Dash Embassy D-A-CH - Updates & Activities

On the 16th and 17th of January we attended the validation workshop for the project we have pitched at GENOhackathon. We will receive a final decision from DZ Bank until the end of February. For all who are interested in the outcome of the last workshop, please have a look at the public trello card for this project: https://trello.com/c/Po9Ejh0b/3-dz-bank
You guys are doing a good job and I'm not sure you're getting the credit you deserve.

Just a suggestion; to entice people to follow links, perhaps you should also include graphics.

Good luck.
You guys are doing a good job and I'm not sure you're getting the credit you deserve.

Just a suggestion; to entice people to follow links, perhaps you should also include graphics.

Good luck.

Thank you for your support GrandMasterDash. We will think about your suggestion.
Change is offering exchange services (EUR, BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, USDT) for their 20,000 users from Estonia, Romania and UK. We convinced them to integrate Dash in their service. The integration is scheduled to take place in early February. For details please have a look at:

Dear Masternodes,

I have never raised my voice in this way during the past 1.5 years I have been working for the Dash DAO, but due to the current circumstances it might be necessary. You, as the decision-makers of our governance, have decided to give funds to a long term project I started in the beginning of 2018, the Dash Embassy D-A-CH. It took the team and me round about 1 year to built up a reputation in the media and economy in the DACH region, which is necessary for our overall mission: Adoption of Dash as a means of payment in the center of Europe.

Our efforts from the past 12 month are beginning to pay off now more than ever before:

Bitcoin(.)de - BTC marketplace with over 750,000 customers in Europe

Bitwala - BTC banking with over 40,000 customers in Germany

Change - Wallet with FIAT gateway with over 20,000 customers in UK, EST, ROU

Salamantex - POS terminal for AT and Asia with over 500 pre-orders

Värdex - ATM company with over 25 machines in Switzerland

PosBill - Cashier system with over 10,000 merchants

For details please have a look at our current reporting: https://sites.google.com/dash-embassy.org/reports/january-2019

In our opinion the last one (PosBill) is a door opener to other cashier systems such as Orderbird, SumUp, Pepperkorn, Vectron and many more. This is why we added them to our internal integration pipeline and will start to get in contact soon, provided that we will get funded again. After not being funded (insufficient funds) for several times, abstaining from salaries several times and being at personal financial risks in the past and right now I won’t be able to keep up the work without getting funded anymore. This is the reason why we added “crucial funding or broke” to the title of our proposal.

If we do not get funded, our team will have to dissolve and we have to stop all projects.


Thank you for your time and thank you for the support in the past.

After not being funded (insufficient funds) for several times, abstaining from salaries several times and being at personal financial risks in the past and right now I won’t be able to keep up the work without getting funded anymore. This is the reason why we added “crucial funding or broke” to the title of our proposal.

Disappointing, to say the least. Looking at your achievements, it's hard to understand how you got 224 No votes.

I wonder if there's a way to get you on the DCG payroll e.g. create the role D-A-CH Region Business Development?