DASH: Detailed Investor Report #4


Active member
Howdy, all. Pete – the behind-the-scenes guy at DASH: Detailed here. In keeping with our drive to be transparent, here is the latest investor report.


We've been in production for four months, publishing 24 episodes. During the fourth month, we have seen a continued increase in the number ofYouTube subscribers, total views on YouTube, email subscribers, and Twitter followers.

Monthly allocation

123 Dash

Relavant links:

- YouTube channel http://YouTube.com/DashOrg
- Twitter profile http://Twitter.com/DASHdetailed
- Homepage http://DashDetailed.com

Past investor reports:

- [July 11] First https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/monthly-investor-report-dash-detailed.9701/
- [Aug. 09] Second https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/monthly-investor-report-dash-detailed.10123/
- [Sept. 09] Third* https://www.dashcentral.org/p/renew-dash-detailed

*note, this investor report picks up where the third investor report – which was posted in early/mid-Sept. as part of our most-recent budget proposal – left off

We've kept to our stated schedule of publishing a video each Wednesday:

- [Sept. 14] Bitcoin Double-Spend Tool Now Available to All: Interview w/ Glass Hunt's Hackers
- [Sept. 21] How Dash 'InstantSend' Protects Merchants from Double Spends
- [Sept. 28] "It's Q4 2016, So Where Is Bitcoin's Consumer Demand?" -- Dash on NASDAQ
- [Oct. 05] Living Room of Satoshi to Add Dash, Dropping ETH, LTC, & DOGE
- [Oct. 12] Everything You Want to Know About Coinfirm's Dash Integration for AML/KYC Compliance
- [Oct. 19] Dash Network Votes to Fund Creation of Its Own LocalBitcoins.com
- [Oct. 26] Zcash vs. Dash: How Do They Compare Across the Board?

Plus, we published two additional videos:
- [Oct. 04] Dash Gets the 'Theymos Problem,' but Few Tears Are Shed. Why?
- [Oct. 29] ShakePay Launches Dash Debit Card: Q&A w/ Founder Jean Amiouny


- Channel views now total 176,091.
- Subscribers to YouTube.com/DashOrg have increased during each investor report timeframe, from 1,943 to 2,587 to 3,000 to 4,011.
- Email subscribers total 310, up from the last investor reported 256, and before that 207, and before that 49.
- The @DASHdetailed Twitter account continues to expand its reach, now at 769 followers, up from the ~500 noted on the last investor report.

Other news:

- Having exhausted our original supply of DASH: Detailed business cards we just put in an order for 2,000 more business cards. The redesigned cards will be a great outreach tool when we are on the road in November on the “Decentralize All the Profits!” tour.
- We launched DashDetailed.com. In addition to hosting relatively standard, timeless content, like an About section, the site features the text transcript for each of our episodes and is the go-to place for information about our upcoming meetups.
- In each video description and via video annotations/cards, we continue to point DASH: Detailed viewers to resources at Dash.org and to community/social spaces including the Dash Forum, the Dash subreddit, and to the Dash Slack (we swapped out links on all existing videos to Dash Chat in favor of Dash Nation Slack and plan to point to the latter going forward)
- DASH School, the six-video series we published on Sept. 12, continues to perform well. The views per video range from a low of 3,800 to a high of 13,400.

New Dash-accepting merchants announced on show:

- Misconduct Wine Company: http://MisconductWineCo.com
- The Crypto Show: http://TheCryptoShow.com
- Health Acupuncture: http://HealthAcupuncture.co.uk
- Coin RX: http://CoinRX.is


Thank you for your votes of confidence and investment. Questions or suggestions? Please comment here or email [email protected].