DASH presence in "COCMUN 2018: Innovation and Technology: The new global governance"

DASH Trujillo

New member
Project summary

Hi DASH Community! With this proposal we want to increase the presence of DASH in Venezuela in a joint work of DASH Trujillo and DASH Lara, through a DASH representation as a premium sponsor in the first edition of "COCMUN 2018: Innovation and Technology new global governance "to be carried out in Barquisimeto Lara State, to make DASH known to approximately 450 people, increasing the number of new wallets downloaded, the number of people knowledgeable about DASH, the number of transactions made in DASH and the number of merchants that accept DASH as a means of payment.

Dashboost Proposal: https://www.dashboost.org/proposals/view/145/DASH presence in COCMUN 2018 Innovation and Technology The new global governance


About the event and calendar

This edition of COCMUN will be about innovation and technology, in an event designed for an approximate attendance of 450 people. It will be attended by important representatives of the economic, political, technological and cultural sectors. In the same, expoferias of diverse emprendimientos and technological companies will be realized. The project will be developed as follows:

  • September 19: Congress "Disruptive Ideas" (Inauguration, Presentations and Elevator Pitch of premium sponsors).
  • September 20: 1st day of debate / Workshop / Expo Fair (Stands type A).
  • September 21: 2nd day of debate / Expo Fair (Stands type A and Stands type B).
  • September 22: 3rd day of debate / Interactive Forum / Expo Fair (Stands type A).

Event links:


The main objective is to contribute to the growth of DASH in Venezuela, presenting DASH in this event of technological innovation in which representatives of various companies and NGOs from all over the country will attend, as well as investors, traders and entrepreneurs, making known the benefits of DASH and providing support in the manipulation of wallets so that your experiential experience with this technology is pleasant.

  • Increase the expansion of DASH in Venezuela.
  • Achieve the recruitment of new merchants who adopt DASH as a means of payment.
  • Achieve the recruitment of new members in the DASH community.
  • Achieve strategic alliances in both the business and university sectors, which will lead to the development of new projects for DASH to continue to expand.
  • Increase the number of operations performed in DASH.
Event expenses

  • Premium Sponsor:
  1. Stand type A for 3 days.
  2. Spots of maximum one minute without audio in advertising simultaneous to the presentations on the side screens.
  3. DASH logo in the pop material of the event itself.
  4. Mentions in the 2.0 networks in post and stories.
  5. Spots with audio of 30 seconds in networks 2.0.
  6. 1 Elevator Pitch between presentations on the first day of the event and 1 Elevator Pitch in the Interactive Forum.
  • DASH Giveaways for the first 100 people to visit the stand and download the wallet
    ( (0.005 DASH x 100) x 3 days).
  • DASH Giveaways Tshirts and Stickers.
  • Stand ambientation (Banners, posters, etc).
  • Uniforms for the teams.
  • Transport for the teams.
  • Food and stay for the teams.
  • Make DASH known to +300 people.
  • ~ 300 new wallets downloaded.
  • ~ 300 new DASH users.
  • Contribute to the growth of DASH in Venezuela.
  • Increase the number of operations performed in DASH.
  • New strategic alliances for the future development of technological development projects in favor of the DASH ecosystem.
The Team
  • Project Managers: @Jose Quintero (DASH Trujillo Co-Funder) and @Cesar Hernandez (DASH Lara Co-Funder).
  • Team Member: DASH Trujillo Team and DASH Lara Team.
If you want to help us, you can donate here:


Thanks for your support.
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Hi @Juan Baró . Yes, it is definitely an opportunity for DASH to make itself known in this event before the representatives of the different sectors such as the economic, political, cultural, technological and social. Regards,
Props for tackling a problem like this in Venezuela, the utility of technology like DASH must be exponentially higher for them.

Hi, thanks for your comment. In effect, we want to take advantage of the space of this event to make this technology known and supported, since the economic aspects, the legal framework and the technological development will undoubtedly be addressed, thus achieving the presence of DASH highly productive and positive.
