Dash Node


Well-known member
Dash Core Group
Masternode Owner/Operator
Does anyone have a guide on how to put together a Dash node on a raspi? I don't mean a masternode, just a regular full node to help with network load. I have a couple of raspi's sitting here with some spare bandwidth, thought it would make a cool project.

MangledBlue, any chance you can help me out on this?

Solution for setup would need to be idiot proof though :).

Can I submit additions and corrections to you for that particular post?
- easier than recreating the whole thing

mostly minor items....but helpful...

bring it brother
maybe in a pastebin or whatever works
(please make it clear as i have no idea about the tech stuff in there !)tx for the offer
I didn't even know that was possible.
uh - why?

did you think Nodes, in general, cost 1000DASH ???

if so - WOW!!!!!

- what an unintended NON-secret - - uh - WOW !!!


[insert meme]


Whoop - there it is.....
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What are your hours of operation fible1

Sorry for the delay. Usually 11AM to 11PM ET M-Sun.

What would be awesome would be if you had an ISO image I could clone or whatnot. I actually went through the MN tutorial before and I really don't want to go through it again; not because its bad or anything, I'm just actually that stupid :).

Ello again :p
Well - I am actually doing a backup right now of my MN but - I don't think my [.img] file will do you much good as I gave moocowmoo access to my Pi a few months back. He added some "special" software to it that makes this MN 'idiot-proof'. BUT, I don't think you could us it just as a NODE and I could be wrong. Maybe Moocowmoo will chime in with his thoughts on this matter....

IF I was to send it to you - there would be a few things to consider
I changed the ssh port - no longer 22 - as I hate defaults and big believer in altering certain said defaults to increase security, at the least
This software will try to restart your MN every 2 minutes :-D VERY cool stuff - if not currently running - NOT a cron job -
DEBUG file has been turned off - to keep the overall size of the 'info/data' on the SD card to a minimum
You could try a 32GB card but you might need a 64GB - depends of the actual size [number of actual 'usable blocks' on the card] of your current SD card
You'll want to change the password on the card - of course - I don't use the current password on anything else so - not to worried there

I don't know how nerdy you are so...... BUT we could always do a Google Hangout, at some point - if need be....

we'll talk
Let's see what Moocowmoo thinks.... just to be safe and sure

I have a lot to do today - day off - but I'll be in and out all day

hit me.....

edit: if you was to stick the SD card [.img] into your Pi and connect it to the net - you'd be running my COLD-side MN with ZERO effort needed to get it started - this thing runs better than the Energizer Bunny :p
why there isn't a precompiled wallet along with 32 and 64 bit versions ?

If your talking about a pre-compiled wallet for the Pi - there is actually - looking for the link.....

>>>>>>>> FOR ALL OTHER DOWNLOADS GO TO dash.org/downloads <<<<<<<<

I have BEGGED flare SO MANY TIMES to get the Pi version listed on the dash.org/downloads, it's not even funny
It never happens :-( [so sad] :-(
I'm not sure WHO makes that call so.....

To compile the wallet on the Pi it's self, it take 2 hours - easy
Flare can do it in like 15 minutes with some kind of Pi emulator software on his fancy computer :p <<< @ flare
Ello again :p
Well - I am actually doing a backup right now of my MN but - I don't think my [.img] file will do you much good as I gave moocowmoo access to my Pi a few months back. He added some "special" software to it that makes this MN 'idiot-proof'. BUT, I don't think you could us it just as a NODE and I could be wrong. Maybe Moocowmoo will chime in with his thoughts on this matter....

IF I was to send it to you - there would be a few things to consider
I changed the ssh port - no longer 22 - as I hate defaults and big believer in altering certain said defaults to increase security, at the least
This software will try to restart your MN every 2 minutes :-D VERY cool stuff - if not currently running - NOT a cron job -
DEBUG file has been turned off - to keep the overall size of the 'info/data' on the SD card to a minimum
You could try a 32GB card but you might need a 64GB - depends of the actual size [number of actual 'usable blocks' on the card] of your current SD card
You'll want to change the password on the card - of course - I don't use the current password on anything else so - not to worried there

I don't know how nerdy you are so...... BUT we could always do a Google Hangout, at some point - if need be....

we'll talk
Let's see what Moocowmoo thinks.... just to be safe and sure

I have a lot to do today - day off - but I'll be in and out all day

hit me.....

edit: if you was to stick the SD card [.img] into your Pi and connect it to the net - you'd be running my COLD-side MN with ZERO effort needed to get it started - this thing runs better than the Energizer Bunny :p

Sounds fair :). I kinda imagined someone would have an image with raspbian and just the basic Dash wallet ready to go, for the purposes of maintenance. Would be great to get non-cron job restart so whatever you think is fine.

I am actually pretty nerdy, so I would appreciate doing a hangout at some point. It would need to have to be down the road however, as I am currently working on launching a new youtube channel and am a bit overwhelmed :).

I look forward to what moocowmoo says.

If your talking about a pre-compiled wallet for the Pi - there is actually - looking for the link.....

>>>>>>>> FOR ALL OTHER DOWNLOADS GO TO dash.org/downloads <<<<<<<<

I have BEGGED flare SO MANY TIMES to get the Pi version listed on the dash.org/downloads, it's not even funny
It never happens :-( [so sad] :-(
I'm not sure WHO makes that call so.....

To compile the wallet on the Pi it's self, it take 2 hours - easy
Flare can do it in like 15 minutes with some kind of Pi emulator software on his fancy computer :p <<< @ flare

So I just download this, run them and good to go? Cause all I need is the wallet + a cron job or other solution mentioned earlier. Cause internet in Bolivia be sucking.

So I just download this, run them and good to go? Cause all I need is the wallet + a cron job or other solution mentioned earlier. Cause internet in Bolivia be sucking.


Pretty much....
You'll need some basic setup on the LIBs etc.

https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DOC/Masternode on Raspberry Pi 2 Model B

Just use the above instructions - and exclude all the MN stuff and you should be golden......

you'll need these fer ser.......
9. Download and install the needed packages
At the prompt type the following commands in this order to fully update the pi and get it ready for compiling. Press yes to all when asked.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

sudo apt-get install libtool autotools-dev autoconf libdb-dev libminiupnpc-dev dh-autoreconf libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libssl-dev pkg-config joe ufw protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev

Just copy the whole thing and and paste in CDM-line

I'm outty for a bit....
Gotz $55 in free Casino Cash waiting for me at the Casino :)
[but I'm only taking a single $USD$]
Gotta love free fiat......
Hello everybody,

I've found that different pi os' behave better than others, but don't have a solid production-worthy recommendation (yet!)

For the dash soda machine, we're using the latest osmc build. Its kernel seems to have played the nicest with dashd.
(I put dashd on my home osmc/kodi install and let it run for over a week just fine)
When we started getting unexpected dashd crashes (on NOOBS I think), I decided to use osmc as our base image. (quick and dirty, but we needed stability pronto!)

For MangledBlue's pi, I installed 'monit' with the following configuration:

sudo apt-get install monit

create file /home/user/.dash/start_dashd.sh
(change user to yours)
/bin/su user -c '/home/user/.dash/dashd 2>&1 >> /home/user/.dash/rc.local.log'

make it executable
chmod 755 /home/user/.dash/start_dashd.sh

sudo edit file /etc/monit/monitrc
# uncomment these lines
set httpd port 2812 and
   use address localhost  # only accept connection from localhost
   allow localhost        # allow localhost to connect to the server and
# add this to bottom - change user to yours
check process dashd with pidfile /home/user/.dash/dashd.pid
    start program = "/home/user/.dash/start_dashd.sh" with timeout 60 seconds
    stop program = "/bin/su user -c /home/user/.dash/dash-cli stop"

load the new configuration
sudo monit reload

enable the watchdog
sudo monit start dashd

That's it. You only have to do above once.

Then you can check status by doing
sudo monit status

It'll keep your dashd running for you (across reboots too, no need for any crons or scripts) and keep you from fighting with your chosen os.

monit only runs once a minute, so be patient if you're waiting for it to do something.

If you need proof it works, once you see your dashd in the 'sudo monit status' output, you can test it by simply stopping your dashd (dash-cli stop) -- within 2 minutes it'll start it back up.
(But, you don't really need to do that, pi's take between 20 and 40 minutes to completely start up. I recommend leaving it alone once dashd is up and running.)

Enjoy! :)
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