If you can't understand how a decimal point works, you'll just have to stay on the plantation. Some people shouldn't go outside without a diaper and a helmet.
Please show me the coin being developed specifically to cater to retarded people? I'm not fucking around. I mean it.
No, DOGE not included.
The fact that this is even a conversation topic is sad... Has being morbidly stupid really become that commonplace?
You Sir, are very right in some aspects
On the other hand, what are the purposes of developing Evolution, in your opinion? If not simplification and reaching to less technical people, than what? This lady explains it quite reasonably:
Start 2 minutes 16 seconds:
and 12 second:
Probably, in your surrounding, you don't experience "average" people mathematical skills.
Believe me or not, but in UK the promotions in supermarkets are like "Buy 2 get 1 free", in part, because "average" people do not comprehend percentage concept sufficiently to understand something like "xx% more" promotion.
In my opinion conversation is generally good idea. If we are that wrong, I in particular would be very grateful to someone, for leading me out of my misunderstanding.
If we change the decimal point by a thousandth so each dash is is worth $0.130 instead of $130
What happens when\if dash climbs again so each dash is worth $1, $10 etc. You'll still be working in fractions still. Also Eth currently has a circulating supply of nearly 92 million, Dash has 7.3 Million. Eth is at the time of this $198.23 and Dash $149.17, I don't think our smaller supply has much of an impact when people are trying to tie it to fiat for value.
1$ is very good price rise. 10$ is still good, because people are used to two decimal places in their national currency, in most developed countries (US, UK and rest of EU).
Problem may arise in several ways:
1. Dash rise 1000 times. Back then, market capitalization would be huge! Probably this would make us close to world use -> roughly 20 times bigger than bitcoin is now. It wouldn't happen over night and people have time to adapt.
But now we are in our infancy, so we have to adapt to users.
2. Some other currencies use mostly whole and big numbers. I.e 1$=112 Yen (
Japanese Yen). For them it would still be some "problem" with decimals in the near future.
3. People in third world and some Asian countries earn 100$/month. For them everyday use is limited to fractions of dollar. 1 dash is their month salary...
I don't want to go into price speculation with other crypto (Eth is one example. Ripple, NEM, Bytecoin, Stelar Lumens, Dogecoin, Golem are some different examples). Too many factors at the moment.
Have you read this:
https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/the-psychology-of-decimals-1384986908/ ?
Usability is simpler to discuss for now.
In my opinion, 3 place decimal shift is minimal at current price (not sure if optimal). I can't estimate all consequences of more decimal places shift, thus I don't propose more. Too much digits in daily use (10000 for coffee) is also bad.
Even with hypothetical 10 times price drop dash would still be like 1 cent. As long as it is 1 cent and over, it's ok.
//Our "true" supply is at the moment 7,315,074 x 100000000 = 731,507,400,000,000 of smallest currency units (dufs).
//Edit: tons of typos