Of the options presented I would vote for #1. I am not thrilled with the arrows either, nor the unfinished crossbar of the A (though I think the idea was to evoke another C), both seem too busy. I also do not like the lack of symmetry between the inside and outside of the D (and A) as it tends to obfuscate the C while spinning.
I particularly like any design that preserves the D/C spin option, and the weighting that emotes VISA. Number 6, and minotaurs modification both evoke a G, as has been noted. However the weighting of the font on 6 is better than any of the others.
Overall, I have to agree with others here, that the original community submission was best. I'm assuming that pro's were hired to produce these and saw the original. If so, it would have been hard for them to say that the original was the best, and thus they produced what we now see. I will be satisfied with whatever is chosen, but wish the original was in the mix.
Without actually counting, it seems that choice 1 is the clear winner at this point with 5 and 6 being contenders, and a clear write-in campaign for the original. I suggest that 1 and 5 are well-liked primarily due to their similarity to the original. Makes me wonder what would happen on a new vote if the options were 1, 5, 6, and the original?
For those making the decisions at this point, I would humbly suggest that this be allowed to run at least 24 hours (better 48) to allow folks at work or sleeping to provide input. And then hold another poll with the top two or three contenders AND the original.