Dash DDoS attack?


Active member
I read an article recently about skype and their transition from P2P to a centralised solution. One of the reasons mentioned is that they experienced DDoS attacks on important nodes on the network. Which, affected their service.

Given the IP addresses of the masternodes are known. Is it possible for an attacker to DDoS the Dash MNs and increase transaction times?

You may ask why would someone do that:

1. Hostile Government
2. Another crypto community
3. MN owners wanting to move up the payout queue

Is this even possible?
Yes it is possible, but many MN are in data center with ddos protection, IP rerouting etc when DASH is worth it being a target it will become one but when DASH is worth more surviving MN owners can pay from rewards for higher service classes. I see my node crashed from not.emougj memory and too slow disk IO couldnt keep up I had to pay for more powerful instance cause it kept crashing swap
The system of masternodes of the DASH computerized money went under DDoS assault on Wednesday. The assault was of adequate greatness to thump down near 500 masternodes (12% of all masternodes) for a couple of hours.

Dissimilar to other blockchain-based advanced monetary standards that don't boost arrange hub administrators, DASH's P2P organize rewards financial specialists/aficionados who work these particular masternodes, which are in charge of approving InstantSend and PrivateSend exchanges.

Graphs from Dash Masternode Information demonstrates the aggressors figured out how to compel 480 masternodes to go disconnected on Wednesday. While the majority of the influenced masternodes have continued ordinary operations, the general tally is as yet not back to pre-assault levels of 4000+: