Dash is going viral in venezuela -crossed 100,000+ signups, need your Support ,Urgent

how much dash shoud we ask for Getfreedash per month ?

  • 50 dash per month

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • 75 dash

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • 100 dash

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • 150+ dash

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • 500+ dash :)

    Votes: 20 52.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Hey Dashers,

thrilled to let you know getfreedash.com just crossed 10,000+ in total sign ups and getting 1000+ sign ups on a daily basis now.


Site was down Jan 14-28 for various upgrades
Site was down Feb 10 for few hours for upgrades
Sign ups disabled on Feb 11 for lack o funds
Site was down Feb 17-19 as referral system failed

as most of you know , i have created getfreedash.com and have even made a proposal for the same , unfortunately it failed to pass though despite getting almost 99% positive comments (some say because the amount requested was high at 250 dash per month others say its was buried deep in the proposal lot :) ) , however i continued the site with my own money.

After lot of experimentation and tweaking around, we finally cracked it, we are getting tons of traffic from venezuela, almost 1000-1500 sign ups per day, since sim cards are not free and cost $1 or more to get in venezuela, most of the sign ups are individual folks ( not hackers ) , we have checked the IP addresses and time stamps all point to unique user behaviour.

one a side note , Owning to the hyperinflation in venezuela $1 is average weekly pay hence people are still showing lot of interest for the giveaway.

As a testimony to our success has been over 50 youtube videos have been created that are engaged in spreading Getfreedash.com

so far i have spent over $15,000 in building the site ,coding, giveaway and the previous failed proposal cost. Currently i am planning to spend around $2000 per month on giveaways , however i feel that might not be enough as this site is going viral and now i need support from you to go forward.

Here's my address given below , please donate generously so we can continue this project going forward till end of Feb, i am looking at 50 dash in total to run without any interruptions @1000 sign ups per day or 20,000 sign ups till end of feb , this amount will be returned back should our proposal pass

EDIT: we have received 5 dash so the proposal is due to be posted soon, will post a proposal with an amount of 75-100 dash per month ( Feel free to vote for the amount of top )

P.S we have all the stats like payment addresses, phone numbers ,ip addresses etc which we are happy to showcase to the core team / greencandle /MNOs / reputed people incase they want to verify


donation link https://chainz.cryptoid.info/dash/address.dws?Xmw8tkLBfRHgjr4UDPuDff1TnZPVZtf73m.htm

This is a great opportunity to help the folks a little and also spread dash like wildfire within the state of venezuela


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Can you please post the dash address without the QR, based on the url is it:

This will probably spread faster than a Firestorm supplemented with extra oxygen.
Just imagine beeing stuck in a failed economy/currency and getting a weeks salary worth of value just for entering your telefon number!
IMO if Dash wants to see a micro economy, a proposal supporting your project should be 1. priority this cycle.
Keep up the good work :)
Just sent you some dash as I would love to see the cost of acquisition and to see if you could seed the micro climate in Venezuela.

Seeding funds into Venezuela on a micro level like this may have a lot of upside-

low cost aquisition
funds sent there are effectively locked in the local community
uptake of merchants wanting to benefit from accepting dash

When you have further metrics please post. Any thoughts on how to also acquire merchants for these people to be able to spend their Dash?
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@Iñaki firestorm indeed , Just crossed 200 sign ups today so far :) , looks like the floodgates are open.

@feedbands Thanks again for your support.

@Santos Bermúdez Ruiz thanks

@ewok thanks for your support

Couldn't agree more with you on the all points raised , my dream is to see 1 million or more venezuelans ( out of 20 million total population) downloading dash wallet , imagine the growth of Dash in such a scenario.

Coming to the numbers , we work on absolutely shoestring budget , we pay $0.5 for sign up and $0.5 for referral , apart from the other other costs are sending OTP ( we found a kick ass solution calle Reverse Missed call CLI which is absolutely awesome https://checkmobi.com/#/MissedCallProduct ) , we initially did spend some money on facebook ads , but with the amount of action we stopped any money on Ads :)

So our total cost per user acquisition are $0.5 + 0.5 +0.05 = $1.05 ( now if this doesn't excite you as a marketer, i don't know what will ;) )

As far as merchant acquisition goes , there are lot of other efforts that are underway from other proposals, having said that Venezuela is a highly informal economy now, so once you have a ton of users using dash, merchants will adopt Dash in a blink of eye.

One concern i have is lowering fees further, the cost of 2 cents fees might not sound like much to us, but when your weekly pay is $1 its a lot, is there some way we can lower fees further ?

Thanks a lot for those donated dash i got 0.6 dash so far, 4.4 more to go to post a proposal ( https://chainz.cryptoid.info/dash/address.dws?Xmw8tkLBfRHgjr4UDPuDff1TnZPVZtf73m.htm )

here's a sneak peak of dash addresses we are supposed to make payments today ( this is for those signed up yesterday ) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xaTqAxa3jAmceBDKkEKfJRxQ4gEIk4hgV_OGOYH-ZH0/edit?usp=sharing

one last request , let me know how we can reach out to the core team so that we get some official backing
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Ok thats just crazy. you're up 25.000% in just a month, while having taken down the site half of the month!
As stated above I wouldnt be surprised if you saw this growth continuing. Keep posting these charts
Ok thats just crazy. you're up 25.000% in just a month, while having taken down the site half of the month!
As stated above I wouldnt be surprised if you saw this growth continuing. Keep posting these charts

Thanks again , will do our best , there are lot of things planned once we get good no of users. One idea is to implement liveness detection which will eliminate fraud 100% and give complete assurance it's not a hacker. Having said that we shouldstop giving free money once we cross 1 million users coz we don't need to ...;)

Also thanks for the donation of 2 dash , whoever it is

hi guys @TheSingleton has asked me privately if he could get his dash back if this proposal goes through, i think it's a great idea and this gives me lot of breathing space to continue this proposal, i happy to provide everyone their dash back incase the proposal passes through , please get back to privately with the address you used etc

Also would like to remind you , given the fact that the proposal money only comes back only at the end of feb, we might run out of funds before that in which case we could be forced to stop new signs ups which would not be a favourable thing.

I am now requesting an additional amount of 5 Dash so Total of 10 dash ( 5 for the proposal and 5 to continue sign ups till the end of feb )

just confirming receipt of 2 dash from @TheSingleton.

Thank you all the proposal is ON.

will request 75 dash per month for 3 months focusing on venezuela exclusively will post on 20th feb so that we are not lost in a heap of proposals. ( let me know if you want to change that )

Will post details of daily sign ups as a chart everyday.

so please donate 5 more dash to this address https://chainz.cryptoid.info/dash/address.dws?Xmw8tkLBfRHgjr4UDPuDff1TnZPVZtf73m.htm
Congratulations mate!
Now lets think what can be done in order for the people who received the dash gift to directly exchange it for good and services (instead of liquifying to fiat money). You know the dash addresses of the people who received free dash. Can you provide the statistics about it? I mean, how many keep their dash, how many send it to another dash address, and how many liquified it to fiat money (the addresses who exchange dash to fiat are known) ?

It is also important to reach some merchants willing to accept dash, so that the dash economy to work.
hi guys,

here are the latest figure ending for feb 5th


Site was down Jan 14-28 for various upgrades
Small Correction on feb 4th from previous chart

we noticed a small additional overhead for phone verification ( we are getting chraged approximately twice the no of phone verifications than the no of sign ups so for every user , that signs up so we are spending 20 cents for phone verification for every sign up, we have plans to cut this down )

As previously mentioned we are looking to raise 10 dash so that we can run without interruption till end of feb , here the address https://chainz.cryptoid.info/dash/address.dws?Xmw8tkLBfRHgjr4UDPuDff1TnZPVZtf73m.htm

So far, I have received 5.6 Dash, 2 dash has already been accounted for by @TheSingleton, if you want to receive the dash back once our proposal receives funding feel free to contact me privately, For those who haven't donated yet , don't wait :)

@demo good points , we will publish some stats soon but it's a bit too early for that, having said we can give out just the addresses and some one can help us in doing the chain analysis