Summary: The name "dash" is too generic. It can be retained, but the web presence of dash should be renamed to something unique, such as "dashpay".
The name "bitcoin" was not a word until the virtual currency was created.
The name "ethereum" was not a word until the virtual currency was created. (The currency itself is "ether", a common word, but wisely, they called the system "ethereum" instead.)
A web search for either "bitcoin" or "ethereum" turns up only bitcoin- and ethereum-related results and almost nothing else.
The name "dash" is a common English word. A web search for "dash" turns up a lot of results, almost none related to dash the currency. Even if/when dash becomes as well-known as bitcoin, a web search might turn up results related to the virtual currency, but will also turn up many other results relating to other uses of the common English word "dash".
When Google named its programming language GO, I think they realized that there would be confusion with other meanings of the word "go". They called their website "", and in all references to the programming language go they always mention "golang" so we know what to search for. A search for "golang" only turns up results relating to the programming language and nothing else -- because golang is not an English word.
I think it was a strategic error to use a common English word to name dash the virtual currency.
But this error could be fixed, by picking a different word for web references. Just like Google chose "golang", dash can use some other word, like: "Dashpay, the virtual currency payment system that uses dash the virtual currency". Then all web searches would be for dashpay, not dash. Already, I see that Google gives a lot of dash-related hits for "dashpay".
I think virtual currency exchanges should be asked to list dash as "dashpay". The official website should be,,, dashpay.<something>. Press releases should prominently mention "dashpay" as the name of the system, and then also tell the reader that the currency itself is called "dash".
All official documents should frequently mention "dashpay" as the name of the system, and then clarify that the currency itself is called dash.
Look at the confusion:
They would have called it DASHPAY but nobody asked them. So they called it DASHCOIN instead.