Dash Embassy D-A-CH - Updates & Activities


Active member
Welcome fellow Dash Community!

We will provide you our latest updates and activities here:

Current Proposal Link Q3/2018: https://www.dashcentral.org/p/DASH_EMBASSY_D-A-CH_Q3_18

You can also just look into our detailed Presentation as PDF file to get all the important infos:


Q1/2018 Proposal Link: https://www.dashcentral.org/p/DASH_Embassy_D-A-CH_Q1_18
Q2/2018 Proposal Link: https://www.dashcentral.org/p/DASH_EMBASSY_D-A-CH_Q2_18

Our Website:


Team and Ambassadors geographic map:


Please fell also free to look into all our public available corporate data:

Dash Embassy D-A-CH UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Corporate Structure: https://www.mindmeister.com/1023125548

Public Budget Accounting: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...ZF5jbnPsxf2-IlkdT2a1uz09Y/edit#gid=1772385164

All our previous monthly Reporting Forum Threads:


Please add your feedback and wishes ^^ ty

Your Dash Embassy D-A-CH Team
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The Investment Club Regensburg (ICR) invited the Dash Embassy D-A-Ch to talk about Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies using the example of Dash and to discuss alternative payment systems and their potential with an interested audience.

The Investment Club Regensburg e.V. is the first organization at the University of Regensburg, which talks about stock market and capital market events. The student association is offering regular talks, discussions and workshops in cooperation with renowned business partners.


Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain and Bitcoin – for some it’s the hottest topic for the future, for others it’s a book with seven seals. Anyone who wants to ask questions, wants to know how cryptocurrencies work or wants to learn more about the legal and tax framework will now have the opportunity to meet real experts: The Dash Roadshow will visit the betahaus in Hamburg for an event.

Anyone who is interested can attend the event, no prior knowledge required. No entrance fee, no registration.

Every year the K5 brings representatives from eCommerce and trade together. It was therefore the perfect stage to introduce the audience to Dash as an alternative payment method. Jan Heinrich Meyer and Rafael Schultz, the founder and co-founder of the Dash Embassy D-A-CH, made new contacts and represented Dash on the big stage: Rafael Schultz was able to show the benefits of Dash to an interested audience in a 20 minute talk.





Happy to share our latest integration contract from this week. Thank you Alex and Evgeny from Saifu for visiting us in Berlin and integrating Dash into your amazing wallet.
Saifu@Dash Embassy DACH.jpg
Our latest blog posts:

First Vienna Infotalk on “Cryptocuurrencies” at the Café Hummel
10. July 2018

Christina Hummel, chairman of the Association of Viennese Coffee House Owners, welcomed her colleagues from the industry on June 18 in the Café Hummel to discuss the opportunities offered by cryptocurrencies and to celebrate the installation of a crypto ATM. The vending machine of the company Kurant is Dash branded, and the audience listened with curiosity to the lecture given by the Dash Embassy D-A-CH on the opportunities of using Dash.


Distribute Conference, 28.-29. June 2018
10. July 2018


The Distribute Conference was held for the first time at the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg in late June. Participants from the financial and trading sectors attended two days of interesting presentations on disruptive technologies, the potential of the blockchain and Dash as an innovative financial system. Jan Heinrich Meyer, founder of the Dash Embassy D-A-CH, gave the Introductory talk and joined the panel discussion on monetary policy and debt-based financial structures. The attendees were very excited about the conference.
Blockchance Conference
August 24 @ 9:00 - August 25 @ 18:00


The BLOCKCHANCE Conference 2018 follows the motto “The Future of the Economy”. It aims at providing a platform for discussions about knowledge, experience and achievements. The conference will also provide insights into the universe of blockchains and cryptocurrencies. The doors are open on the 24th and 25th of August to corporate partners, innovators, developers, end users, investors and media outlets. Expert talks, podium discussions, breakout sessions and networking breaks are some of the many opportunities for exciting discussions.

The Dash Embassy D-A-CH and its founder Jan Heinrich Meyer will attend the event as Dash representatives and as a speaker. He will talk about Dash, the USP of cryptocurrencies based on blockchain technology and its use cases.

Tickets and all information are available at: https://blockchance.eu/


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Euro Finance Week 2018
November 12 @ 0:00 - November 15 @ 0:00


The 21st Euro Finance Week will open its doors in Frankfurt this November. Over four days, the high-profile conference will be dedicated to the latest trends and topics from the financial and banking world. The opening event of the first day will be followed by a series of thematic days on regulatory issues, digitization and asset management, each of which will offer a multi-faceted programme of talks, roundtables and break-out sessions.

Jan Heinrich Meyer, as Dash representative and founder of the Dash Embassy D-A-CH, is looking forward, after the successful participation of last year, to welcome many listeners who will attend his lecture on Dash as an alternative to cash and the legal conditions for its use as a currency.

Please click on the link below for more information. The programme of the conference will be made available on https://www.dfv-eurofinance.com/konferenzen/euro-finance-week-2018

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The next integration is confirmed: Here the photo of our Letter of Intent for the Integration with BOS. https://www.orangutan.de/

Left side Sidem, blockchainpunk and then on the right side BOS officials ^^



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Dash is officially coming to Munich!

We, the Dash Embassy D-A-CH, are here to inform you about cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, DASH and Blockchain!

The media covers it every day and we are there to have a meeting point to discuss and talk about all your issues with it and open questions.

We are also here to tell you about the monetary background of our system and also to answer questions about taxation.

See you soon!

The local group for Munich on Meetup.com: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/DASH-Meetup-Munich/
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Photo proof, that we made an enormous sum of business contacts :)


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Our brand new high quality Youtube Tutorial videos: How to install the Dash Wallet on your smartphone?

iOS Version:

Android Version: