Dash Leopards Soccer Proposal


Active member


The Dash Leopards soccer teams are the first in the world to be funded by Dash blockchain technology. Soccer is without doubt the most popular sport in Africa. Indeed, soccer is probably the most popular sport in every African country.

Our initial success of supplying fully Dash-branded soccer uniforms to the teams generated huge community interest, and our intention is to now continue and expand this project.



ntroduction to the Proposal Owner

The Proposal Owner is Slottle Addams, known as @DashingDude, a frequent participant in the Dash forums and a Com.Sci geek. Before creating Dash Africa he worked for many years as a software dev, manager, entrepreneur, and university lecturer. For 10 years, he worked voluntarily part-time as a network engineer, deploying a wireless WAN infrustructure at 17 schools in remote rural areas with the Siyakhula project.


Concept Overview

The kids already wear prominent Dash Branded uniforms, and Dash-branded banners will be displayed at every match. Kids are quick learners and quick adopters... and when their parents, friends and relatives ask about Dash, the kids will teach them! They all know already that:
  • Dash is Digital Cash
  • Like Bitcoin but better because it is private and instant
  • If you save your Dash, it becomes worth more over time.
The kids will then direct people to the Dash Ambassador who will be able to assist them further.

Scope of work

  • Each team member and coach receives a fully branded soccer uniform + kit (done).
  • Dash-branded soccer-balls, cones, portable goalposts.
  • Banners and gazebos will be bought for display at matches.
  • Each team will appoint one or more Dash Ambassador who will attend matches. We will train the ambassador, who will have a table beneath the gazebo. The ambassador will answer questions about Dash and give away swag such as bumper stickers. Dash Leopards supporter shirts will be on sale at a low price, to people who pay in Dash.
  • Dash will enter local circulation through meet-up progams organized by Dash Ambassadors.
  • Merchant adoption - we have several merchants who are interested, and two more who have adopted Dash already.

Dash is Good

The children are supervised doing their homework and assignments before they play soccer. Then they play soccer until their parents arrive home. This keeps them off the street, out of gangserism, and away from drugs. This will perpetuate the belief that Dash is a "good" kind of money.

Progress Reporting

We will continue to regularly report on our progress, as we have in the past.

Team Members & Principal Skills

This project is possible because of support from:

5 Dash - Proposal Fee
2 Dash - Banners, Gazebos and
1 Dash - For tables & chairs for the Ambassadors
3 Dash - Kit-bags, branded footballs, cones, goalpoasts, stopwatches, whistles etc ,
1 Dash - 100x Supporter shirts
2 Dash - Dash Swag and promotional materials
2 Dash - Ambassador training and fundings, meet-ups and Merchant Adoption
1 Dash - Meals for team members and coaches
2 Dash - Transportation to events and matches
1 Dash - Adminstrative assistant salary

TOTAL 20 Dash

Funding duration: 1 month

Visit our Website https://leopards.dash.africa
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Good luck to this proposal. I see a big future for DASH in africa, and specially interesting on the community engagement through the sport.
Dear Dashing Dude,

No word to say, this one is a very interesting project. One of a good exposure as well as enhancing awareness to the community about Dash.
If I'm a masternode, for sure I will vote this proposal.

Good Luck.
Hello, nice to see your evolution on Africa, Im from Venezuela and we also are growing a lot here. I think the idea of the DASH ambassadors on the matches is great, but then what? Matches last max 2 hours and they are once in a week. Im sure there will be a LOT of interested people and you must take advantage of that, so I recommend you to create a database of interested people and then invite them to conferences. The main challenge is to mantain people interest and achieve the adoption of DASH. Hope this help you guys, good luck!!
Thanks @AlejandroE !

The idea is that the matches will generate Dash awareness among people, but I agree that they are not a good forum for educating/talking-to people. For this reason, the Ambassadors will be available anytime for one-on-one chats, any day of the week that they are availabe. So the database is a good idea!

And yes, we do regular meet-ups to introduce people to Dash.

Thanks @AlejandroE !

The idea is that the matches will generate Dash awareness among people, but I agree that they are not a good forum for educating/talking-to people. For this reason, the Ambassadors will be available anytime for one-on-one chats, any day of the week that they are availabe. So the database is a good idea!

And yes, we do regular meet-ups to introduce people to Dash.


Excellent! That´s the most important thing after promoting: educating people and track their paths. Good luck, Im sure your proposal will pass.
Thanks @Roman Zheltukhin

The idea is to earn a good ROI for Dash through marketing and promotion of the brand, and to promote adoption.

At the same time, for free, we get to do something good for the world. We keep kids off the streets, away from the rife gansterism and drugs epidemics, educated ... and the overall effect is very positive!
@DashingDude ... Your idea is great. Soccer is a new world for everyone and promoting dash through children is a great approach. Wish you greatness on your proposal but hope to see something of that in West Africa too.
Thanks @UltimateCrypto

Although we are starting locally in South Africa, we hope to expand the project into other of African countries soon. Ghana would be a great place, seeing as how strong the Dash representation is in your country! Stay in touch...