Baikal is the way to go on DASH mining at the moment, but their own website is usually out of stock, and not very good at updates. Having said that, Baikal are very reliable once you place an order. I absolutely trust them. They're based in China and you need to get comfortable with ordering goods from there. I do it regularly via Alibaba.
Davis Wilson's above deal sounds like a good one, once you feel comfortable with the details (I would jump at the chance if the details worked).
The resellers for Baikal really bump up the price and you need to look at the economics.
Really hard to justify paying more than Baikal's prices!
Baikal's current price for the "Cube" is $800 +/_ which is a bit of a jump from the previous offer of a mini-miner @ $300 (but hashing power is double for the Cube). The cube can still pay for itself in considerably less than a year, depending on electricity costs + current DASH ex rate and diffficulty. "Cube" hash rate 300MH/s, "mini" = 150MH/s. They have discontinued the "Giant " and "Mini" at least for the moment, so "cube" is the only option. Even the "Cube" is sold out, so no options really.
The Baikal miners are economical on power compared to other miners on the market, which is a big consideration. Do your own maths using one of the mining calculator websites. Take care, there are some scams out there ref buying the Baikals!!!
As many people on other forums will suggest, it may be a more lucrative to just buy & trade DASH, instead of mining. For me, I enjoy mining and I have 1 mini & am expecting a Cube within the next day or two (both direct from Baikal). Due to the difficulty of getting DSH/X11 ASIC miners, you could also consider he possibility of mining another altcoin such as Litecoin and converting the proceeds to DSH. Easy to get cheap LTC miners (but they won't make you much money!).
I've been looking at the following site for X11 miners, as well as some of the other miners (always stay flexible in your mining plans):
Some of their prices are ridiculous, but some are ok. Again, mostly sold out for LTC mining.
BTW, my Baikal "mini" is almost silent. The "cube" appears to be a very similar unit, so hopefully the noise from it will not be a problem either.
EDIT: Just to mention that the Baikals won't generally come with a Power Supply so you need to do some homework on what they need. The resellers often include the PSU into the order, but Baikal only ship the actual miner, and maybe some cables.