That's a pretty weak argument considering litecoin actually has a better privacy user experience on mainnet while dash still doesn't. Not to mention how DCG / MNOs were always claiming no need for CTs because:
a) dash can claim transparency and therefore a balanced check on supply, and
b) CTs would pose a problem to regulations and listings, and
c) got more important things to do / not enough resources i.e. dash platform.
Until dash sorts out it's governance, no "ratification" can be trusted and certainly, I have no faith that DCG has the expertise necessary to implement CTs without critical errors.
And finally, why even bother with CTs on dash when there are plenty of other fully functional privacy projects? As a user in that niche, they're already using monero, firo, beam built from the ground up with privacy in mind while dash "ratifies" a bolt-on afterthought.
Please, consider how dash MNOs were bragging while bashing monero.. perhaps you can look at that chart and tell me how well that aged? I'm not a big fan of monero but hey, dash is not going to be taking that trophy anytime soon. Dash can't even make p2p trading user friendly on Bison Wallet, let alone add CTs ffs. Which p2p markets "living on crypto" do you think dash is successful on???
MimbleWimble is the real innovation that people here chose to ridicule. Now you have a spiritual leader that has done a 180° flip on CTs after he was paid by the zcash foundation and went through a KYC process that he previously claimed to hate, which is exactly why he didn't want a bank account.. okay, follow the whims of whatever irrational people you want.
Beam did more in two years that DCG did in 10, that is literally a fact.
Litecoin was brave to do what dash could not.
Where was all that talk of CTs when dash was getting it's foot in the door for an ETF? And where is that ETF anyway??
It's all bs. If dash goes below 20 USD, Sam will be back to take even more of the block reward, let's see how that plays out.