Dash Doesn't Need to Reinvent the Wheel with Advertising - Online Search Beats it All

Word of mouth is the best marketing.

AdWords campaigns replacing marketing that people talk about is a stupid move.
@GrandMasterDash .. I think there's room for all of these initiatives. We do have a big budget afterall. Perhaps the 95% of 75% (or whatever was said earlier), was a bit ambitious/clumsy as it sounds like we want to completely 'dis' all other offline activities.

Clearly, we need a good healthy mix of online and offline marketing.

Hope this helps.
@GrandMasterDash .. I think there's room for all of these initiatives. We do have a big budget afterall. Perhaps the 95% of 75% (or whatever was said earlier), was a bit ambitious/clumsy as it sounds like we want to completely 'dis' all other offline activities.

Clearly, we need a good healthy mix of online and offline marketing.

Hope this helps.

Every MNO makes compromises, it's unavoidable. And even though I have strong feelings against google, I accept some involvement is okay. However, imo, this was pitched too aggressively and I'm nervous that such efforts might be ramped up in the future. From everything I've seen and heard (years), dash gets some the best word of mouth when it comes to marketing. And for sure it could do A LOT better, but not at the expense of losing the people that have really helped us to get where we are.

Why can't we adapt this so that it ties into our existing marketing pushes. Tie it to Circus City, Dash Aerosports and so on. Let them co-exist and compliment each other. A linked approach instead of just throwing money at people. Let people feel like they are getting more than money, that they are also becoming a part of something bigger.
history shows us a very simple reality

Only the most successful businesses survive -rest perish.

if we are not doing our absolute best in everything we are doing, others will take us over, simple.
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history shows us a very simple reality

Only the most successful businesses survive -rest perish.

if we are not doing our absolute best in everything we are doing, others will take us over, simple.

You're right, Google Pay will be better than dash and dash will perish.
Well @Super8 if I agree with @Dashmaximalist ("Only the most successful businesses survive [Google] -rest perish.") and you disagree with me then that means you also disagree with Dashmaximalist. After all, Dashmaximalist is saying that only google can provide the marketing power we need.. 95% I think he said.
Well @Super8 if I agree with @Dashmaximalist ("Only the most successful businesses survive [Google] -rest perish.") and you disagree with me then that means you also disagree with Dashmaximalist. After all, Dashmaximalist is saying that only google can provide the marketing power we need.. 95% I think he said.
No, they're not mutually exclusive. Or at least, the essence of my earlier communication above is that I think we need a blend of the two.
The number he said was 75%, but no one has actually proposed that and I highly doubt that MNOs would do that, especially not right from the beginning. It would probably be something closer to 5% for an initial project. The other proposals like dash aerosports appear to be quite popular and there is no way the MNOs would bump it in favor of Google ads, IMO
@GrandMasterDash I think you're have totally misunderstood me...... or tagged the wrong person?

And all those pages you published extorting the wonders of dash sponsorship.. how's that going to work, explaining that now dash is committing to rejecting 95% of those kind of initiativesp

I have no idea what your talking about? or how that relates to my comments in this thread?...... Go for the ball, not the player. If you want people to take you seriously there is a right way to go about it.

I did not mention at any point or indicate any support for "rejecting 95%" I think you tagged the wrong person. In fact I did not suggest we should reject any proposal. I really don't appreciate this allegation.

Would you care to explain to Scott from Dash Aerosports or Circus City that future deals may well be off the table?

Erm.... I'm not stopping anyone from doing anything? or have I suggested otherwise? Confused.com o_O

So I don't have to explain anything.

My comment was simple, in my opinion if you're going to do a Google ad campaign I think it would be wise to make sure there is more methodology and gameplan than just sending traffic direct to Dash.org as I personally feel we need a better solution to meet the objective first before we pay for any ad traffic.

I also encourage we work together as a community. Project before the individual.

If you don't like Google Ads, that's fine. I have no issue with that. We're an open (tolerant) community and should respect everyones opinion.

However what I don't like or have time for is drama or infighting. This is the Dash community NOT Bitcoin ;)

I'm not the owner of this thread, do not drag my name through the mud trying to cause a divide.

If this proposal passes I will publish articles explaining to everyone how this is working. Then you guys might be dealing with damage control.

It's really not nice to make threats. I would also hope most people already know what Google ads are without you having to explain it. You're a long time member of the community. If you need to back your opinions with threats, or tagging people with false accusations that's really not the right way to win people over.

All I'm saying is IF there is going to be any form of Google ad campaign I personally believe it would be a smart idea to have content created specifically designed for newcomers to Dash first before running ads. If you disagree with that, that's fine.

But please don't make false accusations on things I did not say or imply. That's not cool. I'm only replying because you tagged me and singled me out.

Targeted Ads = No Privacy, because the data had to come from somewhere.

You clearly have a strong opinion. I would like to kindly remind you that no one here is denying that fact or wishes to argue with you.

We need to be united, respectful and be open to ideas even when we disagree. Clearly not everyone agrees with every proposal put forward. That's why we have a voting system in place.

To be honest I personally think the focus should be on getting the content right and ready first and the ads second.

I'm a little concerned about your tone and approach here. You made your point about Google Ads & Privacy, it has been noted. Thanks for your input.

We've both had our say here, now it's time for others in the community to have theirs.

I agree with @Super8
Clearly, we need a good healthy mix of online and offline marketing.
I'd like to see a comment from the Core team regarding this. There has been discussion about hiring an ad agency that might address this need, but it's been very quiet for several weeks. Are they waiting for London conference? Do they disagree with marketing before Evolution? Too busy on core projects and need for us to charge ahead on our own? @Minotaur , @babygiraffe , any opinion or update?
@Mark Mason What are you saying about allegations? If you had read @dashdisciple original post you would of seen...

"I am suggesting that Dash aim to spend 95% of its marketing budget (which is currently roughly 75% of its total budget) on digital search ads. Seem extreme to suggest a $1.5M/mo spend on Adwords search? It's not. It's just the fastest, cleanest, and most effective way to get the best marketing - which seems to be what most proposals are about."

...in other words, he has wet dreams of canceling out 95% of the kind of sponsorship DFN has proudly supported to date.
@Mark Mason What are you saying about allegations? If you had read @dashdisciple original post you would of seen...

"I am suggesting that Dash aim to spend 95% of its marketing budget (which is currently roughly 75% of its total budget) on digital search ads. Seem extreme to suggest a $1.5M/mo spend on Adwords search? It's not. It's just the fastest, cleanest, and most effective way to get the best marketing - which seems to be what most proposals are about."

...in other words, he has wet dreams of canceling out 95% of the kind of sponsorship DFN has proudly supported to date.
dashdisciple has since acknowledged that this can be significantly less. Jeez!
@Mark Mason What are you saying about allegations? If you had read @dashdisciple original post you would of seen...

"I am suggesting that Dash aim to spend 95% of its marketing budget (which is currently roughly 75% of its total budget) on digital search ads. Seem extreme to suggest a $1.5M/mo spend on Adwords search? It's not. It's just the fastest, cleanest, and most effective way to get the best marketing - which seems to be what most proposals are about."

...in other words, he has wet dreams of canceling out 95% of the kind of sponsorship DFN has proudly supported to date.
Search can be sent to lots of pages and promotions, including the great ones that DFN runs. Digital search expense is the firepower that can drive the type of creative and fun promotions you seem to enjoy most. After these search campaigns ran for a few months, the budget would be so big, that there'd be plenty leftover for the big-hitters like Max Keiser or the little guys with new ideas. Additionally, I used the word "aim" and mentioned that the campaign could start out with $100k. As @Mark Mason pointed out, better content and landing pages is necessary for this to truly get to the next level.

There is an opportunity for us capitalists and whatever you are to both be happy.
@Mark Mason What are you saying about allegations? If you had read @dashdisciple original post you would of seen...

"I am suggesting that Dash aim to spend 95% of its marketing budget (which is currently roughly 75% of its total budget) on digital search ads. Seem extreme to suggest a $1.5M/mo spend on Adwords search? It's not. It's just the fastest, cleanest, and most effective way to get the best marketing - which seems to be what most proposals are about."

...in other words, he has wet dreams of canceling out 95% of the kind of sponsorship DFN has proudly supported to date.

I don't want to waste any more of my time on this :(. It's crystal clear what I was talking about. You tagged me and wanted a response for things I did not write or say. So you got a reply. Your comment wasn't directed at anyone else was it.

@Mark Mason And all those pages you published extorting the wonders of dash sponsorship.. how's that going to work, explaining that now dash is committing to rejecting 95% of those kind of initiatives, and instead has chosen to abuse users privacy via google adwords and SMS verification? Would you care to explain to Scott from Dash Aerosports or Circus City that future deals may well be off the table?

If this proposal passes I will publish articles explaining to everyone how this is working. Then you guys might be dealing with damage control.

Look, I hear you loud and clear. You don't like Google ads because of privacy concerns.

I came in to the conversation later on. As others have said it was a starting point to discussion and has progressed since then. I'm personally only interested in getting the concept right first before talking any numbers. That was my whole talking point.

However, I can't help but feel from your comments that even if it was 1-5% of budget funds for Google Ads, you'd still be extremely unhappy as it's the privacy aspect of Google ads that is the real issue for you. I totally respect your opinion, but this is why we're having an open conversation about it. Different strokes for different folks right.

Now, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum,
What might be right for you, may not be right for some.

What concerned me was the use of a straw man argument by trying to instill a level of fear and make others feel threaten as perhaps you feel your argument of privacy is just not a good enough reason alone for most to dismiss Google Ad campaign idea.

For example IF I said I was going to do Dash Force News Google Ads - you would be still as equally unhappy right?

It's the Google Ads privacy aspect that you don't like, not the amount being spent or who is doing the ads or even the content being promoted.

Your main issue is privacy so let's keep it simple and stick to the Privacy issue, and please try not to conflate the issue any further. There may be others in community that agree with you. Let's try and keep the peace here. We're all on the same side and want to see Dash succeed.

Let's not allow a difference of opinion to grow in to a level of resentment or dislike. Everyones input here is equally important. Whatever happens I trust the masternode network to decide what's best for community. So let's leave it there and see what others have to say. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail.
I don't want to waste any more of my time on this :(. It's crystal clear what I was talking about. You tagged me and wanted a response for things I did not write or say. So you got a reply. Your comment wasn't directed at anyone else was it.

Look, I hear you loud and clear. You don't like Google ads because of privacy concerns.

I came in to the conversation later on. As others have said it was a starting point to discussion and has progressed since then. I'm personally only interested in getting the concept right first before talking any numbers. That was my whole talking point.

However, I can't help but feel from your comments that even if it was 1-5% of budget funds for Google Ads, you'd still be extremely unhappy as it's the privacy aspect of Google ads that is the real issue for you. I totally respect your opinion, but this is why we're having an open conversation about it. Different strokes for different folks right.

Now, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum,
What might be right for you, may not be right for some.

What concerned me was the use of a straw man argument by trying to instill a level of fear and make others feel threaten as perhaps you feel your argument of privacy is just not a good enough reason alone for most to dismiss Google Ad campaign idea.

For example IF I said I was going to do Dash Force News Google Ads - you would be still as equally unhappy right?

It's the Google Ads privacy aspect that you don't like, not the amount being spent or who is doing the ads or even the content being promoted.

Your main issue is privacy so let's keep it simple and stick to the Privacy issue, and please try not to conflate the issue any further. There may be others in community that agree with you. Let's try and keep the peace here. We're all on the same side and want to see Dash succeed.

Let's not allow a difference of opinion to grow in to a level of resentment or dislike. Everyones input here is equally important. Whatever happens I trust the masternode network to decide what's best for community. So let's leave it there and see what others have to say. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail.

I have already made clear in this thread that I accept some compromise because I fully believe every single MNO has done so. I am not 100% against the google ads thing but to shine a light on dashdisciple's motives, which he has made clear at the beginning of this thread and elsewhere. He made it absolutely clear that 95% of the marketing efforts should be redirected to google ads, and he also put down previous marketing projects as "morale boosters".

I tagged you because I know you have previously praised such people and projects such as Dash Aerosports and Circus City.. and so you should, to give them credit for the good work they did. It is those people that we owe gratitude for getting where we are, not to de-fund or re-direct similar upcoming projects simply because one person wants the funds to go to google. Sure, he adjusted his response to fit the conversation but his intentions were made clear right there in his original post. Much the same in his support for sms verification or facial recognition... clearly a person that doesn't give enough thought to dash's privacy aspects. I mean, how is that going to work when DFN has to write about record breaking ad campaigns that leverage the power of google, well known for their privacy abuses?

When I suggested a linked up approach to marketing, tying adwords to existing marketing efforts (Dash Aerosports etc), did he give way and acknowledge such thoughts? - no, he simply continued to mark me down as dumb or trolling.

I accept some adwords, but I don't want to compromise the good work of other projects, nor do I want to send the wrong message to our users regarding privacy.
I think that 95% of marketing budget or 75% of total budget are rather arbitrary numbers. If we start small and do not even use up the entire budget (we could spend a LOT more than 5% of the total budget right now without even affecting other projects at all) then this aspect of it would not be controversial. Budgeting for Google ads is very flexible which is one of the reasons it's a good idea. If one month there are some other things that look like they should take priority then the Google ad spending can be reduced or even stopped entirely, with minimal effort or sunk costs. I have confidence that the MNOs will be on top of those decisions when they come up.

Absolutely agree that we can leverage existing marketing efforts to use in conjunction with ad targeting and landing pages. But the content really does have to be good and professional quality regardless of whether or not that is the case, and regardless of how much money we throw at it, which is what @Mark Mason was getting at.