Dash Embassy D-A-CH - Updates & Activities

Over the last 7 days we had 4 successful meetups in Bavaria. Most attendees had already installed a wallet but we were able to set 30 wallets up and spoke to numerous people who now want to use Dash as a currency in their everyday life.
At one meetup we had a discussion with a Bitcoin maximalist and we were able to change his mind on the possibility of on-chain scaling.
There will be additional meetups next month and we have invited the attendees to bring their friends with them.

University of Munich:

University of Regensburg:

University of Würzburg:
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This must have been a great event to attend. I need such an event in Kenya. I am the Dash Kenya coordinator and I am organizing a number of Dash Meetups and Programs to increase adoption of Dash in the region.
In May of this year we had a booth and a speaking slot at a conference called “Innovation for banks 2018”. Jan Heinrich Meyer gave a talk about cryptocurrencies and their governance structure, where he focused on the Dash DAO and its implications for the scalability of a monetary cryptocurrency.
At the event he met Patrick Steiner from the Innovation Lab of the DZ BANK, the second largest banking group in Germany (Volksbank, Raiffeisenbank, Sparda, PSD and many more). He invited us to speak at the DZ BANK innovation roundtable about cryptocurrencies and their advantages.
The first thing we mentioned was the success of Dash in Venezuela and why this could also happen quickly in places like Turkey. We also explained why exchanges in the developed world are making more money than traditional banks and why Dash is on the cutting edge of this technology. They were really interested when we talked about the current success of cryptocurrency ATM companies.
The attendees were also amazed by our presentation and we are now invited to join the GENOhackathon which will take place in the German Microsoft office in Cologne in November.
The two topics we want to pitch at the Hackathon are Multi-Signature Wallets for bank customers and the integration of Dash into their ATM-network. To make the perfect case for Dash, we are joined by two developers from the Core team: Alexander Block (codablock) and Alex Werner (obusco).
We are really excited about the possible outcome of this Hackathon and we will keep you up to date. We hope that our ideas will resonate with the decision makers at this event.


We are glad to report that we had a very fruitful conversation with Fernando about working together on topics related to public relations. If our proposal gets funded, Dash Core would provide us with about €3k for three months from unused marketing funds..
We are very satisfied with the work of our PR firm Hoschke & Consorten that has helped us to reach out to numerous important German news outlets. In a video update that we published last month, they showed that Dash had a higher reach in German media than Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin combined.
The funds that would be provided by Dash Core would be used to continue this media outreach and to form a cooperation between Hoschke & Consorten and their PR firm, so that we could publish official Dash Core press release translations in the German-speaking media and Dash Embassy D-A-CH related press release translations in the English-speaking media.
Fernando will confirm this agreement on DashCentral.
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Meet Gökçe Phillips, a blockchain entrepreneur from Turkey who has invited us to speak at the Blockchain TR Summit in Ankara, Turkey, about Dash, its features, the DAO and the Dash Embassy concept. There are even talks about establishing a Dash Embassy in Turkey.
This country is in desperate need for a functioning currency because there is no bullish case to be made for the future of the Lira which already lost nearly half of its relative value in one year and it is very important to get a foot in the door as soon as possible.
Because of the devaluation, cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more popular in Turkey and it is estimated that nearly 20% of the population already own Bitcoin: https://think.ing.com/uploads/reports/ING_International_Survey_Mobile_Banking_2018.pdf
Turkey is also very important for Dash adoption in the D-A-CH region. There are currently more than 3 Million people of Turkish origins in Germany and Austria. Because of family ties and remittance between the two regions it is clear that adoption in one of the regions can help to foster adoption in the other region.
What kind of merchant is interested in cryptocurrency payments? There is no easy way to answer this question because every BTC-accepting merchant has an unique story behind his integration.

The Dash Embassy D-A-CH wants to talk to these 300 merchants for 3 reasons:

1. To understand why merchants are accepting Bitcoin.

2. To learn from their experience with cryptocurrencies as a payment method.

3. To tell them about the unique features that Dash offers to them.

And how do we want to reach out to them?

Have you ever received a cryptocurrency related e-mail from an entity that you have not yet established a relationship with? Have you clicked on it or have you deleted it because it is likely spam or something worse, maybe even a virus?

But what is with a letter? Would you open a letter when you receive one? You probably would, because letters are a much more serious form of communication and there can't be no virus in the mail.

We therefore hope that we will receive a much more positive feedback from reaching out via mail than it would be possible from online-marketing.

The packages will include informational material about Dash, some small merchandise and a “Dash accepted here” sticker. We will also provide support to every merchant that wants to know more about cryptocurrency, blockchain and dash and we will help them with the technical part of integrating Dash if they need help with it.

What are your thoughts on the path of action that we have chosen?


Rafael Schultz went to the Gamescom and talked to payment providers used in the game industry and to gaming companies interested in blockchain-/token-based gaming.



In this video Benjamin Burde gives a deeper inside into his Satoshi School Club concept through that he wants to reach students and teachers in Germany and inform them about blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies and Dash.
The website of the Satoshi School Club will be online in early September and we will keep you updated!
Jan Heinrich Meyer and Klaus Hipfinger from the Dash Embassy D-A-CH have been on the Three Amigos Podcast last week. You can watch the full video here:

At the East-West Crypto Conference (EWCC), the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center, DLT Capitals and Black Arrow Conferences are organizing a joint event. The goal of the event is to bring together the Asian and the European crypto scenes, including crypto start-ups, investors and regulators, in order to build long-term partnerships.

Jan Heinrich Meyer will be there to speak about Dash and its innovative concept and to make new contacts.

For more information visit: https://ewcc.io

The Bits & Pretzels opens its doors for the fifth time from the 30th of September to the 2nd of October for founders and those who are interested in founding a company. The goal will be to provide visitors with numerous lectures to inspire them and give them the opportunity to further expand their network.

The Dash Embassy D-A-CH has managed to secure a table in the Schottenhamel tent with the topic “Digital Cash in eCommerce”. From 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. we have the opportunity to talk about cryptocurrencies in general and Dash in particular and to explain the advantages of Dash for online commerce. Jan Heinrich Meyer and Rafael Schultz answer your questions on the spot.

In order to get a seat at our table, you just have to download the Bits & Pretzels app and look for the topic “Digital Cash in eCommerce”. Choose the appropriate table to secure you a seat with us.

We are looking forward to welcome old and new faces, and to productive discussions and critical questions and pretzels and beer.

O’zapft is!
