Dash is not quantum compute safe...


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Masternode Owner/Operator
Samuel Westrich said:
'Quantum computers breaking Bitcoin or Dash is just FUD at this point, we are at least 5-10 years away from that happening. By then Dash will use quantum secure cryptography. Also right now Dash privacy is effectively quantum secure, which is not the case for Monero and Zcash."

From my observation, progress in quantum computing has vastly outpaced many estimates, so I fail to see how anyone can credibly suggest 5 - 10 years. In any event, there are all these public keys in full view and archived.. this is a ticking time bomb.

Quantum computing is one reason I like MimbleWimble, as no public key for a single transaction hits the blockchain. In other words, by default, MW is somewhat quantum proof.. you would first have to obtain keys during MW transaction handshakes.

OTOH I am not even close to being an expert on quantum computing so I'd like to hear what other people have to say.
I agree, QC is coming faster than people think. I think this is very important as well, but we haven't got the funds to focus on this. I'm hoping we have 2 years, and that we can do it quickly, but it's like playing with fire IMO. I'm pretty sure the crypto community will come up with a choice of solution before we're in trouble, which we can adopt. If our finances get better, though, I'd like to see us be leaders.
Although quantum computers capable of breaking Bitcoin, Dash, or other cryptos based on asymmetric cryptography are not yet an immediate threat, quantum computing is advancing at a faster pace than many experts had anticipated.