DASH Global Meetups

Thanks to DASH Global for the help sponsoring our Meetups in San Antonio de los Altos, Venezuela, our desire is that they approve and support your proposal.

@JZA Dash Africa received over 3600 visits in one day after you posted the translations. That is much more than usual, and I can only think that it was because of your articles.
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Thanks to DASH Caracas' conferences and other activities, new communities have been born in several cities in Venezuela, and the leaders of these communities are trained and commited to organize weekly meetups, in order to introduce new people to DASH - Digital Cash, DASH Global, and DASH Español.

So far, there is:
1) DASH San Antonio de Los Altos
2) Dashtoneros
3) DASH La Guaira
4) DASH El Hatillo
5) DASH Libertador
6) DASH Valle de La Pascua
7) DASH Cultural
8) DASH Ciudad Bolívar

If DASH Global proposal passes and they sponsor these coomunities, they could hold one meetup each week, with the next budget...

Giveaway: 10 peolpe * 5 USD =50 USD
Beverages and snacks: 25 USD
POP Material: 10 USD (wallet papers, flyers)
Organizers incentive: 10 USD
Total = 95 USD

DASH Caracas assumes the commitment of helping in the guidance of these new leaders and others that surely will appear soon enough.

So, dear MNO's, thank you for considering your positive vote for DASH Global's proposal.

We would like to thank in advence @JZA and his team for their fine work...
As an active member of Dash Caracas, and leader of Dastoneros, I am waiting for the approval of this great proposal that will give us great support and above all Dash projection since Venezuela is a focus of interest for all those who are in theworld of cryptocurrencies
Good afternoon

Here is the data of our event this week in San Antonio de los Altos, Venezuela:

* Place: Miga's Café San Antonio de los Altos
* Date: 04/11/2017
* Time: 3:30 to 5:30 pm
* Number of guests: 10
* 2 invitation links:
  1. Steemit: https://steemit.com/dash/@aevfmsc/6...altos-dinero-digital-bebidas-a-cuenta-de-dash
  2. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dashsanant...569599089239/2051616831751182/?type=3&theater
* Budget:
  • Giveaway: 10 people * 5 USD =50 USD
  • Beverages and snacks: 25 USD
  • POP Material: 10 USD (wallet papers, flyers)
  • Organizers incentive: 10 USD
  • Total = 95 USD

I appreciate the support you have given us in the previous events, people are very excited about DASH in our country.


AYMARA VASQUEZ - DASH San Antonio de los Altos, Venezuela
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Here is the data of our event this week in La Guaira, Venezuela:

* Place: Hotel and Rest Alto Mar (Vargas, La Guaira)
* Date: 04/11/2017
* Time: 2:00 to 4:00 pm
* Number of guests: 10
* 2 invitation links:

1. Twitter Dash La Guaira: http://bit.ly/2hsFlEi

2. Instagram Dash La Guaira: http://bit.ly/2z47066

3. Facebook Dash La Guaira: http://bit.ly/2xHh6Zh

* Budget:

  • Giveaway: 10 people * 5 USD =50 USD
  • Beverages and snacks: 25 USD
  • POP Material: 10 USD (wallet papers, flyers)
  • Organizers incentive: 10 USD
  • Total = 95 USD

I appreciate the support you have given to the community of Venezuela in the previous events, people are very excited about DASH in our country.


ROGER RODRIGUEZ (CriptoRog) - DASH La Guaira, Venezuela
My first Meet Up #DashLaGuaira was a success. I hope the next ones goes even better.


My Wallet -- > XtCSGzyfv5Cwm9mJpXwxh6mzfBxHk8u8Gc
Dash Global funded the Anarchapulco Dash booth with 1.2 Dash! It was not a meetup but it was a great marketing opportunity for Dash!
This type of proposal helps us to grow the Dash community and interrelate more.
By being together we become stronger.