Of course it is wrong.
This is exactly the weakness of Open Source Projects. People writing open source have not the mentality to respect their community. They just want to write code for themselves, for their own fun. Thats why so many people are writting similar code, and so many code is wasted.
Uncontrolled Forking is not a good solution because it weakens the community. Because it makes many people to do similar projects, and this is a great spend on human resources. Forking should be the last move, you should not encourage people to fork without checking what their fork is, and without oblige them to report back to you whenever they fork.
Linus Torvalds uses GPL v2 license, which says that if you decide to fork his project, you should at least give your code back and let him decide if he wants to merge it or not. Linus never passed to GPLv3 or to any other free to fork open source license.
Do you think you are smarter than Torvalds, do you?
Dash should have a GPLv2 license, which forces everyone who is forking dash to report their code back, and then let Evan (or the community) to decide about the merge.