Dash is the currency even Mothers can use but Why would they use it?


New member
You don't use something because you can use it, right ?
How many average people care about financial freedom from banks anyway ? Necessarily not mothers.

Average people just okay paid into their bank accounts and using them from their credit cards. At the moment and for a bit long time Cryptocurrency would not be cared by average person anyway.
maybe because government money supports wars and mothers don't like war ... well there may be one or two that think like that
"Dash is the currency even Mothers can use..."

This actually is not currently true. It is true that Dash aspires to be the crypto that are mothers can use, but it is currently far from in. All eyes are on Evolution which is still a year away.
Mothers might use it if offered a discount on goods and services for using it. Which the vendors will freely offer because it is cheaper for them when customers use crypto instead of credit cards.
Mothers might use it if offered a discount on goods and services for using it.

True dat. Mothers can be extraordinarily sophisticated free market operators where discounts are involved. Just look at extreme coupon clippers.

Your argument seems legit but human species are pretty lazy thereby always against innovation, discounts should be noticeable at least around %5-10, can CryptoCurrency Use offer that amount of discount ?

Your argument seems legit but human species are pretty lazy thereby always against innovation, discounts should be noticeable at least around %5-10, can CryptoCurrency Use offer that amount of discount ?

Possibly. Bitcart offers 15% discount for Dash. The point is though it won't be only the Dash network that is trying to get people to switch. Of course, there are ways we can offer switching incentives from the network itself as well ;)
IMHO, the greatest immediate benefit of cryptocurrencies is international money transmission. Mothers with children studying abroad, for instance, as well as expats with mothers and families at their home country could surely benefit from an easier to use cryptocurrency ecosystem. Named addresses and payment contacts as proposed by Evolution would definitely make a difference. And once you start using crypto for something like that, you want to continue using it for other purposes as well.
Women in general just don't care. They already have the universal currency... Once they figure that out, they don't bother with anything else.
For the typical western country with stable financial system it may be true that there is little incentive to using crypto instead of a bank, but for people (like myself) that at least once in life experienced hyperinflation and the moment when banks and ATMs just don't work, crypto is a safe haven and an infinitely more trustworthy platform.

Your argument seems legit but human species are pretty lazy thereby always against innovation, discounts should be noticeable at least around %5-10, can CryptoCurrency Use offer that amount of discount ?
I couldn't disagree more. I see more and more associates of mine are becoming curious and asking me about this stuff and how to buy Bitcoin/Dash now. They see it as a good investment and I have used it a lot to buy Amazon cards to purchas a bunch of stuff last summer for my camper, and camping equipment. I saved a ton with Bitcart. So when we get so far, you can bet mothers, sons, daughters fathers, etc... will be buying crypto to save on purchases wherever they find the discounts. If we build it, they will come, and they will come because everyone wants to save money, especially in these hard times.
Theres a few issues with your mindset of mothers. Mothers have kids, kids are the real target audience. This is a generational thing. Kids were using Facebook long before mothers were(depending on the age of the mom of course)

But in 10 years, there are kids who were born after Dash was created, when they grow up, they will be using cryptocurrencies.

Between now and 10 years, we will likely see banks fail or come close to failing on a massive scale, and or hyperinflation.

Theres also a new buzz in the media for cryptotcurrencies and its not going away and all sorts of people are jumping on now. The masses are coming.

There is more I could add, but I am new here so I will leave it at that.
But in 10 years, there are kids who were born after Dash was created, when they grow up, they will be using cryptocurrencies.
Are you suggesting we should promote making babies?

Never mind you're new, continue posting. looking forward to your proposals :)
...how to buy Bitcoin/Dash now.
The problem with stupidity is that there really is no such thing as stupidity. There is merely being sooo fucking lazy that you can't be asked to think.

And that's the real barrier; Laziness.

It's amplified automatically by the fact that these "curious" (stupid/lazy) people immediately gravitate to the involvement portal of maximum difficulty; buying crypto is the hardest way to get it.

A lazy person directing themselves to the hardest possible solution. That's why it doesn't happen.

That's why it up to the cryptocurrency advocate to grab ahold of the leash and re-direct the curious towards easier methods.

The instant this "how do I buy DASH" question comes up, the response should be

Buying it is the hardest way to get it.

Want some DASH? What goods or services can you provide to me? I'll pay you for it, with DASH.

It can be a simple thing.

Say, someone interested in DASH is also trying to sell some stuff on Craig's List...

Maybe there's a soda machine in the hallway. "I'd like a Sprite! Go buy one, and I'll buy it off you for an equivalent amount of DASH!" Check you out, you're a reseller!

Getting them involved in a simple, tangible, and immediate fashion is not hard. You just have to steer them back on track, away from the hard thing that we know a lazy person isn't going to do.

Exchanges are hard.

Craig's List and the Soda Machine in the hallway are easy.

It's a mental trap, because we know exchanges exist, so we can follow the natural path of question/answer, but forget that it's a barrier they most likely won't climb. So, point them in an easier direction.

Just ask if they have any used stuff they might sell at a garage sale. Something they got as a gift that they don't really want... There's all kinds of ways to do this, yet the crypto advocates never think of it... I find the best way to get a girl involved is to ask if she has anything an ex-boyfriend gave her that reminds of that which she'd rather not be reminded... Or, if she's cute...

Goods and services...

Don't feel like going grocery shopping? Make a list and add on a nominal fee, offer it to the curious person...

Don't want to pay fiat for your gas? Take the curious to the gas station with you. Let them go in and pay for $20 in gas, then pay them $20 worth of DASH.

There are so many every day, small-dollar, easy ways to get into DASH with no barriers to entry...

If they ask about bitcoin or some other bitclone, say "no, adults use DASH." A brief description of the double spend concept and waiting for confirmations allows you to demonstrate IX, too.

Got some cool gun stuff? If I don't already have it...
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The problem with stupidity is that there really is no such thing as stupidity. There is merely being sooo fucking lazy that you can't be asked to think.

And that's the real barrier; Laziness.

It's amplified automatically by the fact that these "curious" (stupid/lazy) people immediately gravitate to the involvement portal of maximum difficulty; buying crypto is the hardest way to get it.

A lazy person directing themselves to the hardest possible solution. That's why it doesn't happen.

That's why it up to the cryptocurrency advocate to grab ahold of the leash and re-direct the curious towards easier methods.

The instant this "how do I buy DASH" question comes up, the response should be

Buying it is the hardest way to get it.

Want some DASH? What goods or services can you provide to me? I'll pay you for it, with DASH.

It can be a simple thing.

Say, someone interested in DASH is also trying to sell some stuff on Craig's List...

Maybe there's a soda machine in the hallway. "I'd like a Sprite! Go buy one, and I'll buy it off you for an equivalent amount of DASH!" Check you out, you're a reseller!

Getting them involved in a simple, tangible, and immediate fashion is not hard. You just have to steer them back on track, away from the hard thing that we know a lazy person isn't going to do.

Exchanges are hard.

Craig's List and the Soda Machine in the hallway are easy.

It's a mental trap, because we know exchanges exist, so we can follow the natural path of question/answer, but forget that it's a barrier they most likely won't climb. So, point them in an easier direction.

Just ask if they have any used stuff they might sell at a garage sale. Something they got as a gift that they don't really want... There's all kinds of ways to do this, yet the crypto advocates never think of it... I find the best way to get a girl involved is to ask if she has anything an ex-boyfriend gave her that reminds of that which she'd rather not be reminded... Or, if she's cute...

Goods and services...

Don't feel like going grocery shopping? Make a list and add on a nominal fee, offer it to the curious person...

Don't want to pay fiat for your gas? Take the curious to the gas station with you. Let them go in and pay for $20 in gas, then pay them $20 worth of DASH.

There are so many every day, small-dollar, easy ways to get into DASH with no barriers to entry...

If they ask about bitcoin or some other bitclone, say "no, adults use DASH." A brief description of the double spend concept and waiting for confirmations allows you to demonstrate IX, too.

Got some cool gun stuff? If I don't already have it...

I disagree with this. It has to do with aptitude. Like me. I'm not saying I'm not lazy, but take my taxes. I feel such anxiety doing my taxes. I expend more energy TRYING to do my taxes than I would EVER have spent actually doing them if they didn't cause my brain to freak out, and shut down. And they still don't get done. "just follow the directions" Yah, they confuse me, I'm not sure I'm doing it right. I don't know where to find the information they want and it only takes 3 minutes before I have to escape because my brain is going into the abyss and I feel like I'm dying.

Yet, I know you'll disagree, LOL, I don't think of myself as stupid or particularly lazy. I just have a strong aversion to taxes and Bureaucracy. Other people see this craziness and it's coming to them out of left field. Many don't have the aptitude for economics or don't understand the technology. That doesn't make them stupid. Everyone has weaknesses - subjects they have no aptitude for, that actually physically hurt to push themselves to do. Like plumbing, electrical (for some reason, electrical is a weak point for me and I've been in construction and machining my whole life, but electrical still stumps me in all it's nuances)

So you will still get an old female housewife like me who loves this sh*t and understands it as much as a non-programmer can, and ones that find the thought puts their brains in the abyss. But ALL of us are motivated to learn how to use money as it's essential to daily existence. Yet even some still can't deal with money. I wonder how many people never check their grocery receipts for errors? How many just give what they know is a big enough bill and take the change without checking? All because it hurts their brain?

Yet they might be brilliant scientists, maybe even economists or CEOs of multi billion dollar corporations.

So we HAVE to make crypto super easy for everyone, for the lowest common denominator, the person who just can't deal with counting their change, or the prospect of non-government sanctioned money. If they're saving money by using these "coins" they will use the "coins" IF and only if it's super easy to use.

Money that's usable to only some of the population isn't worth sh*t. That's the bottom line. And judging people by their ability to find out how to buy Dash on their own is silly. Helping them do it as easily as possible is smart.

@camosoul you are brilliant in so many ways, and I love you for it, but you have a blind spot to how your fellow humans function when it's not like you :)
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I just have a strong aversion to taxes and Bureaucracy.
If accountants didn't exist, I wouldn't do my taxes, either.

Yeah, I hate paying taxes. But, I hate the evil it's used for even more. Paying for crotch farming of unloved children. Essentially funding my own execution, on top of it all. The anxiety of never knowing if you've done it right because it's incomprehensible, sadistic nonsense...

but this is a tangent from my point.

My point is that people who already have an aversion, for whatever reason, are not going to succeed on the path of maximum resistance.

Show them a path of least resistance instead.

The dumbest, most technically and compliance-clueless person can understand paying $20 for gas. They do it at least twice a week already. No exchanges. No weird ID uploading with a picture of yourself and a signed note next to your ID... No username or password. No fear of government regulators persecuting you. Just buy some gas with your DASH. Easy! Why put all those other barriers in the way? You have a DASH client. I have a DASH client. Lets do business. That's it. Let them actually use DASH up front, then add on all the other things one step at a time, instead of making it all into a huge mountain they have to overcome up front before they can even touch it...

It doesn't matter if the problem is stupidity, laziness, legit mental retardation, a total lack of understanding any of the pre-requisites, a language barrier, etc... Break it down to the simplest process by which they can actually DO SOMETHING and PARTICIPATE.

I wouldn't introduce someone to riding motorcycles on a turbo-charged Hyabusa with no brakes that has a meat grinder where the seat should be, and soldering irons for handlebars, either... But, that's what it's like showing someone how to use DASH by getting involved with an exchange. Not to mention the immediate exposure to the ponzi side of crypto... You're exposing them the the most difficult path, and all of the negative influences, as their first experience. It's fucking horrible! Would you introduce a newborn child to the outside world by showing them war, child abuse, and heroine addicts? Of course not! So why do we do that when introducing people to crypto? It's fuckin' backwards and sadistic!

Show them the path of least resistance instead of the path of most resistance; whatever the mode of resistance might be. Show them how it can be used in every day life, right now, no pre-requisites beyond desire and common sense.

You want DASH? Well, I've got some. Do something to earn it, and I'll pay you!

How many people sign up for an exchange and jump through all those bureaucratic and technical hoops before they buy a candy bar with cash? Exactly zero people do that.

Make using DASH every bit as simple and familiar as the money they already use. If you want to make it 10x more complicated, even if they understand it, they're probably not going to do it...
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@camosoul you are brilliant in so many ways, and I love you for it, but you have a blind spot to how your fellow humans function when it's not like you :)
It's a deliberate quality that I have cultivated and honed for many years, not a shortcoming in need of repair.

I'm only considered offensive by the very people I prefer to offend.

It's not an accident. It's by design.