DASH Governance twitter marketing idea #DASHDAO


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So! Been keeping an eye on twitter for how the decentralized governance model is marketed and there seem to be about 3 hastags with 4 letter soup words that dont really communicate much.

For example #DashDC (what does that man?) or #DGBB which still means nothing to me.

How about #DASHDAO ? This altleast means something to crypto people and if you google 'DAO blockchain' you get definitions of a decentralized autonomous organization. Though DAO on its own competes with a few concepts like the Asian Daoist religion ish thing (sorry, no clue what it is) as well as another tech concept, but its progress no?

DAPP is not accurate enough, we could also use DAC for decentralized autonomous corporation, but organization has less baggage as a word.

Curious to hear what you think



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The #DashDC and #DigitalCash hashtags are used instead of #Dash bitcoin the latter is spammed by some Korean cosmetics company. Dash - Digital Cash is the idea behind DC. I've suggested using #Dash.org since Dash bought the Dash.org, funded by the dash blockchain as well btw. https://www.dashwhale.org/p/dash-org It wasn't cheap but great for promoting Dash going forward.

#DASHDAO is a cool idea. I'm quite familiar with the Decentralized Autonomous Organization/Corporation concept. I was there when the concept was brought to life. The DAO is just a component though. I guess it makes sense when referring to the decentralized budget and proposal system. People forget Dash is also a decentralized virtual corporation as Evan called it. This hashtag would be more inclusive. To be consistent with what was already thought out and created, we could use #DashDVC or #DashVC as an alternative option.

This is just one of the features of Dash, though. The aim is to compete with companies like Paypal. I'd say better try and compete Transferwise since they are better than Paypal currently when it comes to fees and ease of use and taking market share like crazy from Paypal already. Since aim is to compete with such payment options, promoting the Digital Cash idea more than the governance system makes sense somewhat. I guess it depends very much on which features people find appealing. Some like the InstantX instant transactions feature, others the anonymity, others the decentralized governance. Guess very much depends who you're taking to.
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The key is to have hashtags that are unique to Dash.

#DashDC is Dash - Digital Cash, which is exactly how we are being marketed.

#DGBB - Decentralized Governance by Blockchain

A Twitter user who clicks on either of those hashtags will be treated to a wealth of Dash information without noise. This is important!

That being said, I wouldn't have a problem using #DASHDAO in certain scenarios.
Evan called it DGBS - Decentralized Governance Budgeting System in this video. Governance by Blockchain sounds better though.
Evan called it DGBS - Decentralized Governance Budgeting System in this video. Governance by Blockchain sounds better though.

I think Evan's description is probably more understandable to non-techies, though, since "blockchain" is still pretty esoteric to most people. Also, not to be too nit-picky, but it's not as much governance BY Blockchain as governance THROUGH the Blockchain. Unless we welcomed our new robot overloads and no one told me! :)

But I agree with Tao that the key is hashtags unique to Dash.