Dash Embassy D-A-CH - Updates & Activities

Today we are excited to show you our office in Lübeck. The office is located in the Technikzentrum Lübeck. You can see the workplace of Jan Heinrich Meyer and our storage room for promotional material.

The fact that we have an office has led to national media coverage because Dash is the first cryptocurrency to have a physical location that can be visited by any merchant who wants to learn more about integrating it into his business. (#itsapleasure)

A video of our promotional material will follow soon.
You can see a detailed list of all material acquired in our Q2 summary video:
design materials.png

We are proud to show you our marketing material in more detail. We have created flyers, brochures, pencils, gum, notebooks, t-shirts, hoodies, bags and many more.
The University of Mittweida, Germany, has put out a press release about its role as pioneer for blockchain technology in Europe. The press release was re-published by many German news outlets and they are inviting everyone to our Dash Roadshow event, that will take place there on Monday: www.btc-echo.de/mittweida-will-zur-blockchain-schaufensterregion-werden/ (I'm sorry but it is only available in German)

This is in line with our previous achievements because nearly every major German financial and technological news outlet has covered our work (ARD, Focus, Handelsblatt, Wirtschaftswoche, Finanzen.net, etc...)

The first Dash Roadshow event took place today at the University of Mittweida, Germany. You can see our speakers here (Alex Roos (BTC-Echo), Jan Heinrich Meyer (Dash Embassy D-A-CH) and Klaus Himmer (CryptoTax)). More pictures will be shared tomorrow:


In this video we are showing you some impressions from our integration outreach projects. We went to 12 conferences and talked with over 300 businesses and are currently working on 24 major integrations (#itsapleasure).
A more complete update on our integration efforts is available in our Dash Watch report where they verified the late stage adaption integrations already:
The Dash Embassy D-A-CH is proud to announce that one of Austria’s leading hardware retailers and IT solution providers will integrate Dash as a payment option. Techbold.at is famous for it’s high-end BOLD. systems and has received national media coverage for integrating Bitcoin and selling mining rigs.

All sorts of PCs, Virtual Reality equipment, mining rigs, graphic cards, hard drives, monitors and other hardware devices are available through the web shop and in the physical store. The company also offers IT support, office management, security solutions and many more IT services to businesses all around the country.

The integration is planned for August of this year and we want to share a picture from todays meeting. You can see Klaus Hipfinger from the Dash Embassy together with Werner Dauschek (CMO, middle) and Gerald Reitmayr (COO, right), holding the letter of intent (LOI), that was signed today.



Shop: https://www.techbold.at/shop/

BOLD.Gaming PC: https://www.techbold.at/bold-gaming-pcs

BOLD.Mining Rig: https://www.techbold.at/bold-mining-rigs

PC Configurator: https://www.techbold.at/pc-konfigurator/

Previous national coverage of Techbold:

derStandard (the picture shows the CEO Damian Izdebski with the chancellor of Austria, Sebastian Kurz): https://derstandard.at/2000059427041/Ditech-Gruender-setzt-mit-Techbold-auf-Virtual-Reality

t3n: https://t3n.de/news/kryptowaehrungen-mining-pcs-858845/

Golem: https://www.golem.de/news/techbold-mining-komplett-pcs-mit-bis-zu-256-mh-s-1709-130131.html

oe24.at: http://www.oe24.at/digital/hardware/Techbold-bringt-Mining-Computer-fuer-Bitcoin-Co/300215918

derStandard.at: https://derstandard.at/2000064272559/Kryptowaehrungen-Techbold-nimmt-Mining-Rigs-ins-Programm
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Today we met representatives of the German Startupverband at the Haus der Bundespressekonferenz. We are planning to join the Startupverband and to host workshops for its over 600 entrepreneurial members. We are also still planning an event at the Haus der Bundespressekonferenz to increase our reach (#itsapleasure).
You can see a detailed list of events that we have already attended at: https://www.reddit.com/r/dashpay/comments/9073zh/we_attended_12_events_and_conferences_since_may/

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We are glad to announce our first integration from the realm of charity. Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) is dedicated to the conservation of the endangered Bornean orangutan and its habitat through the involvement of local people.
Dash will be integrated in their new website once it is finished.

BOS website: https://www.orangutan.de/
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Today we want to introduce Benjamin Burde, an education expert who wants to bring blockchain technology to the schools. His project is called Satoshi School Club and he is partnering with the Dash Embassy to organize blockchain workshops at secondary schools. He is very well networked in the educational world and has many years of experience with key decision makers. The Whitepaper of the Satoshi School Club is currently only available in German: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2U5iG-FM9m0ZTRYY3NkRDA3YTVpb3o4YjJFY05pdjJURTBN/view
The goal of the Satoshi School Club is to not only educate the students but to also educate the teachers, so that they can teach their students about the future.

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We had our first Roadshow event at the beginning of this week. The event took place at the University of Mittweida and we had both students and professors attending. The university is unique because it has established itself as a pioneer in the German-speaking blockchain world. Our speakers were Jan Heinrich Meyer from the Dash Embassy, Alex Roos from BTC-Echo and Klaus Himmer from CryptoTax. The event was also featured in the local newspaper.

We are currently planning more events and have already confirmed the dates for events in Vienna, Hamburg, Stuttgart and Schleswig. For more information visit: https://www.dash-embassy.org/events/?lang=en