Dash Medellín / Dash Colombia: 12 meetups, 250 new wallets, merchants, remittances & more

Is this project appropriately conceived and ready for DAO funding?

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George Donnelly

Active member
1. Summary

Dash users in Medellín, Colombia are expanding our existing meetups across the Medellín metro area (pop: 3.7m) from now through August in order to build the groundwork for our first Dash conference in Medellín, Colombia in October 2018.

We believe that Dash has a critical role to play in the Colombian economy, with its USD$5.8 billion in annual remittances, the 2 million Venezuelan migrant population’s increasing demand for remittance services, Colombia’s impressive economic growth, especially in cross-border payments for manufacturing exports, the high rate of informality, the entrepreneurial mindset of its people (ranked #3 in Latin America by GEDI) and the decreasing purchasing power of the Colombian minimum wage.

See video below. Download the full proposal: English [PDF] | Español [PDF].

2. Goals

By Aug 31, 2018, we aim to achieve the following goals. We’re just getting started, so these are targets we’re aiming for, and not promises.

  • Organize the first Dash Medellín conference so that it is fully planned, staffed, budgeted and proposed for October 2018.
  • Hold 12 Dash meetups in 5 separate locations with an average of 10 attendees each, complete with meetup.com announcements, photos and videos.
  • Meet with 3 currency exchanges and prepare them to add Dash to the currencies they do business in.
  • Hold 1 Dash remittance workshop directed at the Venezuelans in Medellín, with Dash airdrops and wallet installs, photographed and on the blockchain.
  • Consult with 40 merchants, complete with Dash orientation, Dash acceptance stickers, listing on DiscoverDash.com and ongoing support.
  • Achieve at least 250 new Dash wallet installs, photographed.
  • Distribute at least 250 unique Dash airdrops of $10.000 COP / USD$3.60 on the blockchain and to individuals who take constructive actions, such as attending meetups and workshops, accept Dash, subscribe to the Dash Medellín mailing list, etc.
  • Hold 1 Dash outreach event to college students and entrepreneurs.
  • Achieve 250 mailing list subscribers.
  • Achieve 250 YouTube channel subscribers.
  • Achieve 175 meetup members.
  • Publish 36 Dash educational YouTube videos filmed on the streets of Medellín, with an estimated initial reach of 2,100 views.

3. Request

We’re requesting 22 Dash per month for 3 months (Jun-Aug 2018) in order to achieve these goals, and present a detailed budget below.

Should there be any excess funds, perhaps generated by an increase in the price of Dash, we will use the funds to extend our financing for additional month(s), continuing to work toward our long-term goals, before requesting additional Treasury funds.

4. Strategy

Dash Medellín’s execution and marketing strategy includes the following.
  • a meetup-first strategy where we incentivize people interested in Dash to attend meetups with a clear agenda for each meetup, receive Dash orientation, open Dash wallets and socialize with other Dash users; and which we will use to get contact data from every meetup attendee in order to stay in touch via email and social media marketing.
  • a marketing strategy, where we use email marketing, online advertising, social media marketing, mainstream media marketing and content marketing to demonstrate the concrete value of Dash to Colombians.
  • a Dash merchant adoption program that gets Colombian merchants comfortable with Dash and offers concrete benefits for accepting Dash, such as publicity for their business, a Dash airdrop, Dash signage, the benefits of the Dash community and ongoing mentoring and support.
  • the use of Dash airdrops to incentivize actions that concretely add value to the Dash ecosystem.
  • a Dash outreach program, where we give a series of talks to local institutions and mentor entrepreneurs in order to make connections and build goodwill for Dash in the local community.

5. Budget

We have created a minimalist budget that enables us to fulfill meaningful goals while positioning the Dash Medellín organization to achieve a larger agenda in the coming months. The budget assumes a Dash price of USD$460 and that the Colombian Peso is at $2,800.


6. Progress To Date

Since restarting Dash Medellín meetups in March, we've achieved the following:

  • published a website, meetup group, Telegram group, YouTube channel and social media profiles (FB, TW, IG).
  • created the three-year Dash Medellín development plan (English PDF).
  • added a new meetup location (Ivy Hostel) in the south of Medellín, with a new format and once-monthly schedule.
  • secured 2 advisors for Dash Medellín: Edward Stoever (@ec1warc1) and Arley Lozano (@vakano).
  • setup a trello to coordinate the Dash Medellín team’s work.
  • secured a duly registered Colombian SAS (corporation) and accountant to ensure Dash Medellín’s resilience against government scrutiny.
  • achieved 18 mailing list subscribers, 2 YouTube channel subscribers, 9 Telegram group members and 73 meetup members.
  • achieved 5 new Dash wallet installs.


7. More Information

Thanks in advance for your feedback and ideas! I'm really just getting started and need your help.
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I met with George on Friday, April 27 for about 3 hours. We worked on two things:
  • Fine tuning this proposal. Setting the goals appropriately and adjusting the requested budget to fit the goals.
  • Learning from the recent Dash Meetup that George held on April 26
I definitely support this proposal. There is far too much to do here in Medellin, and Colombia in general for the current players to handle all of it. We welcome new people with new energy and ideas!
Hi George!

I love reading this proposal. I've been watching the work you've done with the meetups and I really think it's an excellent job. Right now I am browsing the page http://dashmedellin.org and I find it very useful.

My best wishes to you, I think it is a solid proposal, with great scope and with a low budget. I'm sure the MNOs will approve your initiative.
I know George from the Forum, I have seen that he is very active and committed with Dash, he has posted very interesting comments and he has also asked me for help for his proposal (Dash Help services, educational content, etc) and I accepted for helping him in everything we can. So I think he is the right person to manage this proposal. And since Edward (dash.red) is supporting him (both live in Medellin) this should be a easy yes proposal.

Besides, I think the Dash community in Colombia needs a boost, and this proposal is perfect for that. Medellin is one of the most developed cities in Colombia, so it can be very interesting seeing results of their work. We (Dash Help Venezuela) already have the number (call center) for Colombia, and we will open our services there very soon, so it is a great opportunity to promote our services to Colombians!

George, count with our support, we can also help you with ideas for merchant adoption (we are running Dash Merchant Venezuela).

Hi George!

actually George has just done one meet up. But it's a very good idea for future.

I love reading this proposal. I've been watching the work you've done with the meetups and I really think it's an excellent job. Right now I am browsing the page http://dashmedellin.org and I find it very useful.

My best wishes to you, I think it is a solid proposal, with great scope and with a low budget. I'm sure the MNOs will approve your initiative.
We need quality people and from what I've been seeing, you are the right guy to get something going in Colombia.
Ohhh thankyou lol.
Dear @George Donnelly,

A rapid read give me "achieved 5 new Dash wallet installs." and "64 Dash ask"
You have to know than only adoption mater to me. Blablablingbling video dont compte.
Are you sure no one in Medeline can do beter than 5 intall wallet for 64 Dash.

If I can afford a suggestion, if you spend less time commenting posts on the forum and more time to install Dash Wallet this figure I would be interested in this proposal.

I do not see the point of funding someone to comment on others forum discussions.

It's no.

Good luck

We had a very productive meetup this evening in El Poblado. 6 people attended and we fleshed out some ideas to expand on this pre-proposal, including ideas for outreach to merchants, large corporations, tourism operators and college students.

A gentleman who's been to our last 3 meetups and gave a presentation at the last one has expressed a strong interest in joining the team. He's an experienced salesman and entrepreneur so I think he's going to be quite an asset.

Here is a photo from our meetup tonight. I'll put a video of the meetup in this post soon.


Thanks to the sponsorship of Dash Global, I issued 4 reimbursements of Dash under the Dash Cafe program.

Thanks for the kind words, BTW, @Estigui!

A rapid read give me "achieved 5 new Dash wallet installs." and "64 Dash ask"
You have to know than only adoption mater to me. Blablablingbling video dont compte.
Are you sure no one in Medeline can do beter than 5 intall wallet for 64 Dash.

Thanks for your feedback.

A more careful read may reveal that my team here is operating at this time without funding. So we have gotten now at least 7 wallet installs during 3 meetups with a cumulative attendance of about 40 people.

At this time our DAO funding is ZERO ($0.00). I just want to make sure that's clear.

We have achieved everything under point 6 in the original post with precisely ZERO DAO funding. I have been spending money out of my own pocket and time without payment to register domains, pay meetup.com, transport myself, develop a website, develop plans, promote on social media, organize meetups, answer people's questions about Dash, etc.

I believe in Dash, so this is by no means a complaint, simply a clarification in case my original post in this thread was unclear on this point.

During the Jun to Aug time period, we are aiming for a minimum of 250 wallet installs. You can see the full list of milestones above in section 2 (goals).

Thanks again for your interest! I need all the ideas and feedback I can get. :)
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You have obvious "boots on the ground" experience already. Your plan pays attention to both sides of the equation, new users AND merchants, which I believe to be essential for any plan to work. Your scaling plan strikes the right balance of ambitious but achievable.

I will vote yes.
I would like to invite the Dash community to visit George's YouTube channel, to get an idea of the things he believes in and has fought for in the past:

Some of my favorite topics on his channel:
  • Holding Jeff Berwick accountable for fraud on his passport sales
  • Jury Rights, jury pamphleting
George speaks Spanish fluently! He has lived in Colombia for over 15 years!

I am proud to support his efforts and this Dash proposal.
You have obvious "boots on the ground" experience already. Your plan pays attention to both sides of the equation, new users AND merchants, which I believe to be essential for any plan to work. Your scaling plan strikes the right balance of ambitious but achievable.

I will vote yes.

Thanks @solarguy! Much appreciated.
Dear @George Donnelly ,
To create a community they need men and women who are on the field, which is the oposed to film themselves sitting in front of a computer.
About the 7 wallet installed, is presented as a performance this figure is no longer a revealers that you do not have the right skills for this action.
Those who had the cappacity to create Dash community are those who did not spend a lot of time showing themselves and spent a lot of time on the ground with people.
In addition you denounce the things that go wrong from your point of view, Dash is not denouncing things, Dash is to provide solutions.
If you have started to create a grassroots community and the world of business for adoption, be careful to have the skills, because in case of failure your reputation and your image will greatly damaged, and that of Dash too.

Its a definitif no.

PS :Most of Dash supporters dont receved fee for help Dash when they start, most payed with they own money and times for this.
Its the big difference of who are here for Dash and who are here only for the honypot from my point of view.
PS :Most of Dash supporters dont receved fee for help Dash when they start, most payed with they own money and times for this.
Its the big difference of who are here for Dash and who are here only for the honypot from my point of view.

That's what George did, started on his own, with no Treasury money to start with. If you are implying that George is treating Dash like a honeypot, I think you are a troll who is out to hurt Dash.
7 dash wallet install... thats change everything. Seriouly.

We are agree than we are not agree in this proposal ;)
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Un saludo muy cordial.

Soy Juan Usuga, soy de profesión Ing. mecánico con cerca de 10 años de experiencia en el ecosistema de emprendimiento Colombiano.

Muy aficionado a las nuevas tecnologías y con experiencia de años en ventas asociadas a infoproductos.

Me considero hábil para acercarme a todo tipo de personas, sin objetar temores o prevenciones por el status social que abordo.

Me interesé en Dash por el anuncio que puso George en meetup.com y he asistido a 3 meetups de Dash Medellín.

Dash me gusta porque es una moneda que propone estar al alcance de las masas, brindando las ventajas que las criptomonedas poseen.

Decidí unirme al equipo de Dash Medellín porque veo a las criptomonedas como un excelente herramienta de emprendimiento. Veo muchas oportunidades aquí y quiero ayudar a traerlos a mi país.

Voy a trabajar en la parte de sensibilización y ventas. En particular, en la adopción comercial de Dash, enseñando a los comerciantes como aprovechar de Dash.

Pido su apoyo e ideas para hacer Dash una realidad de masas en Colombia y seria para mi un orgullo ser parte de ese gran equipo que con una tecnología tan versátil y confiable propone llegar a nuestro país.
