Dash Maracay: Specialized Course for Merchants/Maracay-Venezuela

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Good day everyone .. we are pleased for the support received. Especially for the 350 Master Nodes that voted "Yes".

Regardless of not receiving the funds, we will continue working to make Dash the most widely used Cryptocurrency in the Central Region of Venezuela

Specialized Course for Merchants/Maracay-Venezuela
This proposal is designed with the specific objective of instructing 240 merchants interested in implementing Dash as a payment method in their establishments. To achieve this goal we propose to offer a specialized course to 8 different groups of merchants (30 per course).

We seek the greatest effectiveness at the lowest cost; therefore, the businesses that will participate in this program will be pre-selected through a survey that we will conduct to the people enrolled in our database. The courses will be face-to-face and each will have duration of 8 academic hours.

In several meetings that Dash Maracay has held with merchants and industrialists, we have noticed that their doubts are focused specifically on legality, accounting and implementation of control software. Although each business has its own working model, we thought it would be more effective to group together different merchants in one room to provide direct support and clarify any concerns in a group setting.

Given the current conditions in Venezuela and considering that our legal regulations allow us to advance in this area, we consider it important to develop this type of activities with the aim of making Dash the most widely used Cryptocurrency in the Central Region of the country.

Dash = Confidence
In a conversation with a trader who attended our first Conference on April 19, he pointed out that Dash has a great singularity: "Dash has a human side". He understood that the presence of our staff, coordinators and managers, shows that Dash is not 100% virtual; that there are human beings with a long history behind this cryptocurrency. The merchant stressed: "This gives me confidence”. We highlight this point, as the course will be face-to-face and merchants will be able to interact with us (Dash Maracay).

Expected Results:
Upon completion of the project, the 240 businesses will be able to implement Dash correctly in their establishments. They will receive the necessary advertising material to promote Dash (Talkers, Decals and others). Additionally, they will be registered in Discover Dash and other promotional platforms.

The great advantage of taking the course with preselected participants is that it will substantially increase the effectivity and imply a lower cost in the project.
  1. Number of Adoptions: We estimate effectiveness between 60% and 80%.
  2. Time of recruitment: Immediate, since they will have a complete induction.
  3. Low Proposal Cost.
  4. Multiplier Effect: Merchants will place an announcement in their establishments indicating that "DASH, Digital Cash, is accepted here". This would have a multiplier effect on other parties who might be interested in implementing Dash in their establishments.
  5. Brand Positioning: Users who visit the stores will have the opportunity to explore Dash as a form of payment.
  6. We will increase the number of businesses registered on the Discover Dash platform, thus increasing the number of visits.

  • Pre-selección de los merchants/businesses:
Our community has over 1500 people, segmented as follows:

With the objective of increasing the database of businesses in our web platform, we have made an institutional alliance with the State of Aragua Chamber of Commerce and Industries. Under this agreement we will be able to invite more businesses to take the proposed course.

To select course attendees, we will conduct a survey to measure intention to adopt Dash as a method of payment; this will allow the course to be given to people who are really interested, thus obtaining a high effectivity.​

  • Number of Attendees:
We will ask merchants to attend the course with a companion (Business Partner, Store Manager or Trusted Staff); this will contribute to supplement the scenarios that may arise when implementing Dash in the establishments with different perspectives.​

  • Course Dynamics:
The course will have a Theoretical-Practical approach: the theoretical part will consist of explaining everything concerning the Basics, Legal Dispositions, Accounting, Taxation, POS System and Marketing Strategies for an effective implementation of Dash. The practical aspect will focus on classroom simulation of the implementation of Dash in each of the businesses. Merchants will be assured of the support of the general Dash community.

Unit 1:

The Basics of Dash
Delivered by: Alexis Lugo, (Dash Venezuela)
Duration: 2 Hours

What is Dash? Features. Functions. Characteristics. Benefits.
Dash Venezuela Community
Unit 2:
Legal, Accounting, and Tax Aspects
Delivered by: Mariela LLovera (Nayma Consultores)
Duration: 2 Hours

Venezuelan legal framework related to cryptoassets
Using cryptoassets in Venezuelan business operations: taxes, billing, reports
Case Study: Receiving payments with Dash in a shoe store.
Cryptoassets and the IFRS for Small and Medium Entities. Accounting and financial records​
Unit 3:
Dash Help Support Center
Delivered by: Dash Help
Duration: 1 Academic Hour

Common Problems / Practical Solutions.​

Unit 4:
Strategies for Implementing Dash as a Payment Method
Delivered by: Representatives from the Dash Maracay Community
Duration: 2 Hours

Adopting Dash in Business (Héctor Gómez, TSU)
Marketing Strategies (Williams Gollini), P.Eng.
Implementation of the POS System (José Manuel Da Silva, B.S.)
Unit 5:
Practical Simulation Exercises
Duration: 1 Hours

Total: 8 Hours

In determining the budget for the proposal, we considered the following aspects:
  • Project Term: 1 Month
  • Number of courses: 8 courses in a month
  • Number of businesses per course: 30
  • Number of Attendees per Course: 60 (Owner + Manager)
  • Total Businesses in the Proposal: 240
  • Hours per Course: 8 Hours.

With this specialized course we will take another major step forward in the adoption of Dash as a form of payment, making it the most widely used cryptocurrency in the Central Region of Venezuela.

With Dash Venezuela, Dash Maracay and Dash Help, merchants will understand that Dash is the world's most humanly backed Cryptocurrency.

Speakers or Professors:
Dash Maracay has a great team of highly qualified professionals with extensive knowledge of Dash.
  • Alexis E. Lugo González, DASH VENEZUELA (DASHVE, C.A.) Technical Assistance Coordinator, National Program Coordinator Dash Venezuela
  • Mariela Llovera, Lawyer and Human Resources Professional. Talent Management, Labor Relations & Taxes consultant. Speaker. Focused on using technology to improve business processes for SMEs
  • Dash Help, Technical Support Center
  • Williams Gollini, CEO Inmobilia.com Aragua. Consultant and Former Director of the Real Estate Chamber of Aragua State.
  • José Manuel Da Silva, President of the Chamber of Industries for Aragua State. Director of the State Program "Entrepreneurship Learning".
  • Héctor Gómez C, 1st Vice-President of Fedecámaras (Venezuelan Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Production) Aragua. Former President of the Aragua State Real Estate Chamber. Vice President of the Real Estate Chamber of Venezuela.
  • Eduardo Fuenmayor F., Director of the Real Estate Chamber of the Aragua State.

Contact: Dash Maracay
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You folks have proven yourselves to be highly professional, which is no surprise considering the professional backgrounds you come from. This value for investment seems obvious to me.

Thank you very much for your words of support, Tao ..!
Our commitment has always been to promote the adoption of Dash in the Central Region of Venezuela ... we are very excited about this new proposal...!
Hi everybody how are you! this proposal is super cool, because of the following: in recent days I was reviewing several pre-proposals related to a project idea that I want to make. One of the main weaknesses that I found was how to teach entrepreneurs or merchants register their income or expenses paid with Dash, in the same order their registration in the tax aspect, especially in the field that I am focusing my proposal on (tourism area).

I think that, if we can reinforce this existing aspect, we could massify the use of Dash as a means of payment, to assist transactions in places where they accept it. They could also teach how to buy Dash in local currency, since it is also another existing weakness.

I support them with it, A hug
Muy buena la propuesta de Dash Maracay, espero sea aprobada, desde Dash Higuerote esperamos poder incluir comerciantes de nuestra comunidad en sus cursos, estamos seguros que los resultados serán sobrepasados porque conocemos el equipo de profesionales que están llevando la propuesta, aparte de que vemos que cuentan con el apoyo de personas de Dash Venezuela.
Muy buena la propuesta de Dash Maracay, espero sea aprobada, desde Dash Higuerote esperamos poder incluir comerciantes de nuestra comunidad en sus cursos, estamos seguros que los resultados serán sobrepasados porque conocemos el equipo de profesionales que están llevando la propuesta, aparte de que vemos que cuentan con el apoyo de personas de Dash Venezuela.
Gracias anayasmínespitia, por tus palabras de apoyo.
Hi everybody how are you! this proposal is super cool, because of the following: in recent days I was reviewing several pre-proposals related to a project idea that I want to make. One of the main weaknesses that I found was how to teach entrepreneurs or merchants register their income or expenses paid with Dash, in the same order their registration in the tax aspect, especially in the field that I am focusing my proposal on (tourism area).

I think that, if we can reinforce this existing aspect, we could massify the use of Dash as a means of payment, to assist transactions in places where they accept it. They could also teach how to buy Dash in local currency, since it is also another existing weakness.

I support them with it, A hug
Thank you Manuel, We are on your diposition.
Hi everybody how are you! this proposal is super cool, because of the following: in recent days I was reviewing several pre-proposals related to a project idea that I want to make. One of the main weaknesses that I found was how to teach entrepreneurs or merchants register their income or expenses paid with Dash, in the same order their registration in the tax aspect, especially in the field that I am focusing my proposal on (tourism area).

I think that, if we can reinforce this existing aspect, we could massify the use of Dash as a means of payment, to assist transactions in places where they accept it. They could also teach how to buy Dash in local currency, since it is also another existing weakness.

I support them with it, A hug
Hello Manuel, thank you for your comment ... in effect, we also noticed that we must do a personalized job to encourage traders to adopt Dash in their stores. The tourist sector is very important and interesting, I would like to talk with you, I will write to you privately.

Muy buena la propuesta de Dash Maracay, espero sea aprobada, desde Dash Higuerote esperamos poder incluir comerciantes de nuestra comunidad en sus cursos, estamos seguros que los resultados serán sobrepasados porque conocemos el equipo de profesionales que están llevando la propuesta, aparte de que vemos que cuentan con el apoyo de personas de Dash Venezuela.
Muchas Gracias por tu apoyo consecuente anayasmínespitia...todos los comerciantes serán bienvenidos, aunque te adelanto que este curso está diseñado para ser replicado en otras localidades y así impulsar el uso de Dash en toda Venezuela. Si la propuesta es aprobada, con gusto serás invitada a asistir. Un abrazo
You folks have proven yourselves to be highly professional, which is no surprise considering the professional backgrounds you come from. This value for investment seems obvious to me.


Hello @TaoOfSatoshi

Thank you very much for your support, your opinion is very important for us.

We are working hard to achieve our main goal, convert Dash into the most widely used cryptocurrency in the central region of Venezuela.

This proposal covers one of the areas in which we are working, educate the merchants to accept Dash as a payment method. Education is fundamental in this stage of the adoption process in our region and we need to know the opinion of the MNOs to make the corresponding adjustments.

We value the opinion of all MNOs and invite them to express their comments on our proposal.

Thanks for your pre-proposal, looks like a great solution for educating and assuaging the concerns of important merchants in your region. I'm glad that you've targeted the sessions based on surveys, to ensure that you're presenting to the right demographic. What are your expectations in terms of the effect these presentations will have on these merchants adopting and using Dash relative to other projects where merchants are more simply onboarded to accept Dash payments? What advantage do you feel this more in-depth approach will provide to the network in driving actual usage of Dash not only in acceptance by merchants but in spending by customers? Simpler efforts toward onboarding are less expensive per user and can reach many more users over all, and so far seem to be very effective in accomplishing this task according to metrics so far. So what do you expect the advantages of this approach will be?
Hey wgollini,

Good idea. I like the project. Have you contact Dash Merchant Venezuela. I think you could make a good team to achieve the main objective of Dash community in Venezuela: “the massive adoption of Dash in Venezuela”

We in “Dashtrip, introducing Dash as payment method in the tourism sector of Venezuela” have made an alliance with Dash Merchanst Venezuela in order to give to the merchants only one clear message.

Best Regards
Marco Canelon
Thanks for your pre-proposal, looks like a great solution for educating and assuaging the concerns of important merchants in your region. I'm glad that you've targeted the sessions based on surveys, to ensure that you're presenting to the right demographic. What are your expectations in terms of the effect these presentations will have on these merchants adopting and using Dash relative to other projects where merchants are more simply onboarded to accept Dash payments? What advantage do you feel this more in-depth approach will provide to the network in driving actual usage of Dash not only in acceptance by merchants but in spending by customers? Simpler efforts toward onboarding are less expensive per user and can reach many more users over all, and so far seem to be very effective in accomplishing this task according to metrics so far. So what do you expect the advantages of this approach will be?

Hello Arthyron, your interest in our proposal are very appreciated.

Dash Venezuela (including all the communities across the country) offer technical assistance to (potential) users, which is the main difference between Dash and other cryptocurrencies.

Our high-skilled team will allow merchants to feel more supported, creating 'loyalty' towards Dash. As a result, consumers will be forced to increase their Dash usage, increasing demand and subsequently, its value.

Moreover, efficiency is vital for our community to work. The main goal is to capture the largest number of businesses with the lowest investment possible. The length of this course will enable attendees to create and enforce the usage of Dash in their business network, from which we expect a strong brand positioning.

The completeness of the course (includes marketing strategies and POS implementation) will fade any reason for not adopting Dash afterwards.

As we have mentioned earlier; Dash is the cryptocurrency with the highest human assistance around the world.
Hey wgollini,

Good idea. I like the project. Have you contact Dash Merchant Venezuela. I think you could make a good team to achieve the main objective of Dash community in Venezuela: “the massive adoption of Dash in Venezuela”

We in “Dashtrip, introducing Dash as payment method in the tourism sector of Venezuela” have made an alliance with Dash Merchanst Venezuela in order to give to the merchants only one clear message.

Best Regards
Marco Canelon

Hi Marco,
Thank you for your support and suggestions.

We have talked to @AlejandroE and we have invited them to participate in our project. The message is the same for merchants.

The unit 3 of the program will be dictated by them.

Success with DashTrip proposal!

Best regards!
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