Dash Electrum progress and reports

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Dash Electrum released

Available at https://github.com/akhavr/electrum-dash/releases/tag/ or via your usual update method. Android users: please install directly from github.

This release is dedicated to the war unleashed by Russian Federation onto peaceful Ukrainian citizens. Sorry, PPA's will be available later, while we shelter our relatives and fight off Russian tanks.

# Release

* trezor plugin: allow skip session clear on wallet close #292
* storage: more write attempts, write attempts GUI #293, #296
* simple_config.py: fix FEERATE_STATIC_VALUES not to be less 1000 #295
* Kivy: make the PS shield button simply start mixing #310
* PrivateSend: optionally allow ps coinchooser to spend high fees #311
* Kivy: allow switch to digits only password dialog #313
* Kivy: add "Quick Scan", "Quick Receive" to main screen #314
* Kivy: fix PrivateSend mixing progress refresh #315
* PrivateSend: add PS button icon for stopping/starting states #316
* Enable auto crash reports (copy to clipboard mode) #319
* Add PayServer HTML/JS to electrum_dash/www #321
* Qt: add warning on possible lags on HW devices #322
* PrivateSend: fix freeze coins/addresses functionality #324
* Kivy: unite Dash network static peers setttings #325
* Kivy: use popups for Tx sending/error messages #326
* Network: allow blacklist electrum servers #327
Feb 2022 financial report is attached. Despite heavy Russian bombing, our team is still working and delivering.

You can support fight of our army and help Ukrainian people at https://my.kuna.io/en/kunaid-ukraine
Dash is also accepted. Every duff matters.


  • Dash Electrum 2022 - Feb 2022 Finances.pdf
    50.6 KB · Views: 396
No thanks. Shouldn't be funding war, even if it is "the right side". Crypto = defund the psychopaths that justify wars and nukes. That's both sides.
No thanks. Shouldn't be funding war, even if it is "the right side". Crypto = defund the psychopaths that justify wars and nukes. That's both sides.

Correct. We shouldn't be funding war, even if it is "the right side".
But we should fund tax evasion techniques, in case "the bad side" wins.

"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white vote, and on the vote a new name written, which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it."
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Blocked. Let you not experience how your children cry under shelling, useful idiot.
Stop being emotional, and answer to rational questions. If we financially support the Ukrainian army, will the bombing and shelling stop, remain the same or intensify?

" But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.". The solution is not to directly fight against whatever evil governor, the evil governments have a lot of police and army against us. But they created their army with our taxes. So turn to the evil governor the other cheek , and let their biased "justice" to take your coat as well. But on the other hand, tottaly deny their evil currency and never transact with it. "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

Deny their evil currency, and prepare yourself for the hidden manna and for democracy. "To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white vote, and on the vote a new name written, which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it.". The solution is to evade the taxes that the evil governors impose, and produce hidden manna. If we succesfully evade their taxes and manage to survive, they will be unable to pay their huge army and their evil police, they will bankrupt, and we will be democratically free.

By the way, why the Ukrainian president vetoed the cryptocurrency adoption that was upvoted by the Ukrainian parliament back in Sep 2021 ? Is it wise to obey to a president that denies cryptocurrency adoption? Is it wise we fund the army he commands?

I hope, firstly the Russian people, and then the Ukrainian people, and then the American people, and all the rest of the world, to wake up and lets just go against our nation.
Stop being the useful idiots of whatever president/governor, stop beeing nationalists, and start serving the real democracy, by voting the numbers.

" Ὧδε ἡ σοφία ἐστίν· ὁ ἔχων νοῦν ψηφισάτω τὸν ἀριθμὸν τοῦ θηρίου· ἀριθμὸς γὰρ ἀνθρώπου ἐστί·"
"Here is the wisdom, and whoever has a mind in him, let him
vote the number of the beast, for it is the number of a hu-man."

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Blocked. Let you not experience how your children cry under shelling, useful idiot.

I never said you should not defend yourself, quite the opposite. You are entitled to protect your family and home. I would fiercely defend your right to do so and I wish you good luck.

But I am not going to sit here and promote the funding of weapons and tools that are used to physically harm others. That conversation is between you and God.

Some people walk the earth and they are clever with their words. They smile and shake your hand. They talk of "compromise" yet they are of a selfish and scheming mind. Their thirst for power over others literally makes them psychopaths with their fingers on nuclear buttons. Perhaps you do not understand yet, but I am on the same side as you because we both share that same enemy. And I hope you and your children survive, for what does not break us only makes us stronger.
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight on the seas, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our country, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.

You shall fight against who, and in favor of who? Against Putin and in favor of Zelensky?

You dont fight for yourself, @akhavr . You are fighting for the interests of the oligarchs. Stop fighting for them, and start fighting for your white vote/soul.

I shall go on to the end, I shall fight on the seas, I shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, I shall defend my white vote/soul, whatever the cost may be. I shall fight on the beaches, I shall fight on the landing grounds, I shall fight in the fields and in the streets, I shall fight in the hills; I will never surrender or reveal my white vote/soul.
I will vote the numbers! Everywhere!

"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white vote, and on the vote a new name written, which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it."

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Yes you will fight on 'til the end.. your own end. I get that you're in an impossible situation but do tell us about the people that made it impossible for men under the age of 61 to leave the country... forced to stay and fight. Such an act is barbaric and brought on by your own government, not anyone else.

Do tell us who how innocent Ukraine is and how it desires WMD for "peaceful purposes".

Do tell us how Zelensky whines and demands no-fly zones... the trojan horse that he is, asking for an escalation of war. For who do you want to defend those no-fly zones? The trojan horse because your leaders want to drag the whole of Europe into your war. Please do tell us why Ukraine should be afforded rights that Yemen wasn't.

But you will get your way, because rich politicians can afford the luxury, to have principles while the majority of people suffer runaway energy costs and inflation. Ah yes, the people you fight for - the staunch nationalism you display - you pick up arms to defend their principles.

Now who's the stupid fuck?
I hope, firstly the Russian people, and then the Ukrainian people, and then the American people, and all the rest of the world, to wake up and lets just go against our nation.
Stop being the useful idiots of whatever president/governor, stop beeing nationalists, and start serving the real democracy, by voting the numbers.

vitalik said: 说一个国家的人必须支持自己国家的政府并不是爱国,而是一种奴隶制。真正的爱国有时候需要对抗自己国家发出的邪恶,因为这样才能帮自己国家变得更美
I am glad that vitalik woke up! I hope you will wake up too! Lets just go against our nation! Stop beeing the slave that your president (or your state) wants you to be! Vote the numbers!

And for God's (or karma's) sake, stay and fight if you want, but do not sacrifise your children in the name of your president.


Allow the children to escape from the battlefield
(which will be located, due to Zelensky's defense planning, into the CITIES).
The brave people do not hide behind the children in support of their attitude or worldview, οnly the cowards and the irresponsibles do this.


Do not use your children as human shields, in order to protect yourself, your worldview, your state or your president!

....and by extending it , do not even sacrifice the youth ! And this goes to both opponent sides.


"Lors de l'invasion britannique par le lac Champlain, de la Nouvelle-France en 1760, les troupes américano-britanniques utilisèrent un bouclier humain pour prendre le Fort de Chambly, sur la rivière Richelieu. Ainsi nous pouvons lire à la page 95 de l'auteur Réal Fortin, Le Fort de Chambly : « Le jeudi 4 septembre au matin... un détachement est parti vers Chambly ; ils étaient environ un millier d'hommes commandés par le colonel Derby... Sans perdre de temps, un détachement se rend dans chaque maison pour y chercher les femmes et leurs enfants. On les conduit devant le fort pour former une muraille humaine devant les assiégeants. Aussitôt, les défenseurs cessent leurs tirs et regardent avec effarement le déroulement des événements. Dès que tout est mis en place, le brave Derby... donne l'ordre à ses hommes de faire feu au-dessus des têtes des otages. Lusignan... envoie un émissaire... (Derby répond) que s'ils ne se rendent pas immédiatement, il les soumettra tous (la garnison) par les armes »1.
Quelques mois plus tard, toutes les troupes françaises de la Nouvelle-France quittent définitivement l'Amérique."
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"Lors de l'invasion britannique par le lac Champlain, de la Nouvelle-France en 1760, les troupes américano-britanniques utilisèrent un bouclier humain pour prendre le Fort de Chambly, sur la rivière Richelieu. Ainsi nous pouvons lire à la page 95 de l'auteur Réal Fortin, Le Fort de Chambly : « Le jeudi 4 septembre au matin... un détachement est parti vers Chambly ; ils étaient environ un millier d'hommes commandés par le colonel Derby... Sans perdre de temps, un détachement se rend dans chaque maison pour y chercher les femmes et leurs enfants. On les conduit devant le fort pour former une muraille humaine devant les assiégeants. Aussitôt, les défenseurs cessent leurs tirs et regardent avec effarement le déroulement des événements. Dès que tout est mis en place, le brave Derby... donne l'ordre à ses hommes de faire feu au-dessus des têtes des otages. Lusignan... envoie un émissaire... (Derby répond) que s'ils ne se rendent pas immédiatement, il les soumettra tous (la garnison) par les armes »1. Quelques mois plus tard, toutes les troupes françaises de la Nouvelle-France quittent définitivement l'Amérique."

And let me also say this. What did the French do when the maginot line broke and Hitler invaded France? Did they organize guerrilla warfare into Paris? Of course NOT (although Paris is ideal for city guerilla warfare) because the French are civilized people and they respect both their city, and the lives of their citizens.

This is my advice to the Ukrainians.
  1. Stop being barbarians similar to Russians, Germans or Poles in WW2. Stop having a similar slaughter culture.
  2. Do not resist inside your beautifull cities and do not use your citizens, youth or children as human shields.
  3. As long as you have lost in the tactical warfare, avoid guerrilla warfare into the cities, in order to preserve their infrastructures and the lives of the unarmed citizens.
  4. Find other smarter means in order to resist to the Hitler(s) of our age.
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Oh, So It’s Just Bulls*it - YouTube

As bombing and shelling ripped through Ukraine's towns and cities, Zelensky still makes scheduled interest payments to its private lenders on time!
Is this is the president you support @akhavr ???
Slava Ukraini private lenders!

Stop with Ukraine posts, Electrum has been defunded, we don't know that they will try returning to the DAO, this is off topic now.
Going to lock this thread for now.
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