DASH Strategy Update

Sorry a bit off topic, but... I hope I do not hurt you.
I just wanted to say we shouldn't make 100% of bets to this single video. It may be effective, but may be not also. Dash needs several videos (targeted) to choose from.

I don't have experience with videos, but had some with web-sites. And have seen lots of examples when "50$ ugly-looking landing page" was in fact more effective (more sales/ROI) then "3000$ masterpiece-looking landing pages". It is impossible to predict effectiveness 100% in theory - only real tests with real visitor show the real effectiveness.

So my idea still is: "Maybe we need to start scripting additional targeted videos (3-7 videos) right now?"

You are 100% spot on there. Like I said, effectiveness can only be measured by time.

Everyone agrees, we definitely need more videos- Heck, the more the better. This is all very new to everyone, even to the coders themselves. But this crowdfunded video is NOT the end-all video production. It is our main marketing & PR weapon right now to all who are not yet involved in crypto's

From there on, definitely, the more videos we have to get people involved and dig deeper into the subject, the better! We already have dozens of techy-masternode videos... that is not the main theme issue here.

We are talking about the crowd funded explanatory video on "What the hell is this Dash thing all about" ... not X11, DGW, DS+, instantX, mining, the concept of a full node etc etc etc... That is extremely superfluous for the wide populous.

Geeks will always be geeks, and will "crack the code" despite any videos.

Lets please not let this thread derail around this subject. Bigger things are at hand in the OP. For example, how Blockchain Governance can fund multiple videos to explain the finer details of this project, to specific targeted audiences :wink:

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To a moderator: if possible, could we please move the Masterpiece / Propaganda / Confidence discussion and all the messages about the video to another thread?

I'm sorry I even mentioned it (as a tiny part of my musing over future ideas) and I am even more sorry because it seems no one cares about any other ideas or Evan's OP but to discuss this production. This touchiness of the people involved and the propaganda that seemed to have rattled yidakee and tungfa (What attack? What offesnivnes? I said "no matter how much I RESPECT Tante" her "propaganda on this topic means nothing to me."

So, we now have holy topics and people here and can't state what we feel? I am ready to admit my mistake, will you be?

You guys should pull yourselves together and stop propagandizing this video as the earth shattering product that is "Reaching to everyone, something radically new, from age 5 to 105, from all cultures and walks of life... requires art," because it will for sure hit you back. As alex-ru just stated, we "we shouldn't make 100% of bets to this single video."

I would really like the moderator to move all the video related posts to another thread and let us discuss Evan's DASH Strategy Update and not waste energy, emotions and thread's space discussing hypotheticals and cheer-leading.
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To a moderator: if possible, could we please move the Masterpiece / Propaganda / Confidence discussion and all the messages about the video to another thread?

I'm sorry I even mentioned it (as a tiny part of my musing over future ideas) and I am even more sorry because it seems no one cares about any other ideas or Evan's OP but to discuss this production. This touchiness of the people involved and the propaganda that seemed to have rattled yidakee and tungfa (What attack? What offesnivnes? I said "no matter how much I RESPECT Tante" her "propaganda on this topic means nothing to me."

So, we now have holy topics and people here and can't state what we feel? I am ready to admit my mistake, will you be?

You guys should pull yourselves together and stop propagandizing this video as the earth shattering product that is "Reaching to everyone, something radically new, from age 5 to 105, from all cultures and walks of life... requires art," because it will for sure hit you back. As alex-ru just stated, we "we shouldn't make 100% of bets to this single video."

I would really like the moderator to move all the video related posts to another thread and let us discuss Evan's DASH Strategy Update and not waste energy, emotions and thread's space discussing hypotheticals and cheer-leading.

Then please stop making a spectacle of yourself and redirect all your qualms to the aforementioned thread.

Feel free to use "propaganda" in such thread, but please restrain yourself from using such syntax here.


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As was mentioned, this elevator pitch, introduction video for a broader audience is way harder to produce than anything describing the technology that we do later. This was the first video, so it is general, directed at someone that may be hearing about crypto and Dash for the first time, just to grab their attention.

Subsequent videos that we do, like What is the Masternode network and how does it work? How does Dash keep your transactions private? Or whatever we decide, are way easier as they would just be descriptive of the technology.

Last thing, the community put the money on escrow and the coins are still there. I paid the production company out of my pocket and wont get the coins until the video is presented to the community, just because we like to do things transparently.

The good news is we are in the final phase, my estimate is the video will be ready by the end of July. Could we have produced it quicker? Maybe 15% - 20% sooner if we were not a distributed group of volunteers on different time zones and if it was a company video in which one could take all decisions without looking for consensus.

The talks about September are a different topic, which is when do we want to release it and what releasing the video means. The target audience for this video is not the crypto forums, Bitcointalk and Dashtalk, sure we will post them there for everyone to see, but in reality we are looking for ways to promote outside of the crypto circles.

We might still post it in the forums as soon as it is ready and then do a formal release through a PR service later when the budget system is working and v12 is stable. We are still weighing pros and cons and opinions are welcome.
Then please stop making a spectacle of yourself and redirect all your qualms to the aforementioned thread.

Feel free to use "propaganda" in such thread, but please restrain yourself from using such syntax here.



Listen man, stop telling me what terms and where to use. I am sure your time will be much better used should you stop lecturing people, ease on propagandizing the video and go back actually working on that earth-shattering product "reaching to everyone, something radically new, from age 5 to 105, from all cultures and walks of life."

So when you stop aggrandizing yourself by such statements and lectures you'll receive a respect you seem to be demanding.
Listen man, stop telling me what terms and where to use. I am sure your time will be much better used should you stop lecturing people, ease on propagandizing the video and go back actually working on that earth-shattering product "reaching to everyone, something radically new, from age 5 to 105, from all cultures and walks of life."

So when you stop aggrandizing yourself by such statements and lectures you'll receive a respect you seem to be demanding.

I need not respond, but will. For the sake of the importance of the OP. Nor yearn for already recognised respect, or demanding for the previous, as it was shit-loads of hard work for more than a year that earned me such grant, and intrinsically entitles me to point out the obvious.

Please stop trolling. Are you sure you know what "propaganda" actually means?

Feel free to express your thoughts and worries in the correct place. You are definitely entitled to your opinion, but please do it in the right place. You can obviously pursue the derailing of this thread, but little to no effect will endure. This is not BTCtalk.org. We do NOT like to moderate but let eveyone speak freely, but this is getting a little absurd. Let it go! Post in the animated video thread, link posted twice already.

Lets please get back to the subject at hand.

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Yes, let's not fight :).

Anyhow, there is something else I would like to understand:

In his post Evan references that there are members of the core team (aside form Evan) who have solid business experience and will be running the show. Who are these team members; what is their background; can we engage with them directly?

I bring this up because I see a lot of confusion in a lot of discussions, even as to the difference between PR and Marketing which are used interchangeably in some posts, while being completely different things.

I think that if we can engage with the members who will be running this pro PR effort we can really all participate in the community and get this thing off the ground and avoid hurt feelings.

I also think it's reasonable for the community to get some background on who the key players will be and get some access to them; given the community will be assigning funds for the effort.

Anyway, we live in an age of outsourcing and there are very powerful tools out there to drive mass traffic to our project so I am an optimist on this front.

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It definitely is going to be a masterpiece



I am sure the people working on the promotional video are doing their best. At the same time, nothing ever pleases every single person... so, it is certain that the resulting work will please some, but not all... it's natural.

IMO, I see it with good eyes that the video works are not rushed... it means the work is being done sensibly.

(and I am glad to hear that it will be directed to the, IMHO, correct audience)
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I am sure the people working on the promotional video are doing their best. At the same time, nothing ever pleases every single person... so, it is certain that the resulting work will please some, but not all... it's natural.

IMO, I see it with good eyes that the video works are not rushed... it means the work is being done sensibly.

(and I am glad to hear that it will be directed to the, IMHO, correct audience)

Just to be clear, when I say "It's definitely going to be a masterpiece" .. please don't take it out of context (not talking to you directly raganius, just in general) . What I mean is exactly that. It certainly won't please everyone, especially because at first glance it will sound overly simplistic, even naive to the community, but the intention is to attract new users, so in that regards I really think we a have a really awesome video in the works. We measured every single word to the micron level !

And now with blockchain governance, absolutely nothing stops anyone from proposing more in depth promo's targeting specific audiences, be it liberating women in hardcore Islamic societies, be it "rogue" journalists, be it it the Snowden attorney bills, be it better TOR implementation through Dash, be it saving a dangered species, be it funding your awesome personal project... whatever your imagination and capabilities to organise and implement fancies.

GreyGhost, I totally understand how you feel. From the outside it must seem like forever, and then we don't want to release until v12 is up and running well makes it even itchy for me, but I completely understand the reasons and agree with them. I know I'm an unreformed cheerleader for DASH, LOL (check out my avatar from darkplatypus) BTW, I like all your ideas, and agree we will be able to bombard the media with this budget. I think it is necessary to get to where we want to be.... hey, that was unintentional, but think about how big Visa is, and yet they constantly advertise still. "Visa, it's everywhere you want to be". With our budgeting system, we WILL take over the world, and take down Visa and their kin!

yidakee no worries, it's good to have people let us know how they're feeling. I don't really think GreyGhost is unreasonable in his feelings, as he and a lot of other people don't know what happens behind the scenes. I don't take his comments as rude at all. I see it as our duty to at least try to explain, and frankly you did a better job doing so) Just like when Evan started disappearing from the BCT thread because his head was buried deeper and deeper into the code, people started wondering if he abandoned us. Remember? LOL.

But it's exactly like yidakee said, once we defined our target audience, we had to hone it down to the most effective 250 words possible. It'll seem a bit stupid, but cutting out all the details and all the great things DASH does and how it does them.... wasn't easy! Every sentence was doted over. I think this will be a VERY effective video.

After half a year of waiting everybody will expect to see a kind of masterpiece. :)

Well, yidakee If it really takes that long and scripting is the longest part... Maybe we need to start scripting additional targeted videos (3-7 videos) right now? To have a chance of gettnig some new videos when "New Year 2016" will come...
Is scripting requires external professionals and additional funds or we can start first stages inside (by) community?

Oh my gosh, this is the best idea yet! We should start to think at least what kind of videos need to come out for certain! Then prioritize them, and get them started. That's such a good idea! yidakee , are you up for the challenge ;) LOL
To a moderator: if possible, could we please move the Masterpiece / Propaganda / Confidence discussion and all the messages about the video to another thread?

I'm sorry I even mentioned it (as a tiny part of my musing over future ideas) and I am even more sorry because it seems no one cares about any other ideas or Evan's OP but to discuss this production. This touchiness of the people involved and the propaganda that seemed to have rattled yidakee and tungfa (What attack? What offesnivnes? I said "no matter how much I RESPECT Tante" her "propaganda on this topic means nothing to me."

So, we now have holy topics and people here and can't state what we feel? I am ready to admit my mistake, will you be?

You guys should pull yourselves together and stop propagandizing this video as the earth shattering product that is "Reaching to everyone, something radically new, from age 5 to 105, from all cultures and walks of life... requires art," because it will for sure hit you back. As alex-ru just stated, we "we shouldn't make 100% of bets to this single video."

I would really like the moderator to move all the video related posts to another thread and let us discuss Evan's DASH Strategy Update and not waste energy, emotions and thread's space discussing hypotheticals and cheer-leading.

Actually, I think you had some great ideas, and I don't want these comments removed! Please don't! Just because we all get passionate doesn't matter! My own first comment was defensive, but I tried to be nice about it, and at the time, I couldn't even finish reading all of your comments above mine (which I thought were great) until now. I get distracted constantly at home ;P We all sit in a circle practically, in the family room with our computers talking about whatever we're interested in, and reading in front of us (kind of like geek sport, LOL) Sometimes we exercise by playing video games together, LOL. So I'm sorry I didn't comment on how much I liked your other ideas along with my first comment.

Also, everyone needs to remember, tone of voice doesn't come across on a forum, so hackles start to rise way too easily ;)

Anyway, yah, I think the fact that there will be a big budget for marketing is going to make us unstoppable. Nobody will be able to keep up. But this will also bring the attention of DASH to governments, etc... and we have to be prepared to challenge them and stick to our guns. Privacy is essential to freedom. We can NEVER let that go!
Yes, let's not fight :).

Anyhow, there is something else I would like to understand:

In his post Evan references that there are members of the core team (aside form Evan) who have solid business experience and will be running the show. Who are these team members; what is their background; can we engage with them directly?

I bring this up because I see a lot of confusion in a lot of discussions, even as to the difference between PR and Marketing which are used interchangeably in some posts, while being completely different things.

I think that if we can engage with the members who will be running this pro PR effort we can really all participate in the community and get this thing off the ground and avoid hurt feelings.

I also think it's reasonable for the community to get some background on who the key players will be and get some access to them; given the community will be assigning funds for the effort.

Anyway, we live in an age of outsourcing and there are very powerful tools out there to drive mass traffic to our project so I am an optimist on this front.

Check this out ;)


Are they awesome, or what?

We might still post it in the forums as soon as it is ready and then do a formal release through a PR service later when the budget system is working and v12 is stable. We are still weighing pros and cons and opinions are welcome.

The only problem with that is that once released, it'll go viral, always does, and then we might lose ability to get big media outlets to cover "old news". On the other hand, if it's gotten a million views on youtube, it might peek their interest, so I don't know the answer???
Check this out ;)


Are they awesome, or what?

Kick ass talent for computer sciences, I mean TOP notch, some great business talent as well! But I don't see any full time internet marketers or PR specialists. I scanned so I might have missed something :). I would love to see a top notch online marketer join the team :D.

Kick ass talent for computer sciences, I mean TOP notch, some great business talent as well! But I don't see any full time internet marketers or PR specialists. I scanned so I might have missed something :). I would love to see a top notch online marketer join the team :D.

Hopefully we can hire one! And not just any one, but a talented one. That is definitely what we will require. Exciting isn't it? We may not get one right away, as the budget may be better spent handling some of this ourselves at this level. However, as the price of DASH rises, we'll be able to hire real talent that will put our funds to even better use for certain.
Hi guys.
Sorry i not manage to discuss Dash at the recent London bitcoin meet. - (long story) anyway..
These chaps have an amazing understanding of businesses in the crypto sphere. http://proofofwork.media/work/
I'm sure they will be happy to discuss future promotions if i can point them to the right contact, perhaps Philipp Engelhorn i suppose?
They will want paying though obviously.
Hi guys.
Sorry i not manage to discuss Dash at the recent London bitcoin meet. - (long story) anyway..
These chaps have an amazing understanding of businesses in the crypto sphere. http://proofofwork.media/work/
I'm sure they will be happy to discuss future promotions if i can point them to the right contact, perhaps Philipp Engelhorn i suppose?
They will want paying though obviously.

[email protected]
Now now children. Can we all take a few deep breaths. Sometimes people use words that seem harsh but aren't intented. I would ask everyone to get this thread back on track. Leave the comments that were made as they are and lets focus on the OP and the discussion that created.
Before the media campaigns hit we need to have a good wallet/miner CPU/GPU setup in one bundle.
so end user just install that bundle and he/she can start generating coins to his or her wallet.