Dash for Cash? It’s Coming (Pre-proposal)


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Hey everyone! We have some big ideas that we think the Dash community will love, and we'd like to share them here as a pre-proposal to get your feedback and make this project the best it can be.

About Us

Bitaccess is an Ottawa, Canada-based cryptocurrency and blockchain services company. As one of the first companies to manufacture Bitcoin Teller Machines (BTMs), we take pride in providing easy access to Bitcoin for customers in 15 countries. We’re also proud to currently power the largest BTM network in the United States.

In addition to this, we’ve recently launched a new product, Faa.st, an api designed to allow fast, safe, and private cryptocurrency exchange. Using our software, users can exchange 100+ cryptocurrencies directly from their own wallets without needing to create an account. We plan to add support for all major blockchains to make Faa.st the most comprehensive crypto trading tool in the industry.

So, why are we telling you all this?

We consider Dash to be an important project that closely aligns with one of our core values: respect for privacy. It is our hope that we can quickly integrate Dash onto the Faast instant exchange platform, and in doing so, drive Dash adoption around the world through our Faa.st & BTM strategy described below.

Phase 1: Faa.st Integration

The first step in our strategy is adding support for Dash to our Faa.st product. This will allow users to swap Dash directly from their own Ledger, Trezor, or supported software wallet. No user accounts are required for Faa.st, which again makes Dash an excellent asset for this platform.

Phase 2: BTMs

Our vision is not simply to list Dash on Faa.st, (although that in itself would be fantastic). The next step in Faa.st’s evolution will be integration with BTMs around the world which run on our software.


While we’ve experienced great success supporting Bitcoin alone, our objective with incorporating Faa.st into our BTM software is to allow users a simple, easy and frictionless tool for buying and selling all supported cryptocurrencies with cash. We feel that Dash would be an excellent addition to our BTM product.

Team & Qualifications— Why should you trust us?

Founded in November 2013, Bitaccess is a privately held technology company headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. In working with Bitaccess, Dash will join reputable clients including the National Research Council of Canada, Hitachi Ventara, Deloitte LLC, as well as fintech companies in over 15 countries. Our customers rely on Bitaccess software and services to power their core infrastructure, compliance, security and support services. Bitaccess’ investors include Y-Combinator, Pantera Capital, Blockchain Capital, and Real Ventures. We look forward to a long and fruitful collaborative relationship with the Dash community.

About the Team:

Team Lead: Moe Adham - https://www.linkedin.com/in/moeadham/

Security: Shayan Eskandari - https://www.linkedin.com/in/shayane/

Development Lead: Dylan Seago - https://www.linkedin.com/in/dylanseago/

Marketing: Joe Guida - https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseph-guida-08446523/

More about Bitaccess - http://angel.co/bitaccess


The Dash team and community has done significant work to build consumer demand and knowledge around crypto assets and the importance of privacy. BTM access will be a powerful way to continue this work and the solidify Dash’s status as a top-tier privacy coin.

This is our plan to add support for Dash to our instant exchange product, and make it more widely accessible to users around the world. We look forward to the receiving and responding to the Dash community’s feedback and questions about our pre-proposal.
Hello, and thank you for your Pre-Proposal. It seems like the integration of your Faa.st API and exchange protocol with the BTMs will be a very potent way for users to access and trade cryptocurrencies for fiat currencies. The way that Faa.st bridges disparate sources like hardware wallets with BTMs is also really useful. One of the questions you're bound to encounter is why you're approaching Dash in particular and why Dash would be incentivized to fund a project that benefits competitors? Are other crypto projects going to benefit from the funding we supply? Aside from being included on the platform, what other incentives or benefits are there for our support of this project?

In addition, you seem to already have an impressive area of coverage. You'll want to provide some market analysis and data about use and profitability so we have an idea about whether or not funding our integration will be worthwhile or not.
Hello @Arthyron! Thanks for your comments and questions.

Our proposal does not benefit competitors or other projects at all; any Dash we are awarded would be used exclusively for the technical integration costs to enable Dash into Faast and our BTMs.

There is significant technical effort to bring a new blockchain to our entire line of products and services, we prioritize our efforts based on cost-recovery on the engineering hours allocated to each specific integration.

As for incentives— the incentive for supporting this proposal is that it will dramatically support both the availability and adoption of Dash via our products. Our plan will offer the most frictionless way possible for users to get their hands on Dash without going through the laborious process of creating accounts on multiple exchanges. As our name implies, we are all about increasing ACCESS to cryptocurrency. Our goal is to do for Dash what we've already done for Bitcoin. :)
It's interesting that you already support 118 different cryptos on your products, including very marginal coins. Yet you would require dash to fund integration of dash, which is a fork of bitcoin, hence an easy integration. I'm not sure it's in the best interest of the dash network to fund this project when there are other projects that are more focused and dedicated to the expansion of dash use. Especially given the tight budget. We must be careful to allocate funds that show the most promise for dash, and only dash.
Hello Everyone. Despite all the hard times Cryptocurrencies are going through, it's time to keep our heads up and keep putting more efforts to ensure we are accomplish our goals and objectives has a team and above all Dash community.
Dash Cameroon has something of interest for Dash Network and we would love to get a review from the Dash community. check out the upload file


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