Dash Micro-Documentary: Urgent feedback requested.


New member
Edit: Pre-proposal removed. From many private Slack messages and this forum, it seems that this was just too expensive for now and there was little chance of budget approval. Thanks for the feedback, I'll be around if anybody would like to tackle a documentary in the future. I look forward to attending the Open House event and being able to take it all in and relax, as opposed to working my butt off :)
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I suspect the price might scare a lot of people off - we'll see - but wow, Hidden Secrets of Money really worked out well for Mike. But tell me, is there a conflict of interest here, because I thought you was working on a bitcoin episode for him?
I suspect the price might scare a lot of people off - we'll see - but wow, Hidden Secrets of Money really worked out well for Mike. But tell me, is there a conflict of interest here, because I thought you was working on a bitcoin episode for him?

Yes I'm working on a Blockchain episode for HSOM. There's no conflict as I'll be producing this Dash piece separately, on my own time and dime. The HSOM episode is mainly dealing with introducing folks with a precious-metals mindset to the freedom that blockchain tech offers.

Yes I'm working on a Blockchain episode for HSOM. There's no conflict as I'll be producing this Dash piece separately, on my own time and dime. The HSOM episode is mainly dealing with introducing folks with a precious-metals mindset to the freedom that blockchain tech offers.

I wonder, can you arrange for Mike to do a cameo appearance?
For a long time I've believed that PMs and crypto compliment each other very well. Having someone like Mike onboard just makes sense to me.
Not for this video sorry. I'd need this to be separate from Mike and Hidden Secrets of Money to avoid any conflict of interest.

Sorry, I'm confused.. it's not a conflict of interest for you but it would be for Mike? Did you ask him?
No, this project doesn't require Mike. We are already making a blockchain doco - I don't want the two projects mixed up as they have totally different goals and production angles. This project is a way for me to add value to the Dash community with what I bring to the table - writing, directing, filming and editing. If we did a big documentary on Dash in the future - I'd be approaching Amanda to fill the role of host as she does an absolutely wonderful job.
Hello and thanks so much for reading my pre-proposal. My name is Dan, I'm a video producer focusing on economics and freedom.

What Is It?
I'd like to make a short documentary on Dash in order to showcase its advantages over Bitcoin and other cryptos. With the potential of a hard fork for Bitcoin looming, now is the time to explain why Dash is doing so well. But this would need to be created quickly and efficiently.

Who Is Making It?
I have a pretty good track-record with this kind of project. I created and produced a popular series on YouTube called 'Hidden Secrets Of Money' which has been used as a primary marketing tool for one of the world's largest bullion dealers for 4 years now. The series is hosted by my business partner Michael Maloney. Our most popular episode has over 6 million views, here is a link to the series:

I started that channel from day zero and have managed it to almost 36 million views in total. I love this stuff!

I'm looking to test something that is aimed at getting Dash in front of new eyeballs. Something that is designed with SEO in mind, that can be used as evergreen content for maximum shelf-life. I want to make something that anyone who is into Dash can share with their friends and family without having them feel alienated by terminology or complexity.

The Goal:
Drive healthy subscriptions to the Dash YouTube channel and traffic to dash.org, and have the video be available to use as a sponsored Facebook campaign. (Although I wouldn't want to run that - I DON'T love that stuff!) I think this style of micro-doc can be the 'gateway drug' to getting people interested in watching Dash Detailed regularly and the other great Youtube content from the Dash community.

The micro-doc would not go into huge detail on the history of money or blockchain technology...it would cover just the very basics. Then onwards to explain that Bitcoin has become slow, but Dash can be almost instant. Bitcoin has factional wars, Dash has an incentivized governance system. Bitcoin transactions are expensive, Dash is very inexpensive. Bitcoin is complex to use, Dash has Evolution underway. Just the basics, that show why the market is choosing Dash right now. I'd like to achieve this primarily through a series of interviews with the Dash team, putting a human face on the often cold, anonymous world of cryptos. This short documentary would actually be a test for a longer and more in-depth piece later. If this short micro-doc is successful, I would plan something bigger and better. That is, I'm incentivized to make this micro-doc work.

I'm still working full-time on Hidden Secrets of Money, so this short Dash documentary would be filling all of my spare waking hours for anywhere between 4-6 weeks. Thus the reason for the pre-proposal: this micro-doc would not be inexpensive. I would be working in 'full retard' mode to get it out promptly. But I do believe that the end result would justify the budget.

Cost - 295 Dash (One payment).
This would cover flights and accommodation to get to Scottsdale for the Open House on March 30, pre-production, filming, editing, voiceover work, music, stock footage, caffeine injections, and everything else needed to deliver a polished product ready to be published to YouTube. The running length for this micro doc will be somewhere between 12-22 minutes - it all depends on what comes from the interviews. Remember that this is designed to 'open the door' to Dash. I don't want to make something too long and lose people. Keep it short and sweet, and encourage viewers to follow up for more.

I anticipate many responses along the lines of "lower your quote and you have my vote". With all due respect, this is my minimum. If it is too much for Dash right now that's ok - I'd just like to get some feedback before dropping $500 on a budget proposal so I thank you in advance for your honest comments. It's all good :)

The official budget proposal will also be dependent on members of the Dash team trusting me with an interview. I don't take this lightly. I think that the 'names to faces' and physical office location of Dash are one of its greatest PR strengths. To this end I'll be contacting Evan, Amanda and Ryan to see if they are open to participating and I will update this thread accordingly.

Thanks for your consideration, please let me know what you think asap because I'll need to get planning straight away.


Please note - This proposal is not affiliated with Hidden Secrets Of Money or Michael Maloney in any way, shape or form. I use it as a reference of my style and work in this sector. The finished video would be owned by Dash and hosted on the Dash YouTube channel. (I would also be interested in helping to optimize or manage the Dash YouTube channel if that is ever needed.) Please note that Hidden Secrets Of Money is rich with animation - this stuff takes months to create and is very expensive. For this micro-doc I would be using very little animation in order to get this out quickly.

I loved the hidden secrets of money!! Great videos [emoji106][emoji106]

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No, this project doesn't require Mike. We are already making a blockchain doco - I don't want the two projects mixed up as they have totally different goals and production angles. This project is a way for me to add value to the Dash community with what I bring to the table - writing, directing, filming and editing. If we did a big documentary on Dash in the future - I'd be approaching Amanda to fill the role of host as she does an absolutely wonderful job.

Okay, I hear what you're saying, and I'm not suggesting he goes all out and somehow ties the two projects. But maybe a short insert where he says something like, "I am hopeful for blockchain technology and projects like dash look very promising". That's all. He gets paid for talks so why not for one or two lines?

I'm suggesting this because I get the idea that he might be willing to accept crypto as payments (if he doesn't already). I know he's open to these ideas. Well, you could at least fly the idea past him.
Love, 'Hidden Secrets of Money' ... Great videos! This would definitely have my vote.
Thanks Dashly, this was going to be too expensive so I pulled it. Never know what the future holds though. Glad you like the HSOM series, it's an honor to work with Mike on that stuff - a real dream come true.
Okay, I hear what you're saying, and I'm not suggesting he goes all out and somehow ties the two projects. But maybe a short insert where he says something like, "I am hopeful for blockchain technology and projects like dash look very promising". That's all. He gets paid for talks so why not for one or two lines?

I'm suggesting this because I get the idea that he might be willing to accept crypto as payments (if he doesn't already). I know he's open to these ideas. Well, you could at least fly the idea past him.
Thanks for the comments GMD, I had a bunch of feedback on Slack as well and this was going to be too expensive. Who knows what the future holds, if the HSOM episode on blockchain tech proves popular I think Mike and I will make more videos. Thanks for saving me $500 :)