I am also very happy that we will be making an appearance at this event, I might actually drop in and see it live.
But as an investor, I am concerned that we are not being given enough information to make rational choices regarding new or existing investments in Dash. Apparently, Evolution will be a full overhaul of the code base, so I understand we can't expect to see a Beta on testnet for several months, and that's fine; but I'm troubled that the only things I know about this key project, are cookie crumbs and conjectures. I think we at least should get the White Paper by the time Evan has a prototype, or at the conference, whichever comes first.
At the end of the day, we need to back up our claims, and the best way to do that are the White Papers. If you think about it, by the time the conference comes around, we will have been discussing V13 for about 5-6 months and even at that point Evan has stated we will not have the White Papers (which are key to understanding the new technology). If this were any other project, I would not stay because I can't invest in what I don't understand. Evan being Evan, I am willing to take on the additional risk, but this spoon feeding of crumbs and conjecture regarding the next release seems like the wrong way to go. Unless there is a long term tactical reason, then I'm all ears.
Also, I think we should develop public information management policies. There are clearly people who have more info about the general project than the rest of us, and again that's fine because it's practical; but we should have polices regarding what criteria must be met to keep details of projects secret or public. I am not saying the core team should not keep certain things under wraps, I am saying we should know under what conditions things can be kept under wraps, for what purposes, and for how long.
Makes sense no?