Dash Latam Announces Venezuela Breaches 10,000 Active Mobile Dash Wallet Installs; First to 10K

George Donnelly

Active member
Dash Latam is thrilled to announce that since we onboarded Venezuela 3 months ago, active Android Dash wallet installs reversed their downward trend and grew by 85%.

Venezuela now is the first and only nation with more than 10,000 active Dash wallet installs.



Full details at http://dash.ist/2019/07/07/dash-growth-in-latam-measured-by-active-android-wallets/

Wanna see how we did it? Here is just a partial summary:

Very interesting @George Donnelly .
I have a question. If the Dash wallet is inside each telephone bought, then it is natural that the number of wallets will skyrocket. But this is not telling much about real Dash adoption. How do you distinguish (if you do) between wallets that are actually used, and wallets that are just installed by default?
Hi Pietro, there is a claim that Krip phones, which come with Dash wallets pre-installed, are responsible for this turnaround. But I have yet to see proof and find it hard to believe that would be wholly responsible.

On the Google Play store, there are multiple metrics for apps such as Daily Device Installs, Daily Device Upgrades, Daily User Uninstalls, etc. Among those is Active Device Installs.

"'Installs on active devices' [active wallets] shows how many devices that have been online at least once in the past 30 days have your app installed." #

Active wallets is what I count: http://dash.ist/2019/07/07/dash-growth-in-latam-measured-by-active-android-wallets/

I suspect there is news/blog coverage around this where the the writers don't fully understand the reality and thus are not communicating it adequately.

So, in the active wallet count, pre-installed wallets are only counted if people actually use them. If people do not open the app or if they delete it, it is not counted. That is how we distinguish between wallets installed by default and the ones actually used.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
Hi George,
Let's say that a wallet is active not just if it was turned on, but if it received or sent some dash in the last week. Would we have a way to measure this?

Also I am reading very different reports over how many merchants are really active in Venezuela. The number move from 300 to 4000. About one order of magnitude! Accepted that the sheer number of merchants is not really what we are after, but also how many are actually being used (300 that are active and every day are paid in dash multiple times a day are better than 4000 where no one is using them), is it possible to find on the blockchain the address of some of those merchants, to see the incoming flow, and see (or graph) how are people using it. For example if sparingly, or continuously, growing or decreasing...

Many thanks,
Hi Pietro, unfortunately I am aware of no way to discover how many wallets have sent or received dash in the last time period. What would be required to gather this information would likely cross a line in terms of invading the privacy of users in the eyes of many people.

Regarding true activity levels of merchants, Dash Latam in partnership with Dash Retail is trying to show this on a nearly live basis in a way that is respectful of people's privacy at http://tracker.pagacondash.com. There you can see the number of active merchants, the volume and transaction count. This data is for merchants that Dash Latam affiliated and created printed QR codes (habladors) for or that are using our POS https://pos.pagacondash.com. What you see there is an early alpha version that we are working on improving.

So, this number includes mostly merchants in Colombia with a few in Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala, Brazil and Spain. It includes perhaps 100 of the Venezuelan ones as we are still in the process of onboarding the reported 2500 merchants that Dash Merchant Venezuela and Dash Venezuela claim to have previously onboarded but which have come under severe doubt.

Due to lack of regular DAO funding, we have opted to give priority to affiliating new basic necessities merchants, which almost did not exist before for Dash in Venezuela. When we have regular funding, we hope to complete verification on the previously claimed merchants and thus be able to represent the correct number of active Dash merchants in Venezuela to the world with a high level of confidence.

Thrilled to answer more questions.