Dash Force Contest Thread: Help Dash to Win Dash

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stop trolling. look at slack channel and it history. and what i've done.

You are trolling. You won the prize, and no report at all has been presented! This is ridiculous.

You point to some obscure "slack channel and history" without even bother to give the url. This is double ridiculous. Your attitude reveals how sloppy was the procedure, in order to judge the prize winner.
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Can't you just do something productive for project and community? Just stop wasting your and everybody else time. This will be more than enough from your side :)
And here are some definitions for you :)


It is very productive to define procedures that are not sloppy.
It is also very productive to reveal the persons who like the sloppy procedures.

You were not supposed to answer my question, the people who defined the winner were.

Please, forget that you won the prize, and just think objectively.
DashForce Swarm Contest 2.0
DashForce is starting a new swarm contest this month to show our appreciation to members who go above and beyond in the dashforce_tips slack channel. This will help grow the swarm faster and be more of a real completion than the original swarm contest. Only the top 3 most active participants will win the monthly prize of $100 each. Next month we will add 2 more winners (Top 5) who will each win $50.

Smaller tips will still be paid out to continue to build the swarm but only the top 3 will win the $100 monthly prize. The top 3 performers will be chosen by myself, Tao and Splawik21.

Dash Nation slack invite

dashforce_tips slack channel
DashForce Bitfinex contest:

The Dash Biz Dev team has tasked DashForce with getting some traffic over to Bitfinex. They have just fired up Dash trading pairs again and need some liquidity on the buy side.
Here is how it will work, if you buy over $1000 in Dash you will get a 1 Dash tip, $500 and you get a 0.5 Dash tip. If you place an order that is higher than $250 you get a 0.25 tip.
So, after you place your order take a screenshot of that. Then, once someone fills your order take a screenshot of that. Upload your screenshots in the #dash_force slack channel and we will send you your reward. Simple as that!
Our budget for this contest is ~$500, so get over there quick and don't Slack :)
Help us Make Bitfinex Great Again! ;)


Dash Nation slack invite

#dash_force slack channel

*This is not the major exchange that was announced last month, that is still in the works.
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The contest is now over!!!
Thanks to everyone who participated, it was a lot of fun and maybe we can do it again, stay tuned.

A Total of 23 Dash was paid out

When the Biz Dev team (itscrazybro) first asked me to come up with a Bitfinex contest I informed them that even though it may sound easy to give away free money for participation in task it is surprisingly difficult. It is difficult to motivate people to put other important things on hold and take the time necessary to learn new platforms and procedures. It personally took me forever to join slack just because I did not want to take the time to set up yet another social media account and try to figure out how everything worked, but I'm so glad I finally did.

I told the Biz Dev team when we launched the original campaign that in order to fully motivate people we may need to double the prize budget to properly incentivize them. So that is exactly what we are going to do....

DashForce Bitfinex Contest: Reloaded & Doubled

The Dash Biz Dev team has tasked DashForce with getting some traffic over to Bitfinex. They have just fired up Dash trading pairs again and need some liquidity on the buy side.
Here is how it will work, if you place a $1000 Dash order you will receive a 2 Dash tip, $500 and you get a 1 Dash tip, higher than $250 you get a 0.5 Dash tip.

So, after you place your Bid take a screenshot of that. Then, once someone fills your order take a screenshot of that. Upload your screenshots in the #dashforce_exchange slack channel and we will send you your reward. Simple as that!

Our budget for this contest is ~$1000, so get over there quick and don't Slack :)
Help us... Make Bitfinex Great Again! ;)

Screenshot Example:

Limit Order/Bid Placed

Order Executed


Dash Nation slack invite

#dashforce_exchange slack channel

*Limit $1000 per account
*This is not the major exchange that was announced last month, that is still in the works.
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Hello! I registered a few days ago and I'm very happy of be part of this community.

I already participated in the contest and received my reward! Thank you very much
The Winners of the February DashForce Swarm Contest are…..

1) @nibiruhybrid
2) @thecoinwars
3) @goobadoo @saikababii @solowhizkid

So as you can see we could not all come to an agreement on 3rd place and it was a 3 way tie. In light of this I have decided to add an extra $50 bonus so all the 3rd place winners will receive $50 each. Congratulations to all the winners!
Next month we will be adding 2 more winners and prizes will be awarded to the top 5 most active participants. The top 3 will win $100 each and the final 2 will win $50 each.

Dash Nation slack invite

dash_force slack channel
@mastermined thank you for all your hard work. You are a great inspiration to many in the Dash community and lead by example. Dash Force is a fantastic initiative that plays an important role. We are making a huge difference and I hope we will continue to grow in support and delivery.
DashForce Wall Of Coins Contest:

The Dash Biz Dev team has tasked DashForce with getting some traffic over to Wall Of Coins. They recently added Dash trading pairs and need some liquidity on the sell side.
Here is how it will work, if you sell $1000 of Dash or more you will receive a 1 Dash tip, $500 gets you .5, $250 .25 and anything higher than $100 gets you a .1 Dash tip.

The rules: Place a sell order and then wait for it to get fulfilled, then take a screenshot of that. Upload your screenshot in the #dashforce_woc slack channel and we will send you your reward. Simple as that!
Our budget for this contest is 10 Dash!


Wall of Coins

Dash Nation slack invite

#dashforce_woc slack channel

*Limit 1 Dash Reward per account
*Entries only valid starting after 3-22-17
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Hey Everyone,

If users already have an account or are creating an account, Just make sure that your name on account and account number are blurred out!

Make sure that your DASH address is public so this contest is transparent :)
The Winners of the March-April Dash Force MVP Contest are….


Congratulations to all the winners! Thanks for helping Dash.
Last month the MVP (Most Valuable Players) contest was exclusively for people who participated in Dash Force Swarm related task. This month the MVP contest will be Extended to the whole Dash community and the top 5 most Active and Valuable members of the community will each win $100!!!

DashForce_Tips Contest Thread: Help Dash to Win Dash

To celebrate the launch of the website we are running a special Dash Force News video competition.

The competition is to create and upload a 3-5 minute video on YouTube explaining why you believe DASH is the best cryptocurrency.

The Dash Force News team will be reviewing the video entries, selecting the winners and will announce them on website and via social media.

We are looking for informative quality comments and creativity. Please do not attack other crypto-currencies, that is not the purpose of the contest. Dash Force News wants to know why you like DASH and your reasoning.

If you decide not to participate in contest please can you kindly show your support to those that do. If we get good response and feedback we may potentially run future community competitions like this on a regular basis.

There are 3 prizes to be won.

1st Prize – 1 DASH
2nd Prize – 0.75 DASH
3rd Prize – 0.5 DASH

IMPORTANT – Here are the competition rules...
I'm making the same suggestion to DashForce as I made to Stellabelle; create a dash address to crowdfund for contests and giveaways
I'm making the same suggestion to DashForce as I made to Stellabelle; create a dash address to crowdfund for contests and giveaways

i think we/Dash Force are good funding wise but if you want set up something like that i can help escrow the funds or you can just do it yourself. you will need to present a solid plan as to what contests and giveways you are wanting to do. that way people will know what they are donating for and if they even want to donate. we have done that in the past with amanda's Dash school and the babyg presentation remake video she did. so it can easily be done if you have a solid plan.
what contest and giveaways are you wanting to do that is not being done? DF has some new YT bounty contests we are planning for next month and i have seen core/tungfa doing similar stuff. i have a suggested YT bounty list i will be posting soon but will also asking for other suggestions and feedback from the community.
i think we/Dash Force are good funding wise but if you want set up something like that i can help escrow the funds or you can just do it yourself. you will need to present a solid plan as to what contests and giveways you are wanting to do. that way people will know what they are donating for and if they even want to donate. we have done that in the past with amanda's Dash school and the babyg presentation remake video she did. so it can easily be done if you have a solid plan.
what contest and giveaways are you wanting to do that is not being done? DF has some new YT bounty contests we are planning for next month and i have seen core/tungfa doing similar stuff. i have a suggested YT bounty list i will be posting soon but will also asking for other suggestions and feedback from the community.

I appreciate some people may want more accountability and I guess that's what we expect from formal proposals. But for me, all I want is a single page I can go to and see a bunch of causes (with associated dash QR codes) that I can blindly donate to. Forget the formalities. It might just be little amounts and random but given there are a thousand plus MNOs, it might add up to something. We see something, get inspired, we feel impulsive and in that moment want to show some appreciation and donate.
I appreciate some people may want more accountability and I guess that's what we expect from formal proposals. But for me, all I want is a single page I can go to and see a bunch of causes (with associated dash QR codes) that I can blindly donate to. Forget the formalities. It might just be little amounts and random but given there are a thousand plus MNOs, it might add up to something. We see something, get inspired, we feel impulsive and in that moment want to show some appreciation and donate.

I really like the QR code idea. If you want to make a page like that i think it would be great and if I see something I like I will help fund it. I may just hold off on doing the YT bounty idea and instead post it in the comments of your new page.

I can't speak to stelabella's contest plans but ours are all posted here and open for discussion if you see something you don't like or think we need to tweak anything.
I have wrote 95% of the contest thus far with the few exceptions of the new YT video contest that was proposed by Mark. Also AjM came up with the idea for the 8000 member Dash forum giveaway last month. And lastly it was suggested that I help out with the Pantas Sifir Math App Contest as DASH awareness program

One contest that will change next month is the MVP contest. It was originally to help motivate the people who help us quickly post pro Dash articles around all the social media networks and participate in the swarms. But now I have brought on a few new people who are doing most of that so we don't have to just hope others will do it for tips. Because of that I have now expanded that contest or giveaway to the whole community this month. However, I have realized 5 people is too many so next month we have decided to reduce it to only 3.
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