Dash Platform Name Poll

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New member
Hey everyone,

The Dash Platform Name Poll is now open for voting ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐️.

Go to poll.dashcontests.com, read the instructions and please rate as many of the submitted name suggestions as you can.

Thank you

This contest and corresponding poll was initiated to:

1. Explore and think of new and possibly better names for Platform (especially because the brand 'Dash Platform' already exist as a sports software company, and this important Dash update might therefor be difficult to find)

and 2. To offer the community (including MNO's) the opportunity to express their opinion on these submitted names.

As stated on the page; "The result of the poll will represent the opinion of the community and acts as a name proposal to Dash Core Group."

However, the outcome of this poll is by no means binding, and if MNO's want to have a final say in it, I personally see that as a great DAO exercise :)
So you're going to give inaccurate poll results to DCG.

If you want them to make an impartial decision then just let them see the list and decide without considering a potentially rigged poll result.
I apologize for poorly wording the objective and any confusion it has created.

The Community Poll page is part of the Dash Contests Center (currently being re-invented). The ultimate goal of Dash Contests concepts is to attract new people to Dash and to offer the Dash community an enjoyable place to be creative while competing with others in a contest, or in this case an (opinion based, non binding, inspirational) poll that is not announced outside the Dash community and is only aimed at community members who deeply care about Dash.

The active Dash community currently is small and also wide spread with many different opinions in existing chat groups. Imho, that underlines the need to have a focal point for those opinions and bring people together so they can see how other community members think about an issue or topic, and would be able to observe and respect the outcome of a survey or poll.

This contest/poll (together with other contests) attempts to encourage the active community, and awaken and inspire the dormant part of the Dash community. I believe that something in the community is missing (or maybe broken) and this poll should merely be seen as a harmless attempt to create excitement in the community and increase participation and cooperation.

If you believe that this initiative is disruptive to the network, please raise the issue with the other MNO's. I will respect any outcome, as the last thing I want, is to bring harm to Dash.

Yours sincerely.
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