The Ogilvy and Mather report is coming out any day now (I think). I really don't know what to expect, so I suggest waiting for that report if you can.
"Global brand-awareness By Country.. . (each country could have their own flag in the "dash" in the Đ) Think of it as an icon set.. . ĐASH could add a global set of icons to within a week / Cost Nothing~_+++%!See I don't like this. Dash is a GLOBAL currency. As an american Dash needs no flags
thnak youThis is important for people who is doing promotional activities of DASH, i will definitelly follow up this topic. I didnt know anything about it. Thanks
DASH should be countrylessSee I don't like this. Dash is a GLOBAL currency. As an american Dash needs no flags
DASH is (and always be) GLOBAL - Anyone who clicks on the Đ because of the country flag (for whatever reason) should very quickly realize the Global-ness of ĐASH.DASH should be countryless
DASH is (and always be) GLOBAL - Anyone who clicks on the Đ because of the country flag (for whatever reason) will/should very quickly realize the Global-ness of ĐASH.
Here's A few flag-branding examples/variations ( Venezuela ) .. .
I was Born and raised in new york / My Beautiful wife is from Venezuela, She knows of DASH but only from conversations i've had with others / She never seen the actual logo, so i showed her a few versions of the Đ (Venezuela - American - Original) then very simply asked which one she would click and her very natural reflex response was of course.. .
- Google image search: DASH + VENEZUELA
This is a Good way to geo-target the masses by country who have no idea what DASH is and more importantly, Wouldn't otherwise Click. But Most Importantly.. .
It's a Great way for countries to represent their DASH eco-system's, Globally. And the best part.. .
"ĐASH could add a global set of icons to within a week / Cost Nothing~_+++%!" (Here's another FREE marketing idea for DASH that could be up and running within minutes -