Dash Round Table April Calendar Interviews with Evan Duffield, Kot and More

That page was not indexed in the wayback machine. Maybe someone saved the content.

I would suggest any Dash related sites get backed up regularly. Just do wget -r adc.com
Fernando got me the Chinese version , so we are nearly there
Right now the only way to get the episodes is via SoundCloud? No RSS feed as it used to be?

I believe the only way is via soundcloud, yes.

Well, in fact when I uploaded them I explicitly checked the 'make available in RSS feed' option and the 'available for download' one, but I'm not sure I set up everything right (I'm sorry, first contact with Soundcloud!)

I have been playing with it and I think it is now ok. This is the feed:

Edit: when @oaxaca and I launch the new show (soon!) the feed will be the same