DASH Global News site

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It has been two weeks and we have a lot to annouce, we first want to acknowledge the meetup with the DASH community in London during the conference I announce future plans to do more for the DASH community into something that I am calling DASH Global. We already having a landing page and will be updating the look and feel and more details that I will be announcing. Right now I want to share an interview when I talk about the motives for DASH Global.

So hope to have your support guys we already have about 5 different sites we are currently funding and expect another 5 by the time we announce it on this forum.

So back to the current proposal, we have delivered on our weekly show on time, as you can check our Youtube Channel on our weekly and our bi-daily financial show.
We have 9 shows and 37 videos on the financial show. Additionally 7 videos on the learn DASH playlist.

On the website we have launched DASH Italiano at htttp://dashitaliano.com and DASH Korean at http://dashkorean.global still some minor bugs we are taking care off but expect that to be solved soon.

We are soon to launch DASH Brasil and DASH Francais this following week. Hope you guys are pleased with our performance. Again the articles are being produced even if the websites are not there, expect the content to quickly populate this sites. Once launched.
What type of governance procedures are you going to put in place so that this will run without you? Are we funding your startup backed by DASH or are we funding a community owned property? If the latter, then what can we borrow from the DASH governance model and others?
  1. Do you envision this being like CNN, Al Jazeera or something like Bloomberg financial news? I think the answer to that question should inform the next steps forward as you work toward distilling this into a working business model.
  2. Which small news channels are do you like so we can get a sense of where you are going with a small budget? I wonder how much is democracy now annual budget?
Mostly is news related on DASH, and yeah is as produced as any of those networks. Our main idea is to build a foundation or anchor show, the styles can them stem from them in the future. Right now you can see our other financial shows that are particularly different in nature. Yet the end goals is really create content. The format can vary in the future as we get better tech and tools.

Also we might be seen new comunities joining the viewership of the show with Venezuela and Colombia joining into their DASH community efforts. We would be able to get a constantly growing audience.

Obviously a big network anual budget is millions of dollars, and I doubt we will get that big. We only want to create a good show that can springboard the spanish speaking world into learning about DASH and using it for their daily lives. With DASH Global it could also stem to other languages such as portuguese, korean, italian and french. But we still don't have any plans that I can speak off at the moment. Feel free to learn about the websites and the new initiatives from then on.
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