fair and honest money available to the world. That will help more people than anything else we can do.
There is no way I am voting for some CIA funded terrorist incident. Unless, of course, you're also going to give money for the people of Marawi, Philippines? Oh wait, barely made the news (if at all) because it wasn't politically correct? Oh yeah, Philippines did a pivot from Europe / US to China / Russia.. ah yes, the wonders of MSM playing at your emotions when it suits them.

You want to crowdfund or give your personal money, then I applaud you, but not through the dash budget.
I remember about this this blockchain organization exactly built for these type of situations effectly cutting the red cross and other middleman that might take most of the donations for 'income'.
I will vote no. How do we determine which attacks we provide funds to and which ones we don't. I hate to sound mean but then do we start giving funds to service members that died in the line of duty.
I will vote no. How do we determine which attacks we provide funds to and which ones we don't. I hate to sound mean but then do we start giving funds to service members that died in the line of duty.
I think the risk of giving money to a douchebag is very small versus the benefit of helping people that effectively need it.
Charity work is a difficult subject. Most companies support non profit organizations rather than targeting a particular cause that would open the floodgates to every other similar event.

As helpful as sending money to people might seem its not a fix all. There are many aspects of trauma and tossing money at people is not always the right thing for recovery.

That's why organizations often will match contributions to events rather than direct involvement. Non profits can put your name out there or work their network to help your business within the community. So that form of advertising is not attached to a disaster and can be mutually beneficial.

Crypto is good for the world in so many ways, providing financial freedom can help end so many problems. Scarcity and control are some of the root causes of discord. Using this technology to track and hold accountable non profits will also be a significant step forward as well. Everyone has their own ways to contribute to society.
I think this would be a useful test case, so I'm certainly not opposed to see a proposal to this effect.

I have no idea how the vote would turn out.

Another version of this is for someone to start a non-profit like the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation to take advantage of the excess budget, but oversight and efficiency and avoiding bad or corrupt or politically unpopular causes is a non-trivial problem to solve.

The 64 million dollar question is the opportunity cost compared to setting up a rainy day fund for the furtherance of Dash should sudden opportunities or challenges present themselves. Do not underestimate the good we can do in the world by making honest money available to everybody as fast as humanly possible. We could realistically help a billion people. How many can we help with charitable donations?
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